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Ready for consistent $10k months with a message that resonates, drawing in clients who can't wait to work with you?

Gain unparalleled insights into YOU through Human Design, while creating content that connects deeply with your audience.

But right now, that feels so far away.

When you think about what it would feel like to finally put down the weight of trying every new trend and supposed breakthrough method without seeing real results, you’re envisioning a future where you and your work are not just seen, but sought after and valued.

Well, that’s because the truth is, social media strategies and surface-level tactics aren't enough to make your business thrive. 

Feel yourself thinking, “there’s got to be a better way!”?

The good news is: you’re right. There’s a way, and this is it.

All the methods you’ve tried before?

They didn't have the game-changing power of Human Design, expertly woven together with tried-and-true messaging strategies. This program offers an unparalleled approach to sales, giving you the tools and knowledge you need to create a truly irresistible offer.

If you’re at that point, feeling overwhelmed and under-fulfilled, I see you. There’s a way to transform your approach to business and start making that picture-perfect dream a reality.

My journey and the success of others who've embraced this approach are testaments to its effectiveness. 

Consider this: businesses that align their strategies with their core values and strengths see a significant increase in client engagement and revenue. 

It's time to step into a method that truly aligns with who you are and connects deeply with your ideal clients.

"It's true- if you do the work Nicole has laid out for you in a results-oriented approach you are destined to walk away empowered and unshakeable in your business and your life."

-Renee Miles

A strategic and energetic roadmap to transforming your message into a client magnet, leading to full launches and consistent high-income months.

business by
design mentorship

business by

 design mentorship


Have we met yet?

I'm Nicole. 

My transformation didn't happen overnight. It required a blend of clear messaging, strategic thinking, and aligning my business and my life with my Human Design. That’s why I created the Business By Design Mentorship. My mission is to partner with you to elevate your business by integrating strategy with your unique energy. This program isn't about generic tactics; it's about YOU. I’m here to help you step into your potential, crafting a message that resonates and converts. This isn't just about finding clients; it's about attracting the right people who lean in and ask, 'How can I work with you?'

I'm not just a coach; I practice what I preach and I’ve been where you are. I wanted to take the “well how does this all fit together” frustration out of your experience. That’s why I take this all the way through to building your Authority Platform. Through building my Authority Platform with the Unshakeable with Human Design podcast, which is in the top 1.5% globally, I've experienced firsthand the power of a resonating message. This podcast hasn't just been a platform; it's been a magnet for perfect-fit clients and powerful collaborations. It's where I've nurtured relationships, shared insights, and connected deeply with my audience. This journey has been integral to developing a method that I’m excited to share with you - a method that empowers you to attract and nurture your ideal clients in a way that feels fun and easy, just as I have.

"I didn't just want success to end up with burnout again, but I want to create a business built on a stable base. I see clearly now what were the missing pieces, and where I need to focus now. This might sound small, but it is huge, because building on stable ground makes all the difference at the end.

- I. p.
transformational coach

With you I felt safe right from the beginning, you could hold space for me without pushing, or judging, so we could figure out what I really needed. This is my biggest a-ha. How deeply I needed this energy. It is not that I am not in supportive environments, but I never felt so understood, accepted, supported and loved in my vulnerable states, than with you."

Client Love

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Click each step below to learn more about the process you'll go through inside the Business By Design Mentorship:

Embody Your Human Design Type, Authority, & Profile

Productivity By HD
Creating Flow


Vision Casting

Your journey to becoming a recognized authority starts with conquering inner barriers like procrastination and self-doubt. By becoming an authority to yourself first, you'll gain the unshakeable confidence needed to lead and inspire others with your expertise.

Expert Positioning
Authority Matrix



Content By
Design Strategy

With newfound confidence, you're ready to establish your genius brand. By honing your unique skills and experience into a focused, compelling brand, you'll stand out from the competition and attract your ideal clients. Embrace your expertise and become the go-to specialist in your niche without feeling limited.





Armed with a focused brand, it's time to craft strategic messaging that clearly communicates your value. By clarifying what you do, how you do it, and what you offer, you'll transform your visibility into profitability. Master the art of strategic messaging and ensure that every effort you make directly contributes to your bottom line.





With your messaging dialed in, it's time to create a sales system that works for you. By designing a funnel that aligns with your unique strengths and goals, you'll break free from burnout and enjoy recurring revenue. Discover the levers of your business and learn when to pull them, ensuring a profitable podcast and sustainable growth.

Prep Podcast:
Name, Description

Podcast Tech Setup & Equipment

Recording &
Launch Podcast

Producing &

As the final piece of the puzzle, you'll develop your authority platform. By focusing your energy on a select few channels that align with your strengths, you'll create deeper connections with your audience. Learn to repurpose your content effectively, eliminating the need to constantly create from scratch and allowing you to make a greater impact with less effort.

Sounds like just what you need?
 Here’s what you get when you sign up…

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Private Human Design Foundation Reading

Unlike other programs that require hours of self-study, we offer a private, one-hour deep dive into your unique Human Design. This personalized reading is a fast track to understanding your innate strengths and how to apply them to your business. This is not just about gathering information; it’s about starting a journey to live and work in alignment with your true self.

Discover and Embrace Your Design in Record Time

Tired of being instructed by coaches to buy Human Design books or search the internet for a description of your Mercury gate and figure out what it means for you on your own? We get it! That’s why Nicole sits down with you for a private session, laying out the entire story of your design. She helps you understand each business activation in your chart, allowing you to ask questions for a deep, immediate understanding. This is about crafting a business strategy that’s not just effective, but deeply aligned with who you are at your core.

Private Human Design Business Reading

Align Your Business with Your Design

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Messaging By Design & Private Messaging Call

Here we show you how to do strategic messaging research and craft your offer. This also includes a private messaging call to take you beyond basic research, guiding you on how to effectively translate your unique Human Design insights and messaging research into a compelling offer. 

develop your strategic messaging

In this mentorship, you're never alone on your journey. The weekly group coaching calls offer a unique opportunity to receive direct support from Nicole. Whether you have Human Design inquiries, feel stuck in your strategy, or need messaging advice, these sessions are your lifeline. This consistent, interactive support ensures you never feel lost or confused. It's not just about having access to expert guidance; it's about being part of a community where every question is a stepping stone towards your goals. Just show up, and you'll find the clarity and assistance needed to keep progressing confidently.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Personalized Support Every Step of the Way

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Human Design Foundations Digital Course

This comprehensive digital course is your go-to resource for deepening your understanding of Human Design. Designed to support your growth even outside of coaching calls, it offers an immersive learning experience. You'll gain not only knowledge but also practical ways to embody Human Design principles in your daily business activities.

video module & coursework to become unshakeable

Building on the 1:1 Business Reading, this digital portal offers an in-depth exploration into the 5 pillars of our process. It's tailored to deepen your understanding and embodiment of these pillars--becoming unshakeable, developing your genius brand, strategic messaging, funnel by design, and your authority platform, showing how they influence and enhance your business approach. Digital content is always being created and added to support your journey in the mentorship. 

Business by Design Digital Portal

develop your genius brand

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Create Your Authority Platform

This module within the Business By Design portal offers comprehensive guidance on creating and launching an authority platform that does more than just elevate your brand; it strategically attracts your ideal clients and is intentionally structured for monetization. You'll learn the nuances of leveraging your podcast as a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal, ensuring it not only showcases your expertise but also serves as a consistent client conversion channel. This step-by-step journey transforms your podcast from a mere platform into an influential, revenue-generating asset.

Elevate, Attract, Monetize

"You challenge me in ways I haven't in a long time. I feel like I'm really taking ownership of my brand and what I'm here to do. You are the perfect combination of "tough love" and "warm hug" that I didn't know I needed. 

- Kaitlin
The BEAM Life

Unlike other coaches who have just provided me with cookie cutter systems and solutions you make it personal and also get in the trenches and do the work with us. You aren't too good for it. I feel so much more peace and trust in the process. I'm no where close to where I want to be but I have so much confidence that I am being supported to get there and arrive as my most whole and confident self. 

“I didn't think it would be worth it. It was. I didn't think it would work for me. It did. I didn't think I'd be *that* success story. I am. ”

- jordan s.

Lorem ipsum dolor amet pickled roof party artisan cray organic. Succulents cloud bread food truck glossier cardigan celiac vegan dreamcatcher selfies neutra forage. Street art biodiesel echo park man braid banjo YOLO. Pork belly everyday carry keytar biodiesel, letterpress ennui shoreditch vegan. Banjo VHS wolf.


If you thought that was it, you’re in for a surprise. Because when you sign up today you’ll also get these exclusive bonuses…


This membership offers you a unique opportunity to focus on deconditioning and embodiment, you'll have the option to explore monthly Human Design themes and weekly gate transits. The VIP membership also includes monthly Zoom Q&A sessions, offering direct access to insights and guidance. 


Access to The Human Design Lab VIP Membership


This comprehensive library is more than just a collection of tools; it's your pathway to preparing for and embracing new levels of success. Featuring a wide range of EFT (Tapping) recordings, NLP processes, energy clearings, and visioning techniques, it's designed to help you navigate and clear any energy blocks. This deep inner work is essential for not only achieving external success but also for sustaining it. Step into your fullest potential by transforming your inner world, making you truly unshakeable as you ascend to new heights in your business and personal life.

Unshakeable YOU - Energy Clearing & EFT Deconditioning Library

Bonus 1

Bonus 2


Say goodbye to the uncertainty and stagnation that often plagues entrepreneurs during downtime. This powerful program is your secret weapon to generating consistent revenue and maintaining momentum, even when you're not in the midst of a major promotion. We'll dive deep into the simple yet effective rules and actions that many entrepreneurs overlook, providing you with a step-by-step roadmap to drive sales and inject cash into your business on demand. "Money Moves" is your go-to cash injection process, empowering you to take control of your revenue and maintain a thriving business year-round.

Money Moves

Bonus 3

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it couldn't be easier...

"Before I was doing things that did not align with me. I was saying yes to projects I should have said no to.

Since working with Nicole, I've completely changed my work. I am able to work from home with 50% the physical effort I was putting in before and still generating the same income.

Being above to homeschool my daughter and having freedom of how I use my time is my biggest celebration.

It will change your life. I can’t imagine my life without having gone through the program

-Elizabeth Foster

this could be you....

It’s helped me to step up my game—not just in business, but also in my daily life. I have a new way to process everything in my life. Nicole’s teachings have given me more compassion, more patience, more love. 

In terms of business wins, I've tripled and upleveled my client base since working with Nicole. I did a launch the same time a year ago and today, I'm charging more than double what I did last year AND it wasn't as hard.”

Learning about my Human Design has been a life changer! 

-Sarah Schindler

“I feel like moving forward I'm attracting and I'm vibrating at the frequency of people and relationships that are gonna help me grow.

I wish I could have done this 10 years ago. The financial rewards for me have been huge. It's not just about the money, but the money does make me feel safe and that's gonna help me achieve my goals of what personally makes me feel happy and what I want.”

I've made more money since working with you than I probably have in 7+ years.

-Krystal Reinhard

Real entrepreneurs. real results.

Keep trying to crack the “saturated market”, but the truth is, without aligning your strategy with your unique Human Design, you'll likely continue to feel like you're just another voice in the crowd.

Spend more time and money on various masterminds and networking events, but without the right message and strategy, these efforts often don’t convert relationships into paying clients.

Delve into more Human Design self-study or generic programs, but these often leave you with more questions than answers, lacking the personalized guidance to apply this knowledge effectively in your business.

Explore more energetic "woo" work or try to rewire your limiting beliefs on your own, but without integrating this inner work with strategic business action, it's challenging to see tangible growth in your business.

Try to go it alone and figure out everything by trial and error, but this often leads to frustration, burnout, and the possibility of having to abandon your entrepreneurial dreams.

You could...

What truly sets this program apart is the combination of personalized Human Design readings, strategic business guidance, and weekly access to Nicole for tailored coaching.

This program doesn’t just offer insights; it provides a clear, actionable roadmap tailored to you.

It's designed to address all these common objections by offering a holistic, comprehensive approach that's both affordable and deeply effective, ensuring you're supported every step of the way in your journey to success.

Private Human Design Foundation Reading

Here's everything you get when you join

let's recap

Private Human Design Business Reading

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Human Design Foundations Digital Course

Business by Design Digital Portal

Plus bonuses:

Launch Your Podcast Course

Messaging By Design & Private Messaging Call

12 Months Access to The Human Design Lab VIP Membership

Unshakeable YOU - Energy Clearing & EFT Deconditioning Library

Money Moves

All for $7,500

monthly payments available

"I thought I didn't have the money to join the program and then I looked at the value and realized I couldn't afford NOT to join. I wouldn't be where I am without the program."


"There is so much that Nicole brings that you can't get in any other program. She meets people where they're at. It's changed my mindset and how I show up every day for my clients."


This      for you if:

you have an area of expertise

You aren't willing to Take responsibility for yourself. This is a “no victim zone.”

you are willing to do the work. We partner with you on this journey but this is not a done for you offer.

you don't already have a service, offer, or product already in place (1:1 services absolutely count!)

you are willing to be coachable and open to the process

It's probably        for you if...

you aren't willing to do things differently



This program is not for everyone.

One year from now, after joining the Business By Design Mentorship, your life and business have transformed. You've embraced your unique gifts, becoming an unwavering authority to yourself and your audience. 

imagine this...

Every interaction brims with potential, leading to opportunities you've always dreamed of. Warm leads are a given and they eagerly line up for your workshops and programs. 

You're not just running a business; you're dancing with life, experiencing joy and success in equal measure, all the way to the bank.

This can be your reality.

sign up NOW

Click below to start your journey with the Business By Design Mentorship and make your business unshakeable.

Make the decision that changes everything.