The Human Design Lab

The Human Design Lab

Experiment with your Human Design & Become the Most Authentic Version Of Yourself



Stop being "intrigued by" human design. Start seeing real life results.

I hear you. I really do.

You have a vision of what you want your life to look like, and you’re committed to taking the necessary steps to get there.

No. Matter. What. You’re going to make your dream life yours.

That’s one of the reasons you LOVE learning about your
Human Design…
  • Looking at your chart feels like seeing all the pieces of yourself reflected back at you.
  • You can see how your “flaws” are really your superpowers—and breathe a deep sigh of relief.
  • You finally have permission to stop pushing so hard to get where you want to go. 

“I don’t have time to experiment & play. I’m too busy working towards my goals.”

You’re here to live life as your best, most authentic self.

Your Human Design is the roadmap that will guide you there.






Because when you start really living by your design, you’ll notice:

Why make the effort?

Whether it’s wealth, happiness or opportunities you’re after, MORE will come your way and you’ll welcome it in with open arms.

fear or obsessing over your insecurities. Instead, you have a new sense of self-trust and your confidence is 🔥🔥🔥

And people can tell. So no matter where you’re speaking up, your audience takes notice.

into your life—whether in business or in relationships, your personality becomes simply magnetic

(So you can say, ‘Goodbye, Burnout! Hellooo, Ease!’)


All of which sound pretty great, right?

Putting in the same amount of effort gets you a much bigger ROI

Your ability to receive is instantly 10x’d

You’re no longer being drained by self-doubt,

Your voice rings true!

You’re consistently attracting the right partners

But here's the reality most people face:

Even if you started with the best of intentions, experienced immediate benefits from learning the basics of your Type, and then dug deeper into your Strategy and Authority…

It’s totally normal – expected, even – if you haven’t yet experienced the full impact of living by your Human Design.

3 Common Reasons You Might’ve Gotten Stuck:

Your Knowledge is Incomplete

So you know your Type and generally what that means—it’s explained a lot about who you are and how you work. But when it comes to making shifts in how you actually LIVE, you don’t actually know what to change or where else to look in your chart.

You’re Learning All Alone

You started taking action, but since you’re trying to figure this out on your own, you’re limited to the boundaries of your own experience. When something happens, you wonder, “Is this a thing? Or just me?” But you don’t have anywhere to go for answers.

You’re Drowning in Overwhelm

Let’s face it—Human Design has a lot of components to it. Trying to wrap your head around all of them at once is a recipe for overwhelm. Especially when you don’t have an expert guide to help you make sense of things, or translate all the details into what that means for you.

Every month, the Sun and the Earth transit through 5–6 different gates, allowing us to work with that gate’s theme in a very targeted way.

Trying to apply the teachings of Human Design on your own? These transits are just another rabbit hole to dive down.

And let’s face it, you already have enough of those.

Not to mention, your human design isn't a static thing that never shifts.


Every day we consume mountains of information.

Whether you get yours from Instagram or TikTok, email, television, podcasts, bestselling books or blog (after blog after blog)...

These days everyone has an opinion on how to start living your best life.

And while – unlike most Gurus out there – Human Design gives you a strategy based on your unique energetic blueprint…

When you approach Human Design from the perspective of "I just need to learn more & more & more,"

You end up stuck in the same cycle.

Trading your generalized overwhelm for information overload…
… that defeated feeling that “it’ll never happen for me”, and
…the comparisonitis that way too often foreshadows a dream about to die.

Well, I'm not about to let that happen.

I know it can feel hard to find & follow your path in life—even when you’re doing everything “right”.

From a young age, I felt a deep connection to my purpose, but I found it painfully difficult to stay on course.

Taking consistent action felt impossible.
Fear and self-doubt constantly got in my way.
And imposter syndrome was my constant companion.

No matter what passion I pursued, I never felt I was enough.
I could achieve, but only so much.
So I never felt truly fulfilled.

Sound familiar?

Here’s what I did to take charge of my fate:

I started looking at my external world as a mirror of my energetic blueprint.

I realized I didn’t need anyone else’s expertise or validation, that I already had a roadmap to my destiny inside of me.

I just had to learn how to read it…

When I first discovered Human Design, I went on a mission to learn everything I could about this holistic self-knowledge system.

but now I know how to help!

I got certified, consumed dozens of courses, and began to run my own experiments, testing everything I’d learned in my own life.

Since 2020, I’ve carried out 100+ 1:1 readings, recorded over 170 podcast episodes, and supported over 40 clients inside my high-level mastermind and 1:1..

"I'm charging more than double what I did last year AND it wasn't as hard."

Learning about my Human Design has been a life changer!

It’s helped me to step up my game—not just in business, but also in my daily life. I have a new way to process everything in my life. Nicole’s teachings have given me more compassion, more patience, more love.

In terms of business wins, I've tripled and upleveled my client base since working with Nicole. I did a launch the same time a year ago and today, I'm charging more than double what I did last year AND it wasn't as hard.

be bold!

-Sarah Schindler

"I’m putting in 50% of the effort and generating the same income from home."

Since working with Nicole, I’ve completely changed my work, I’m able to work from home with 50% of the physical effort I was putting in before and I’m still generating the same income.

Being able to homeschool my daughter and having freedom in terms of how I use my time is my biggest celebration. And now my relationships are healthier too.

-Elizabeth Foster

"I’ve generated more revenue so far this year than the prior two years combined."

The amount of trust I have in myself, my Strategy and my Authority has been the single biggest influence in my life this year. It's allowed me to make decisions in my business that have generated more revenue so far this year than the prior two years combined. 

I'm now purchasing my dream business—all because of the new found clarity and confidence I’ve gained through Human Design.

Nicole’s practical advice makes her a unique leader in the field of Human Design. She truly helped me understand what living by my Human Design actually means and what that looks like in action in our everyday lives.

-Kim Gerrity


"I have more trust in the woman I know I can be."

Thanks to Nicole, I have more trust in the woman I know I can be. I’m accepting who I am. And I’ve gotten better at trusting my gut and making big decisions based on stepping into my higher self.

I loved learning about the different centers (open and closed) and how they drive my intuition. I also loved how learning more about my chart validated a lot of my emotions and the traits that I know are intrinsic to my personality

Nicole’s approach to Human Design is thorough and insightful. She’s skilled at creating a safe space for you to connect with and step into your higher self.

-Jennifer Rae

It’s NOT “knowledge of” Human Design that helps my clients get results like these:

Collect feedback: What worked for me? What didn’t? What do I want to try next?

Feel into your Design (because it’s a study of your body’s energetics after all)

Translate theory into practice, like, “What does it actually mean to have a sacral conversation?”

Tune your energetic frequency to the highest possible expression of your Gates

and, most importantly,

Create the results you’re after and bring about your desired change.

Experimenting with your Human Design


The REAL key to aligning your day to day with the rich, fulfilling life you crave?

You already trust that living according to your Human Design will help you make a deep impact, while living a healthy, joy-filled life (and stop working so dang hard!).

Adding “experiments” to that process helps you:

3 Things You Need for Experiments that Transform Lives:

Foundational knowledge of the subject

In order to start playing with the impact of your Human Design, you need a deep-yet-practical introduction to this holistic self-knowledge system.

Because generating your chart is one thing, but understanding what all of those squiggly lines and colorful blocks are actually telling you about the purpose you’re meant to fulfill—well, that’s something different altogether.

A clear methodology to follow

You don’t have time to spend all day every day studying your Human Design and hoping to see results.

You want to know which aspects of your chart to focus on – and what shifts in your ways of thinking, acting, resting and responding – will help you create impactful results, in your personal life, your professional life, your health, wealth, relationships and beyond.

be bold!

"I’m putting in 50% of the effort and generating the same income from home."

Since working with Nicole, I’ve completely changed my work, I’m able to work from home with 50% of the physical effort I was putting in before and I’m still generating the same income.

Being able to homeschool my daughter and having freedom in terms of how I use my time is my biggest celebration. And now my relationships are healthier too.

Elizabeth Foster

A place to discuss & interpret your results

One of the best ways to actually integrate the results of an experiment? Sharing what you learned with enthusiastic peers.

Both in Modern Science and inside ourselves, true progress happens when investigators share their results.

Having a space to ask your own questions and share the lessons you’ve learned is key to advancing your understanding of yourself through Human Design.

Now just in case you’re reading this thinking, “But Nicole, I don’t have any of those!”, don’t worry, I’ll cut to the chase—

All of the above – and more – are waiting for you, now, inside:

The online community where you’ll accelerate your understanding of Human Design and take daily action to become the most authentic, unshakeable YOU.

The human design lab


To give you a space to learn the fundamentals, without overwhelm.

To experiment with daily action, following my proven process.

And to connect with others, within a community of your peers, where you can ask your questions and get them answered, and never feel alone.

In doing so, my aim was clear:


I created The Human Design Lab for individuals who want to work smarter, not harder, when it comes to living by their Human Design. 

…for the person who’s committed to creating a massive impact in the world, to reaching their fullest potential, and to living joyfully and authentically as the best version of themselves.

The Human Design Accelerator Course

If you know me, you know I’m all about helping you understand what each element of your Human Design chart actually means and what living by your design really looks like in your everyday life.

That’s why I’m sharing my full Human Design Accelerator Course.

Never before released outside of my Unshakeable Entrepreneur mastermind, this self-paced program will help you achieve a deep, foundational understanding of Human Design (incl. practical introductions to the 5 Types, the 8 styles of Authority,, the 12 Profiles, plus a recording of my Understanding Your Energetic Map Workshop.).

The action-oriented content of this course alone is enough for you to start living a more authentic life from Day 1.

The Human Design Lab is made up of 3 Core Pillars:

Your Human Design chart—explained.
With practical examples and why you should care.

You have access to content relating to all of the Types so that you can come to understand not only yourself, but also the people you love and interact with on a deeper level. Consume this course at your own pace – bingeing each bite-sized video right off the bat or taking it slow, one step at a time.

Monthly Experiments with Your Design

You’ll be given a specific area of focus, questions to ask yourself, patterns of behavior to watch out for (and tips on what to do instead).

If you have that area defined, you’ll start living out the biggest, boldest expression of what that theme means for you.

If that area of your chart is undefined, you’ll be given able to notice and experience what it looks and feels like to experience the theme in question.

Together, each month, we’ll dive deep into a specific area of your chart.

These experiments will bring your awareness to what feels good in a way you’ve never experienced before.

Get ready to become:
…more productive
…more confident
…more conscious of your unconscious patterns
(Step 1 to letting them go)

A Connection-Based Community

Now you’ll have the chance to get exactly that ^^ type of question answered.

Inside our Connection-Based Community, you’ll be able to connect with other individuals based on their Profile, Type and/or Authority, so that you can start or tune into conversations about how different themes and patterns are showing up for you.

Wondering what a sacral response feels like?
Or how to tune into your Splenic Authority?
Looking to connect with others who share your Triple Split Definition?

This is the place!

Ever found yourself wondering, “Is this what it means to be a Mani-Gen… or is this just me?” 🤔

The Human Design Lab is your space to ask questions, connect with others, and above all share your findings as you keep taking action and making shifts towards your most aligned life.

A Weekly Guide To The Gate Transits

Every 6 days or so, the Sun and the Earth transit through a different gate. As these gates are activated, it becomes possible to work with their individual themes in a very targeted way. 

By bringing your awareness to both the Shadow and the Gift frequencies of the Gates in question, you’ll gain a crystal clear understanding of how its theme is showing up in your life—and engage in targeted exercises to help you embody the highest frequency version of yourself.

Plus, to help you clearly understand what’s going on inside you at any given moment, when you join us inside The Human Design Lab, you also get:


Plus, when you sign up today you'll receive these exclusive bonuses:

Ever get the feeling that you never see someone with your Type or Authority living the life you want?

In these Quarterly Success Sessions, I’ll feature guest speakers who are living their best lives, living by their Human Designs. We’ll hear from Projectors, Reflectors, Generators and Mani Gens and listen in to both what they’ve ditched and where they’ve doubled down to enjoy the success they have today.


Success Sessions by Type

90% of the time, when I work with individuals 1:1, the core wound I see reappearing is the feeling of not being supported.

That’s why, in this 3-part pre-recorded workshop, I dig deep into all of the different ways and places that you might be feeling unsupported.

As a result, you’ll have the trust you need to make big moves.

You’ll get in the energy of what you want vs what you don’t.

And you’ll finally be able to move through your fear so that you can call in and hold on to what you want.

TRUST: A Pre-Recorded Workshop on Feeling Supported by the Universe

Bonus 1

Bonus 2

There’s a lot to explore when you’re new to Human Design.

That’s why I’ve put together this step-by-step Human Design Discovery Journey Map to help you know where to start, what to focus on when you’re new to this world, and how to approach this content so that you never feel overwhelmed.

The Step By Step Human Design Discovery Journey Map

Bonus 3

Monthly Deconditioning Deep Dives ($444 Value)
(VIP Only)

Monthly Q&A Calls with Nicole ($777 Value)
(VIP Only)

Quarterly Workshops and Guest Expert Sessions incl. Live Q&A ($297 Value)
(VIP Only)

Upgrade to VIP Membership and accelerate your deconditioning with:


Want To Dive Even Deeper Into Deconditioning?

If you’re ready to get serious about clearing past traumas and healing old wounds, upgrade your Human Design Lab Membership to VIP for additional support with Deconditioning Your Centers. 

VIP Membership includes a Monthly Deconditioning Prompt that compliments that month’s experiment.

For example, if we’re working on the Head Center, you’ll get access to additional EFT Tapping Scripts, Guided Breathwork recordings and/or Energy Clearings designed to help you decondition your Head Center so that you’re fully open to receiving all of your inner wisdom.

…where you can bring your questions and get personalized answers based on your experience with the Experiments and your Human Design.

Hosted live on Zoom, these 60-min. Q&A Calls give you the chance to get your questions answered by Nicole and benefit from the opportunity to connect live with other Members.

*Limited to 15 Members*

Based on exactly what’s coming up for the members of the group, I’ll host quarterly Workshops and Guest Expert Sessions on a curated selection topics, chosen to help you experience high-impact results.

With limited seats available (VIP is limited to 15 members at a time), these workshops will be intimate, action-oriented and exactly what you need to ditch your conditioning and level-up.

A few effective experiments can change things, 

Inside The Human Design Lab, the experiments we’ll run will help you:

Increase your income without working any harder (and 10x the satisfaction you feel in your career as a whole)


Better understand the most important people in your life, meaning the time you spend together is full of so much joy & fun

Feel healthier than you have for years thanks to shifts that felt easy and intuitive to implement

Replace your anxious thoughts with a deep feeling of peace and expansive creativity (so you can spend less time lying awake at night and more time on those hobbies you haven’t had time for in years!)

Spend more of your time in flow, blissfully humming along, aligned with your life’s purpose

Let go of old habits & patterns of thought so that you can live up to your fullest potential

Trust your intuition to guide you to the right next step, meaning you’re able to take decisive action towards what you want (no second guessing required!)

Stop allowing fear to keep you from your power. Because – let’s be honest – you know what you want. You’re just looking for the smartest route to help you make it happen.

Create undeniable shifts towards your most aligned life with daily connections & monthly experiments that will help you embody the Most Authentic You.

The human design lab


The Human Design Lab

The Human Design Accelerator Course ($997 Value)


VIP Membership

Join Now

best value!

Choose the Membership Option that Aligns with Your Current Goals:

Monthly Experiments with Your Design ($444 Value)

The Connection-Based Community ($197 Value)

Weekly Guide to the Gate Transits ($497 Value)

BONUS: Live Workshops: Success Sessions by Type ($444 Value)

BONUS: TRUST Workshop: On feeling Supported by the Universe ($497 Value)

BONUS: The Step By Step Human Design Discovery Journey Map ($147 Value)

Total Value: 


Join today for only 

(Minimum 6 month commitment)


Or, save $147 when you pay in full for the year

The Human Design Accelerator Course ($997 Value)

Monthly Experiments with Your Design ($444 Value)

The Connection-Based Community ($197 Value)

Weekly Guide to the Gate Transits ($497 Value)

BONUS: Live Workshops: Success Sessions by Type ($444 Value)

BONUS: TRUST Workshop: On feeling Supported by the Universe ($497 Value)

BONUS: The Step By Step Human Design Discovery Journey Map ($147 Value)

Monthly Deconditioning Deep Dives ($444 Value)

Monthly Q&A Calls with Nicole ($777 Value)

Quarterly Workshops incl. Live Q&A ($297 Value)

Total Value: 


Join today for only 

(Minimum 6 month commitment)


Or, save $444 when you pay in full for the year

Instead of taking way too long to make a decision, spending days (or even weeks) waffling back and forth…

You’re tuned into the best decision making strategy for your Type and have confidence in the choices you make.

The transformation you’re looking for doesn’t require any more information…

What does that look like? Here, take a look:


You just need to start living by your design.

Instead of pushing through your resistance and forcing yourself to do the work you think you need to do…

You can give yourself permission to double down on the strategies that work for you—and make twice as much of an impact doing half as much of the work.

Instead of ruminating on the past, feeling disempowered about the ways life hasn’t turned out how you’d hoped…

You recognize how your past mistakes were the result of acting from your wounds, And you now know how to take action from your gifts.

Instead of letting life happen TO you, shrinking on the sidelines or beating yourself up for playing small…

You’re showing up for yourself, in ways that bring you joy and catapult you forward towards your BIG desires.

Instead of making due with what you have, talking yourself into “gratitude” when what’s really happening feels more like giving up…

You now see the huge opportunities that are open to you AND you trust yourself enough to go all in and leap.

from krystal

Working with Nicole has been life changing from start to finish. It will change everything. Personally, professionally, everywhere you can think.

next review

Without the deconditioning work we did together, even if I’d had the process and procedures, I wouldn't have known what to do with them because I would've still been self-sabotaging myself. I would not be where I am today and I tell that to everybody I'm associated with right now.

My advice to somebody thinking of working with Nicole is if you're on the fence, you need to do it now.

from sarah

Since working with Nicole, I have a deeper understanding of myself. I feel more confident in who I am and my abilities to do anything really.

next review

Our time together had benefits that went way beyond coaching. My communication with my family has strengthened. My confidence has gone way up.

If I think about who I was when I started, it's like, oh my gosh. I was this sad little girl. And now I don't feel that way anymore. I feel more capable of reaching my goals and doing what I want.

from jessica

I was blown away by how knowledgeable Nicole was - you could tell she knew her stuff.

next review

My biggest takeaway was that it's best for me to respond. I loved the question she gave me to ask myself: “What's the most shocking thing I can say?” After our session, I wrote out the most shocking things I can say and I will be using those ideas to guide the topics I write about for my Master's program in Women’s Spirituality.

Nicole is an expert in Human Design and can intelligently articulate not only what's in the chart, but what intuitively flows through her.

Here's why I ask you to commit to at least 6 months

70% of people in the world have an open Head Center—which means they (/we) are addicted to consuming information.

This need for more and more info is in itself an expression of your Not Self Theme.

That’s why I’ve strategically designed the content of this community to give you enough information to engage you – even if you’re convinced you already know a lot – while still making sure you have SPACE to actually integrate and embody everything you learn. 

Even if 6 months feels like a long time to focus on this work, there’s absolutely no risk to joining us in The Lab:

All you have to do is show up and do the Monthly Experiments for the next 6 months.

Either you transform your life, or you’ll get your money back.*

I’m betting on the Most Authentic You. You too?

*Please make sure to read our full Refund Policy here

Questions you might need answered before you’re ready to start leveraging your Human Design for a more authentic life:

What if this becomes one more thing I invest in and don’t complete?

I completely understand that fear. It’s what happens to way too many people when they first discover Human Design. Because so many other resources give you a ton of information, but no clear action steps on what to do with what you learn, it’s easy to get distracted, overwhelmed and just plain confused about how to start. 

The Human Design Lab was specifically designed to help you avoid starting, then stalling out. 

Even if you only engage in the Monthly Experiments and leave everything else, you stand to dramatically transform your life BECAUSE the Experiments give you specific action steps for inevitable results.

How can I be confident this won’t apply to others but not to me?

Because everyone has a Human Design!

While you may have invested in other courses & coaching programs that proposed strategies or included trainings that just didn’t apply to you, The Human Design Lab gives you everything you need to understand your personal Human Design Chart. (Haven’t got yours yet? Click through here to generate it now.)

Your Chart helps you learn more about yourself—and that’s a great place to start. But I’m pretty sure self-knowledge isn’t the only reason you’re here. 

You want to know how to leverage your Human Design in your daily life, so that the hard stuff feels easier, so that you can experience more peace and joy in every day. 

Inside The Human Design Lab, you’ll have everything you need to create the rich, fulfilling life you crave. 

“I’m ready to join right now!”

I’m trying to listen to my Authority on this one, but the response isn’t clear. What’s my best next step?

How much time will I have to dedicate to this membership every month?

The Human Design Lab is designed to be as action-oriented as possible. That means, I’m will NOT be bombarding you with a ton videos to watch or worksheets to complete. 

In addition to the core content (The Human Design Accelerator Course), which is yours to consume – or not – at your own pace…

Each month, I’ll drop a (few) short video(s) explaining the theme of that month’s experiment. You’ll receive a 1 page worksheet to guide your experience. And that’s that. If you want to share your experience with the group, you can. If you’d rather keep most of your experience offline, that’s cool too. 

While I hope you’ll have the monthly experiment in mind as you go about your life, every single day, it shouldn’t actually take more than 90 mins a month for you to watch that month’s video, check in with the group, answer any associated journal prompts, and come up with a plan for how you’ll implement that month’s shift in your life.

What is the minimum commitment?

When you join The Human Design Lab, I ask you to commit to this journey for the next 6 months. Here’s why:

I’ve strategically designed the content of this community to give you enough information to engage you – even if you’re convinced you already know a lot – while still making sure you have SPACE to actually integrate and embody everything you learn. 

If you stayed for a shorter period, it would be harder for me to promise that The Human Design Lab will help you become the Most Authentic Version of Yourself. 

Even if 6 months feels like a long time to focus on this work, there’s absolutely no risk to joining us in The Lab:

All you have to do is show up and do the Monthly Experiments for the next 6 months. 

Either you’ll transform your life, or you’ll get your money back*. 

I’m betting on the Most Authentic You. You too? Join us inside The Human Design Lab today.

How do I cancel my membership?

After 6 months inside The Human Design Lab, you can cancel your membership at any time by sending an email to 

If you choose monthly payments, after letting us know you wish to cancel, your membership will lapse automatically at the end of the next month. 

If you choose annual payments, your membership will automatically renew until you cancel. Memberships canceled halfway through the year will not be reimbursed.

How much access will I have to Nicole?

The Human Design Lab is first and foremost a place for you to connect with yourself and other individuals who are exploring themselves and their relationship to Human Design. 

While Nicole will be present within the community to ensure a high level of information and high-quality conversations are taking place, this is not the place to seek out 1:1 coaching or an in-depth reading of your personal HD chart.

Access to Nicole within The Human Design Lab will be limited to:
  • The Monthly Office Hours thread within the community, where Nicole will spend 90 minutes answering pre-submitted questions related to that month’s theme
  • Live workshops / Success Sessions which may or may not include a Q&A
  • (VIP only) The Monthly Q&A Call with Nicole, and
  • (VIP only) The Quarterly Workshops and Guest Expert Sessions incl. A live Q&A

If you’re interested in working closely with Nicole in a 1:1 or group coaching capacity, please reach out via this form and someone on our team will be in touch within 72 hours to discuss the best option for you.

I’m brand new to Human Design—is The Human Design Lab right for me?

Absolutely! In fact, The Human Design Lab is a perfect place to start digging deep into Human Design because it will help you achieve a foundational understanding of the main concepts at the same time as you learn how to integrate said concepts in your life. 

As you may have heard me say before (or maybe not if you’re new here): My job is to provide practical answers to esoteric questions. 

Human Design can be a complex and confusing tool to learn without a guide. 

When you become a member of The Human Design Lab, not only do you get my foundational course, The Human Design Accelerator, you’ll also be in the perfect place to fully UNDERSTAND and INTEGRATE everything you’ve learned, thanks to our Monthly Experiments. 

Plus, within the Connection-Based Community (hosted on Mighty Networks), you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other HD enthusiasts, ask questions, and hear about their experiences learning about and engaging with their design.

I’m pretty experienced with Human Design—will I learn anything new?

Let me answer your question with a question: Do you feel like you know a lot, but you’re not seeing real change? 

If so, The Human Design Lab is the perfect place for you. 

This unique online community will prompt you to engage with your chart in new ways, will challenge you to inquire into your own experiences and emotions, will ask you if you’re really making shifts, or maybe, actually, still letting your conditioning run the show…?

Not only will you have another resource to refer to if you need to refresh on the fundamentals (The Human Design Accelerator Course), you’ll also be able to connect with other individuals – both new to Human Design and those who’ve been learning for a while – to share insights, experiences, and trade stories about what’s worked or surprised you. 

Our Monthly Experiments will breathe new life into your exploration of Human Design, and, if you feel like really digging deep into your Deconditioning, join Tier 2 for more advanced activities and additional access to Nicole on a live monthly Q&A call.

Can you remind me one more time of everything I get when I sign up?

Of course! Join us inside The Human Design Lab and you’ll get:
  • The Human Design Accelerator Course ($997 Value)
  • Monthly Experiments with Your Design ($444 Value)
  • The Connection-Based Community
  • ($197 Value)
  • Weekly Guide to the Gate Transits
  • ($497 Value)
  • Success Sessions by Type ($444 Value)
  • TRUST: On feeling Supported by the Universe ($497 Value) 
  • The Step By Step Human Design Discovery Journey Map ($147 Value)

And, if you upgrade your membership to Tier 2, you’ll also have access to:
  • Monthly Deconditioning Prompts ($444 Value)
  • Monthly Q&A Calls with Nicole ($777 Value)
  • Quarterly Workshops incl. Live Q&A ($297 Value)

Ready to start living your most aligned life? Join The Human Design Lab today.




Should        join us inside The Human Design Lab?


Even though you love the “woo”, you’re specifically looking for a guide who can take this sometimes complex, kinda-out there topic and turn it into an actionable plan you can follow on your own.

You have big goals you’re working towards—but you DON’T want to push yourself harder to reach them.


If more than 5 of the following resonate, this action-based online community was designed for you:

You’re interested in learning more about Human Design so that you can find your flow and follow the path of ease towards a bigger impact at work and in the world.

You’ve been looking for a Human Design expert who is skilled at translating the esoteric principles of Human Design into concrete steps that apply to your career and everyday life.

Whether you find yourself falling into victim mode way too often, feeling unsupported, or stuck in “scarcity mode”, unable to make a change, The Human Design Lab (especially VIP) will help you unlearn the conditioning that is keeping you stuck so that you can start seeing those so-called “quantum leaps” happen for yourself.

You can’t stop feeling like something needs to shift.


You LOVE learning about the different elements of your chart, what they mean and how they work together to create the unique facets of who you are. So you’re thrilled to finally have a space where you can gain even more insight into your own Human Design in order to attract the abundance you’re meant for.

You’ve been itching for a way to get expert guidance as you navigate living by your Human Design.


Whether that looks like upleveling your current business, pivoting to a totally different career, or having the courage to try something else completely new. The experiments you’ll conduct within The Human Design Lab will help you develop a deeper understanding of yourself, transform your communication skills, increase your confidence in who you are and what you can accomplish.

You’re reading to step up your game, both in business and in life.


…and you trust that your Human Design will get you there, if you can finally start to fully embody your design. When you shift from taking other people’s advice to getting crystal clear on what’s right for you, your blocks come down like dominos and you can finally start to see the kind of success you’ve been striving for—except that now it doesn’t feel half as hard.

You know you’re capable of so much MORE than you’re currently seeing in your life...


The transformative impact of living by your design depends on you being willing to invest in yourself. If you’re ready to show up, get vulnerable, ask questions and use the tools I teach—you will see results. I can’t make them happen for you, but I will give you everything you need, inside…

You’re willing to show up for yourself (at least for the next 6 months).

Create undeniable shifts towards your most aligned life with daily connections & monthly experiments that will help you embody the Most Authentic You.

The human design lab


The Human Design Lab

The Human Design Accelerator Course ($997 Value)


VIP Membership

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best value!

Choose the Membership Option that Aligns with Your Current Goals:

Monthly Experiments with Your Design ($444 Value)

The Connection-Based Community ($197 Value)

Weekly Guide to the Gate Transits ($497 Value)

BONUS: Live Workshops: Success Sessions by Type ($444 Value)

BONUS: TRUST Workshop: On feeling Supported by the Universe ($497 Value)

BONUS: The Step By Step Human Design Discovery Journey Map ($147 Value)

Total Value: 


Join today for only 

(Minimum 6 month commitment)


Or, save $147 when you pay in full for the year

The Human Design Accelerator Course ($997 Value)

Monthly Experiments with Your Design ($444 Value)

The Connection-Based Community ($197 Value)

Weekly Guide to the Gate Transits ($497 Value)

BONUS: Live Workshops: Success Sessions by Type ($444 Value)

BONUS: TRUST Workshop: On feeling Supported by the Universe ($497 Value)

BONUS: The Step By Step Human Design Discovery Journey Map ($147 Value)

Monthly Deconditioning Deep Dives ($444 Value)

Monthly Q&A Calls with Nicole ($777 Value)

Quarterly Workshops incl. Live Q&A ($297 Value)

Total Value: 


Join today for only 

(Minimum 6 month commitment)


Or, save $444 when you pay in full for the year

"If you're looking to elevate your business and your life, Nicole will get you there!"

When I first reached out to Nicole, I was starting a coaching business and feeling overwhelmed. I met with Nicole and immediately loved her! She was honest, genuine, knowledgeable, and attentive. Exactly what I wanted in a coach.

Nicole's personality and knowledge made me feel certain she’d be able to guide me towards my goals.

If you're looking to elevate your business and your life, Nicole will get you there—as long as you're willing to show up, be vulnerable, ask questions, and use the tools taught. You won't regret joining!

this could be you

Sarah Schindler

"I've made more money since working with you than I have in 7+ years."

I feel like moving forward I'm attracting and I'm vibrating at the frequency of people and relationships that are gonna help me grow.

I'm at the frequency where it feels really great. The people around me are supportive. We're all lifting each other up. And just, again, touching on the financials, I've made more money since working with you than I probably have in 7+ years.

I wish I could have done this 10 years ago. The financial rewards for me have been huge. It's not just about the money, but the money does make me feel safe and that's gonna help me achieve my goals of what personally makes me feel happy and what I want.

Krystal Reinhard

"I am able to show up in calm stillness."

When I first connected with Nicole, I was looking for a deeper understanding and connection with myself. Nicole made me feel comfortable, seen and valued.

I’d say the biggest impact came from gaining an understanding of my human design, how to apply that learning in real life and learning how to do EFT tapping that applies to my design.

Now, I have a deeper connection to my soul. Because of everything I learned through what I’ve processed, I am able to show up in calm stillness.

If I could tell someone on the fence one thing, it’s this: Learning from Nicole will change your life!

Elizabeth Foster

"I have more trust in the woman I know I can be."

Thanks to Nicole, I have more trust in the woman I know I can be. I’m accepting who I am. And I’ve gotten better at trusting my gut and making big decisions based on stepping into my higher self.

I loved learning about the different centers (open and closed) and how they drive my intuition. I also loved how learning more about my chart validated a lot of my emotions and the traits that I know are intrinsic to my personality

Nicole’s approach to Human Design is thorough and insightful. She’s skilled at creating a safe space for you to connect with and step into your higher self.

Jennifer Rae

Step into your superpowers without letting your conditioning drag you back to your former self. 

Follow through on your visions with ease and joy as you make your own dreams come true (like finally starting your own business or completing your first 10k run)

Increase your income and experience greater satisfaction in your career and your accomplishments—instead of feeling like you should be doing more

Understand how to relate to and motivate others, whether they’re in your family or on your team

Get ready to understand and embody your Human Design more deeply than ever before.


Your most authentic life… starts today

Get ready to:

Find your place in the world and take more joy in doing what you love. Because you’ve finally given yourself permission to do only what lights you up. 

The beauty of The Human Design Lab is that you don’t have to worry about what I teach “not working for you”. 

If you carry out the Monthly Experiments within The Human Design Lab, you’ll experience undeniable shifts. 

Your Most Authentic Self is Waiting for You.

 If you know your Authority Type, you already know what to do next:

“Are you in or are you out?”

If you are a sacral authority, read this...

Odds are you’ve read this far because you feel the humming “Yes” in your belly and your mind is now considering whether or not to listen to your gut.

My advice? Do it.

Listen to that Inner Nudge. << Honing that skill is the #1 easiest way to have more of what you desire in your daily life.

If you are an ego authority, read this...

Find a safe space where you can talk through what you want, even if that’s just the Voice Memo app on your phone.

Ask yourself questions like: “Do I want this?” “Is this the right move for me?” and then l i s t e n to the answers that come through.

Remember—you’re not asking for permission or opinions, you’re listening to your own voice so that you can tune into your truth.

If you are an emotional authority, read this...

You might already have an idea of what you want to do, but you also know your best course of action is to wait out the wave and act from there.

If you’ve been wanting to work with me for a while and you feel calm about this decision: It’s safe for you to take action today—you’ve waited long enough.

If I’m new to your world, or you still feel like you’re riding the wave: Give yourself time and space to watch the replay, re-read this page, and open up the emails that will follow.

Once calm and clarity set in, you’ll know what you want to do. Trust that knowing. And act from there.

If you are a splenic authority, read this...

Tune into your body now. What messages was it sending you as you scrolled down this page?

Excited/Nervous/Butterflies of Anticipation? That’s your YES.

The important thing for Splenic Authorities to remember is that your answers come from your body, not your mind (Ajna/Head Center). If you find yourself getting in your head about this decision, try to settle back into your body and remember how you FELT when you read this page for the first time.

If you are a self-projected authority, read this...

Your truth is in your voice. 

Ask yourself (out loud) “Will this make me happy?” “Is this the right direction for me?” and then answer yourself out loud. 

Remember that the thoughts in your head are conditioned; you need to speak your thoughts aloud in order to find your truth.

If you are an environmental authority/mental projector, read this...

Find someone you trust to act as a sounding board. Just start talking about the Human Design Lab, the workshop, and any other experience you've had with Nicole. You are not asking for their advice. They don't even need to say anything. Listen to your own words in your own voice. The truth will be found as you talk about it and hear your own thoughts.

If you are a lunar authority, read this...

You know typically you’re supposed to wait 28 days before making a decision, but by now, you're probably used to times like these where there's a time limit to buy something and you're not able to wait.  

Here’s what I recommend for you:

If you've been in my world for a while, waiting for me to release an offer, and this one feels like an answer to that prayer, you're probably safe to jump in.  

If you’re still not sure, take this “open cart” period to sit with the decision. Read through this page and the emails I’ll send on your own, at your own pace. As you do so, ask yourself if this feels like the right community for you.

If the answer is yes, I’d love to have you. 

If you feel rushed or pressured, it’s probably best for you to wait out your cycle and join when you feel ready.