Episode 337
Are you ready to harness the transformative energies of 2025 and set the tone for a year of authentic growth? In this episode, Nicole Laino and Christina Luna explore the cosmic shifts that define January and the first quarter of the year, blending Astrology and Human Design to reveal how these changes can align you with your highest potential. They discuss how to navigate this pivotal time with clarity and purpose, offering practical insights into themes of pressure, ambition, and the power of trusting divine timing.
Christina shares her perspective on the significance of major planetary transits and their collective and personal impact, while Nicole unpacks the lessons of the root center in Human Design—how to turn pressure into creative fuel instead of stress. Together, they examine the opportunities and challenges of this moment, including the upcoming nodal shift and its implications for our relationships, environment, and connection to the larger fabric of humanity.
You will also hear a heartfelt update on Christina’s “bliss experiment,” as she reflects on finding moments of joy and presence even in the face of unexpected pain. This moving discussion highlights the importance of authenticity, connection, and allowing life’s experiences to shape us in meaningful ways.
Whether you’re looking to set powerful intentions, deepen your understanding of Astrology and Human Design, or simply find inspiration for the journey ahead, this episode is packed with wisdom and actionable takeaways. Tune in to start your year with insight, clarity, and a sense of unshakable purpose!
Get the monthly calendar that shows you which transits are happening when at nicolelaino.com/transit
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Episode 337
Nicole Laino: Hello and welcome to Unshakeable with Human Design, everybody. I’m your host, Nicole Laino. Happy New Year. It is the first day of 2025. Well, not as we’re recording this, of course, but you listening. It is a brand new year. It is 2025. I am here with my dear friend, Christina Luna. I am so grateful to have you here for our kickoff of 2025, our first transit episode of 2025. How are you doing, my friend?
Christina Luna: I am so grateful to be here. I am really, really excited about the year ahead. I’ve been anticipating some of the changes that will happen in 2025, and it feels really, really good to be so dialed in with you on this. And I feel very ready and eyes wide open and prepared to step into this new year, which I know that sounds like I’m calling the year out, but I believe the last few years have prepared all of us in a very specific way for some of the changes that are about to occur and I’m here for it.
Nicole Laino: So are you, so you’re looking at the whole year right now, you’re kind of like getting, are you getting like a big picture view of 2025 as you’re coming into it? As well as we’re going to, you know, we’re obviously going to talk about January, but are you looking at the year as a whole and what’s coming?
Christina Luna: actually kind of a trick question. I usually will do readings for an entire year. I record a lot of readings in the fall quarter and leading up to the first of the year, Because of the changes that are going to happen this year, I was specifically guided to only get into specifics for each quarter at a time.
So I can tell you I have a lot of information about the first quarter, and we are going to be so fundamentally changed by the first quarter that it doesn’t make sense for me to talk about the entire year at large. What I do know is there will be some giant background moving parts because the outer planets will be changing signs.
We have a lot of big planets changing signs. And so part of the reason why we’re taking this one chunk at a time, one quarter at a time, one month at a time, honestly the best Recipe is to take this one day at a time. Wow. So even recording a whole month in advance, it feels a little chunky, but I will say best way to get the most out of this year, especially with the large changes that are happening is to stay as present as possible.
That being said, yeah. That’s more important than ever because of the big changes that are going to be taking place this year.
Nicole Laino: So when you’re talking about the bigger, outer planets, that when they’re changing signs, what we’re really talking about there is we’re talking more collective changes, right? That that’s normally some more, not necessarily the individual, at least in human design, that’s how we look at it, that that becomes less of an individual theme, although of course you’re part of it. But. They’re more of the things that are affecting all of us that are going to be more about the stuff that you’re just seeing happen. These greater themes of change in that particular way. Is that how you look at it with those changes or you look at it differently?
Christina Luna: Yeah, for sure. I do, you can observe it in the collective, for sure. But I still feel every single person, the collective is a part of them. And so for instance, I can say that from 2012 to 2025, there has been something I’ve personally been working on. It’s a long chapter of my life. I have been building my faith about something and trusting my faith in something.
And it’s very specific to me. I have the planet Neptune in my third house. And so, for the last number of years, since 2012, there’s been something going on when it comes to my relationship with the way my mind works, and my intellect, and my intuition, and I’ve been developing my faith in the way my mind works ever since then.
And so, there’s something really personal that’s been going on for me. While this outer planet Neptune has been transiting Pisces in my third house. Now, that’s the third house is a personal house So, I mean you can get really Everyone has kind of their own recipe for this. Some people have really outer world charts and some people have really internal personal charts and So these chapters and these movements are gonna impact all of us in a very specific way So Some of us will just, we’re primarily going to see it happen in the outside world and some it’ll be on the inside world.
So I don’t think that there’s like a blanket statement we can make about it.
Nicole Laino: No, and thank you for that nuance, because that’s always true. It’s always, well, what’s your chart, and how does it interact? And, and how do you interact with this thing that’s changing? With this thing that we’re all going to experience with this cosmic shift that we’re going to be experiencing. Um, as you’re looking at the first quarter, are there big bang things that you are, , what’s the one thing that you’re kind of, that Puttin your finger on where you’re saying like, this is gonna be a big deal.
Christina Luna: right at the lunar new year, that’s when we, the, we move kind of into the year of the snake.
Nicole Laino: Mm hmm.
Christina Luna: Really, I would love to say that there’s like one day you should circle. There are several days you should circle, but I think if I was going to say like, what’s the big takeaway? No, that. What we’re initiating in January, what we’re tangibly intending to initiate in January, it’s going to be tested in February.
And the way we’re going to feel the test is by our vibration or our frequency or the way we feel. So it’ll be tested. Does this steel feel authentic to me? Does the way that this is manifesting feel like what I want to be experiencing for the next 20 years? There’s something, okay. I, a long time ago, I went through something called the Dickens process in Tony Robbins world.
I don’t know if any, if, if any listeners have been in Tony Robbins world, he does something called the Dickens process. And he pretty much has you do this process where you take some kind of limiting belief. And you ask yourself, how will this impact my life if I believe this for another year? How will it impact my life if I believe it for another five years?
And how will it impact my life if I believe it another 20 years? So you’re pretty much taking something and you’re letting yourself do an emotional experience through the longevity of the manifestation of that belief. What will it, what kind of experiences will attract me? How will it affect my children?
How will it affect my finances? And you’re trying to get as. painful in your process as possible so you can get leverage on yourself to change it
Nicole Laino: Mm hmm.
Christina Luna: because pain is leverage. So I really see this quarter feeling like a mini Dickens process or maybe not a mini Dickens process. It’s a long elongated over the course of three months Dickens process where The first month of January is going to be, all right, let’s try this on.
Can I do this for a month?
Nicole Laino: Mm hmm.
Christina Luna: And I, how does it feel? Can I, can I really put this persona, this frequency, these rituals, routines, this manifestation, this identity, can I put this on for a whole month and how does it feel? Then we’re going to go into February and we’re going to be like, all right, what if I put this on for, a whole year.
Is this sustainable? Does this feel like the people I want to hang out with, the vibe I want, all the things. So always Aquarius time is a testing time because It’s a fixed sign. So we have cardinal signs that initiate, we have fixed signs that test, and then we have mutable signs that give us the results or the outcome or the information, basically.
So we have this moment in February where, and it’s not an ordinary January and an ordinary February because of the outer planets changing signs, we’re actually kind of in this moment where we’re choosing what kind of bed we want to sleep in for the next long cycle. So, We’ve, we’ve been prepared. We’ve cleared out dependencies.
We’ve cleaned out people pleasing tendencies. We’ve, we’ve like become more aware of who we are authentically. We’ve done all of this work. We’ve all been prepared properly, so we don’t need to worry that we’re not going to fail this test. All we got to do is show up, feel how it feels, make decisions in real time, and trust that those decisions will realign us, put us in the vibration we’re choosing to have, and then continue the trajectory in that direction.
With the ability to pivot at any moment if it doesn’t feel right,
Nicole Laino: a time for that assessment. It’s a time for, February is going to be a time to really be looking at what you’ve created and not just accepting it
and really asking yourself, is this what I want to commit to long term?
Christina Luna: That is correct because we’ve got some Saturn whenever a planet is crossing Pluto or Saturn there are these moments Pluto when a planet crosses Pluto That’s when we officially cut something out. We officially end something we draw some kind of line. There’s a power exchange that happens whenever planets cross Saturn, we make a commitment, and whenever planets cross the North Node, we align ourselves with the purpose, mission, legacy, which is kind of an insatiable desire, but it, it, it’s like the carrot on the stick that we can never quite get, but it aligns us in a direction, and so we have a lot of energy in this first quarter that’s aspecting it.
Both the thing that cuts things off and draws lines, the thing that causes us to step up and commit, and the thing that aligns us to our mission and purpose. And the results that we get in Pisces season, which happen at the end of February and into March, those results are then going to be tied up in a bow, given to Neptune, and then Neptune is going to drop into Aries and birth things tangibly.
actualize certain things in our life. And so this is, from my perspective, this is one of the most important times we’ve been living in because of how much power we have to set the template for our experience.
Nicole Laino: Well, and that’s kind of what the beginning of the year is about, too. It’s sort of, it’s setting that tone. But, but you’re saying that this time, because of these aspects, we’re going to be cutting something off, we’re going to be making a new commitment, and we’re going to be realigning that this is, The aspects are creating an even bigger impact there or potentially if we choose to really be aware and use this time wisely and with our eyes open and our hearts open to actually, because you do have to allow the thing to be cut out, right?
You do have to allow yourself to commit. You do have to, you know, Take the ride of the energy and rather than fight it or dig your heels in and say, I’m not changing, which I think a lot of people can do.
Christina Luna: Yeah. And you know, there are some things that are really valuable that we will want to double down on. There are some things that will be tested and we’ll say, no, this stands the test of change. All of these things in my life can change, but this thing I’m going to double down on it. I’m, I’m recommitting.
Like this works for me, it’s who I am, and I’m, I’m here for this. So there, it’s not just that all these things need to be abandoned. This could be a time of really deeply strengthening our faith in our, ourselves, our character, our identity, things that we’ve earned. through very diligent, hard work ever since while Pluto was moving through Capricorn.
You know, everyone wants to hate on Capricorn, but let me tell you, Capricorn creates masters. I’m learning a lot about Capricorn right now, actually, and we’re in Capricorn season. Capricorn is a, an energy that allows us to see what it is we truly master in this life so that we can leave an impact and a legacy.
How will the earth know that we were here is what Haberkorn answers.
Nicole Laino: And from a human design, perspective, when it comes to Capricorn, Capricorn largely has almost all of it is spent in the root center and the root center. So January kicks off where, where like we go through all of the gates and the root center and the root center is a theme of fuel, pressure, and or stress.
So anything could be pressure and stress, or it can be fuel. your choice, how you use that energy. And there’s very much a lesson of everything with the root center. Like when I look, it’s not every sign is like this. Some signs have more things in it, you know, where they’re really, Taurus is very centered around the throat center activation and.
You know, manifestation and putting things out in the world, really making them happen. Capricorn is very root energy, which is very much about like, it is the fuel to start things. It is the fuel to kick something off. It is the pressure that builds so that a creative evolution can happen. That without that pressure, without it feeling uncomfortable at times, but the key is to not push.
The key is to. To relax into it as best , as you can, to trust, to learn that the fuel will be there if you learn to respect and surrender to divine timing and to allow it to be a creative fertile ground rather than something that where you’re pushing into the shadows of it. So I sort of feel that way.
I think people hate on Capricorn because maybe they feel more of that stress. They feel more of that pressure because it does want you to be better. It does want you to evolve. That’s what the Root Center does. The Root Center is the center of evolution and change. And it says, we can’t stay here for long.
There’s something better out there for us. So it dares to dream. It dares to kind of push you to something better. Like, I feel that. Like, I That’s the energy that challenges me the most. That is the energy and for me having an open route just from that human design perspective, one of my greatest lessons has been to not give in to the pressure of the outside world. And can I sit in it and experience it and feel it and trust that I can, that something better is coming if I just Respect the timing. If I just, can I chill in the moment rather than push through that moment? And the more I do that, the more the moments come and the better they are. And the creative idea comes.
And that’s one of the greatest lessons for me because that’s, that’s my chart. That’s one of my lessons to learn in this life is that I don’t get moved by the outside world. It has to come from something different. But As we’re talking about faith, as we’re talking about trust, I just want to get a little update on your bliss experiment because I’m going to ask you about this every month because I’m fascinated by this whole process that you’re under. Um, and if you guys haven’t listened to the episode, it was our November episode, I believe, that you unveiled the bliss experiment and you talked to us and kind of gave us this, this little crash course in what you’re doing, which is really figuring out. Or experiencing and experimenting with, you know, can we not get swept up in the waves of everything?
Can we, do we have the ability to be above or below them if, if we choose? So how is it going? Are you in bliss?
Christina Luna: I am actually and I can say that you know, I I think I was feeling a little So, uh, I wasn’t feeling, I was not feeling a little apprehensive about talking about it when we spoke in January, in November. Uh, I had just started this experience that was triggered by a new relationship. And so, new relationship, new experiences, you know, there was all this new energy, new hormones, all of this beautiful, so it’s easy to talk about bliss when everything is beautiful and amazing.
And the context was, When we’re in a state where there’s so much novelty and new and change and openness and things you’re not expecting, you sort of can surf above the collective cycles. Like, it felt as though the collective cycles were not impacting me the same way because my energy was so high. And when you have high energy, it sort of takes you out of the cultural field.
And we talked about how human design and astrology. really does give you a narrative for what the cultural field at a more, um, baseline neutral energy state, what they are experiencing. Because when you’re at a baseline neutral energy state, you’re going to be influenced by things that are Powerful, you’re gonna be influenced by other people’s intentions.
You’re gonna be influenced by the mood of a room, by the astrological weather patterns, etc. Gates of initiation, all these things, right? So, neutrality is kind of the base level state that most of us stay in. We, we try to stay in neutral so that we don’t drop below neutral and get like Completely pummeled by pain.
But I also talked about in that month that, that’s another avenue that can take you out of the collective. That pain, really intense moments of trauma or pain, can drop you below the collective. And then the cycles of the collective Don’t impact you either because your energy is so low. You don’t even have enough energy to move with those cycles of the cultural field.
So I was fortunate enough to be, you know, skating very high on all the novelty and newness of my relationship. And when we checked in for the December report, Uh, you, you asked me, is this still going strong? And I said, absolutely. Even though November was filled with challenges of intimacy and tests and fear, and a lot of people I spoke to were navigating, you know, bouts of insecurity.
I mean, Scorpio season is a challenging season for insecurity. And especially if you’re Intimate relationship, you’re going to have all those intimacy triggers and attachment triggers, um, impacted. However, one of the recipes I’ve discovered through that month was, um, If I can remain securely seated within the present moment, if I can be secure with myself and continue to keep my heart open and allow the flow of authentic emotion to continuously be accessible to me without resistance.
Again, I noticed I stayed in a high state of bliss and that did require some uncomfortable conversations that I was, you know, not really wanting to have a new relationship, but I did it anyway because committed to being authentic and bold in the moment, right? So, then we get into Sagittarius season and, Um, you know, now you’re asking me, well, how is that bliss?
And Sagittarius season is a moment where you get new epiphanies. You, you understand new truths or guiding principles. And, I will tell you, I actually experienced a very, family tragedy. , it was not expected. It came out of nowhere. It was the kind of thing that can shake you all the way.
It did. It shook me to my knees. I was like, there was a moment where all the wind was taken out and I, who, I didn’t even know what day of the week it was. Right. So. The sad thing is, sometimes we don’t really know what our guiding principles are until they’re truly tested. It’s true that you can be all kumbaya and happy when you have a new relationship and everything is bliss, right?
But what is the internal state of bliss? What’s, Deeply true in our bones and in our soul state when something really shakes you That could drop you to the bottom
Nicole Laino: Yeah.
Christina Luna: and I feel as tragic as it was I feel very fortunate that I had that experience because it gave me a level of confidence To know that bliss is real even in those times The bliss of the present moment, even in the pain, in witnessing pain and others, in people that you never want to see in pain.
You, there’s, there’s a, I could start crying about it now. There’s a beauty in remaining open and present to the novelty of even pain, of something completely against everything we’ve wanted or expected or hoped for, for ourselves and for others. The openness. To be with all of that feels like bliss too.
And I’m very surprised by that. I think for a long time I used astrology to try to help me navigate so that these types of incidences wouldn’t happen. Like some part of my ego actually thought that I could Surf well enough that the waves would never take me or my loved ones down And that is not the goal what I found the you know had access to the astrology before this event We were all looking at moment that this event could happen and I was seeing nothing but good things I was seeing nothing but evolution.
I was seeing nothing but introduction to new experiences that I was reading as positive and beautiful. And so when this thing happened, and it was not what we all thought, and that’s, have that with my clients a lot. I’ll be reading for them, and I’ll be telling them a story and a metaphor, and in their head, they’re, listening to the words and the metaphors, and they’re creating stories about what they think, That’s going to be for them.
And then it ends up not being exactly the circumstance they were expecting it to be. But when they listened to the reading again, the energy accurately was portrayed. And that was true for this incident too. The energy was accurately portrayed. It’s just that the circumstance was unexpected. And bliss honestly is present whenever we accept what is, even if it’s new or unexpected.
Nicole Laino: Yeah, and these situations, I think , we can never predict our way out of the unpredictable, you know, no, no matter what you’re doing, because like you said, it’s up to interpretation, you know, oh, I’m receiving this in this way right now. And it’s making me think this, and this is the meaning that I’m attaching to it.
So I think it’s going to mean this. The truth is, is that we don’t know shit when it comes to that, because we have, we’re, we’re not God. But thank you for sharing that because I think that it can be, when we hear something like, you know, we call it, we’ve sort of dubbed it the bliss experiment, but , we call it the bliss experiment, you know, it can feel like, can I stay in bliss all the time?
And it’s very easy when you’re, you know, high on the hog and things are going great and everything in life, you know, you’re, you’re in a new relationship where you’re just riding the high of bliss. Love and being in love and you know, it’s the highest vibration there is for a reason when you’re in it Yeah, I can feel like I’m riding above the clouds. This is amazing but , thank you for sharing that here and your experience here because I think a lot of people feel well, I’m going through something so shitty right now You don’t know shit about my stuff You don’t know how bad it is and I can’t be in bliss or I can’t experience that because my circumstances are dictating I’m in a different place. And I think what you’re saying is if you’re open to the experience itself, bliss is always there. Yeah.
Christina Luna: uh, part of me pulling myself into doubt and fear, and I fortunately had a bank of intimacy built with my new relationship, and I was able to express all of my very authentic fears and doubts and worries and pain about the situation. And because I’ve been authentic with him this whole time, We get to this place where something truly terrible has happened.
And he’s able to reflect on it and say, you know, reflect back to me, you know, Christina, it seems like you’re really good at being like a surf teacher, or you can read a surf report and in no way does that mean that you control the ocean and these waves, we choose the waves that we decide to take and they have inherent risk and reward.
And it’s, we can learn to surf waves, but always the risk and reward of being alive is there. And so it, the beautiful gift that’s come from all this is, I feel more deeply connected to my family and the experience that , we’re having with each other. I feel really more deeply connected to the intimacy of someone I can myself with, even in pain, which opens up to even more insight and beauty.
And so the bliss continues when we really have no resistance to the truth of who we are and how we really feel. Intimacy, honestly, I think bliss and intimacy are linked.
Nicole Laino: Well, when you, you know, you’re talking about here and what I’m hearing through this is that, you know, you’re actually aware and you are sitting and being present with what is right now and what was at that moment when the pain was at its worst, when it was the greatest shock. To actually be able to sit in it is the real key to all of this stuff.
That’s how we become. Better. That’s how you can actually take this and your family can become closer and you can become a better astrologer and this is changing us and I think that that’s kind of what we’re doing with all of this. You just happen to have a huge event that was, you know, axis shifting for your family. , I think the goal for all of us is to be so present in those moments to just allow what is to be there and to feel it and then to allow whatever it is that you feel to shift you and change you the way that it’s meant to in a constructive way. So thank you for sharing that with us.
Christina Luna: . I mean, obviously, More will evolve. I think especially this quarter is helping us to really focus on the network and the connections. I think that the hardiness that I’m experiencing right now is due to the fact that I’ve got really deep, strong connections.
And the entire, , Aquarian age, if you want to call it that, the age that we’re entering into is all about the people we’re connected to, the fabric of our relationships. And so, If I could, you know, if I could impart any piece from all this, it would say that strength of the fabric of my connections to the people that I love is what creates the buoyancy of the bliss.
And if we could all focus more on whatever needs to happen, whatever authentic communication, whatever boldness, whatever novelty needs to happen to strengthen that fabric in our lives, that’s really what the next three months is asking us to do.
Nicole Laino: And now if we’re looking at January, one of the things that’s jumping out at me, and this is both a astrological and a human design thing, because they are largely the same thing. We just speak about them differently. But to me, I’m looking at the nodal shift. And that happens on the 11th, right? I think is the date that we actually have that crossover.
The funny thing about human design is we are actually still in the same gate, but we’re in different lines of that gate. So it’s really funny. It’s this gate 25, um, So we don’t actually shift the gate until later in the month, but that gate straddles, the astrological signs. So it shifts over into Pisces.
So what we’re having is, on the 11th of January, we shift into the north node, shift to the south. So, um, the North Node shifts into Pisces, and the South Node is, goes into Virgo. Now, can we talk a little bit about that shift, because that’s a big bang thing for me, because I don’t, we don’t change again until mid July of next year, I
It’s like an, like an 18 month sort of, sort of span. So this is big, and this is collective, this is something that we all feel. Um, how are you looking at the shift to Pisces in the North Node, and then that shift in the South Node to Virgo? Ha
Christina Luna: you know, I think that there are no two signs that are more different than Aries and Pisces. I think Aries and Pisces are so, so, so very different. And so the fact that we’ve completed an entire cycle of the North Node moving, because it moves backwards, an entire cycle that began with it moving through Pisces all the way through the Zodiac, all the way, evolving us all the way.
To the singular point of incarnation, which is zero degrees Pisces. It’s the moment you could, in astrology, that’s similar to the moment that a baby’s body leaves the mother’s body and becomes a separate body. That is that line. And so, we’re basically, we’ve worked for all of these years to understand what it means to be an individual.
So, When it was, when the North Node was moving through Taurus, we became more secure with ourselves. When it moved through Aries, we became more authentic with ourselves. And now with it moving into Pisces, It’s like, Good, now you know who you are and how you’re separate from everything, but I want you to see that you are actually a very important piece of this fabric of the community and you need, you’re going to have experiences that you won’t be able to ignore, where you don’t get to be an island.
You are a very significant point within the entire fabric of this community, the entire fabric of the human consciousness. Like Pisces is not even just small community, it’s Everything, all that is. And so I think when this shifts, there’s going to be this little moment where we’re going to be like, did I make that happen?
There’s gonna be this question, like, wait a minute. How is it possible that I’m sitting here in my own little world, in my own little island, which is very Virgo. Virgo likes to have their own little space with all their perfect little picture frames, and all the, everything’s ordered exactly the way the Virgo likes the way it to be, right?
I’m an island. I can talk a lot about this. I’m separate, I’m an island, and you’re not in my world. I’m a separate little world, right? That’s where the South Node is going to be. So any place in your world where you think you’re a separate little world, That’s going to have an opening, and you’re going to start to see that other people’s dreams, other people’s fears, desires, wishes, they impact you, and yours impact them.
There’s going to be an energetic understanding, hopefully, that we get over the next 18 months that will give us a greater level of responsibility and consciousness. So, there’s, Virgo wants you to be responsible and have your kit in order, right? But we have our kit in order. Why? So that we can positively, positively impact and understand what’s mine and yours and understand that that’s impacting, that we’re impacting each other.
Nicole Laino: what we’re looking at with the Pisces and Virgo, we’re looking at polarities, you know,
they’re, they’re the opposites of each other. So we get Pisces, which is, you know, spiritual and open and connected. And Virgo, you know, you, you brought up like, I’m an island. I’m a Virgo North Node.
So, yeah, so, so this will be, I think, will be rather interesting for us, the fact that we are literally, the universe is pushing us to stretch ourselves, really release some of those boundaries.
Yeah. toxic, unhelpful Virgo traits for us,
uh, perfectionism and control and
isolation, separateness. and for me, like I’m game, you know, , I’m game. Let’s see what, what we got. I’m going to have eyes wide open for this, but I think it’s very interesting cause this is like, this will be an 18 month training ground for us.
And I think what this is doing. To me, when I looked at the nodal shift and I saw that this was coming, I was like, okay, so this is the theme for this year. This is going to be something that is realigning us, like you said earlier when we were talking about the north node, and this is going to shift our direction of How we’re viewing the world, how we view our place in it, and overall, because that’s, in human design we look at nodes, , and it is about our environment, it is about the, the people around us, it is about our place in the world, and then our point of view of the world, and how we see it, and what we allow ourselves to see, and does that perspective get shaped in a way that is true to us? Are we seeing the way we’re meant to see, or are we conditioned and trying to see things the way that is more convenient for us? Or a way that’s more in alignment with the conditioning that we grew up with? So I think that that’s going to be a very significant thing, just shifting us at the very start of the year. and what you might just feel is that pull to different things. I do think that there’s going to be, It’s much more spiritual. Virgo is very tactile and earthy and just grounded in that sense. And I think that to me, when I saw that it was, that this was shift was happening, we are going to be kind of called to something beyond what we can see.
Maybe, maybe beyond what we can touch and feel and, or maybe what, We can’t touch and feel suddenly starts to become what we touch and feel, what is tangible to us. And that might just be fun, particularly for people like us who are pulled pretty hard. We’re, we’re Virgos with Virgo North moons, North nodes.
I’m definitely feeling like this will be, it’s going to be an interesting year.
Christina Luna: I totally agree. Uh, there’s a lot more. I want to talk more about like the victim, martyr, perpetrator triangle when we do our next recording. And I think we’ll be, we’ll be in it. Well, the North Node will be in Pisces the next time we record. So, but keep an eye out this month just as like a preview. If you notice anything in your life where you think that there’s a victim, you think that there’s a perpetrator, Or there’s a martyr or a desire inside of you to be a martyr.
If there’s any part of that triangle presenting in your circumstances, that’s going to be a North Node in Pisces lesson for you to become more observatory of. And the lesson by the end of these 18 months will, it’ll allow us to extract ourself from that triangle altogether, because we’ll be able to see that we, when we decide to buy into that triangle, we become all three parts of the triangle automatically.
And so that is going to be a really interesting thing for us to work with in the next 18 months too.
Nicole Laino: I wrote it down. We’re going to talk about it for the February. We’ll put a pin in it and we’re going to continue that conversation in February when we’re all in that energy. But what else are you seeing for the month? So like, I kind of mentioned that this month, From a human design perspective, it’s very much all about the root center.
It is about that pressure. It is very much like that new year energy of like, boom, what are we gonna do? are we gonna start? What are we going to kick off? And then can we ride that wave where we’re spending more time in fuel than in stress? You know, are we giving in to pressure, or are we allowing pressure to build to the point where it moves us in a direction that feels like we chose it? And what do we want to fight for? Is that first, that first week, Is the gate of the fighter, you know, the first through the fifth, we are in the gate of the fighter, gate 38. And to me, the fighter is all about fighting for purpose. And it is about fighting for your individual purpose. It’s not the purpose to the rest of the world.
It’s your individual, authentic purpose in this life. What are you willing to fight for is sort of that question that is being asked of us at first week. What are you, what are you really fighting for? What are you really here for? And that’s a question I’ll be asking myself, I mean we do that at the start of the year anyway, but really to deepen it like where it goes beyond just what do I want to do?
What are my goals? No, what am I going to fight for this year without killing myself? But what am I going to commit to hard and say I’m just committed to helping this be birthed and become whatever it’s meant to become? And then we move into gate 54, which is the gate of ambition, another root center gate, but it takes us, it’s tribal.
It says, okay, now who do I need to help me get there? Who is important to this mission that I’m on and can ambition be bigger than just my own thing? Does it go beyond me and become something bigger? So that’s kind of like that first half of the month and that takes us through to that nodal shift where it does become more about everybody else, where it does become more about our place in the whole.
So those were kind of the themes that were standing out to me at the beginning of the month. How about for you?
Christina Luna: Completely. Yeah. The first week where you’re talking about the fighter, I see that as the divine dance and you’re, you’re basically having a shadow dance.
Nicole Laino: Mm hmm.
Christina Luna: you’ve got the old goals and aspirations and you’re dancing with these new ones. And it’s a, it’s a break dancing fight. Like you’ve got, you’ve got to figure out which of these, um, Versions of you are gonna win in the dance.
And so there’s a lot of It’s very very attuned to what you just said and then that second week when you’re talking about The people that are on your team, that’s the time of the divine plan. And, you know, you can kind of think that this is a moment when you’re looking at the mountain, and you’re trying to decide which route you’re gonna take with who you’re gonna take it with.
And so there’s this divine plan that we install in the second week. And there’s obviously, you know, a lot of astrology going on during this time, but I love these kind of broader strokes because they’re more of a, um, you think of all the things that happen when you’re trying to create a plan with other people.
Everyone’s got their own strategies. Everyone thinks that the, their way up the mountain is going to be the best way. The best way is going to be a way that honors every single person’s gifts. And that’s how we’re going to climb that mountain. And then that fourth week, um, it’s like the four of pentacles.
It’s, it’s this moment where we, we can sort of grow attached. To things being a certain way but the lesson is in having faith in the release Like releasing it up to our life releasing releasing our good plans to the universe So that we can Allow the change to happen and that’s when that nodal shift occurs It will require some faith for us to release and trust that there’s a divine team here If we are entering into a space of teams and faith and the fabric, there is a divine team literally in bodies and some in not bodies.
And there’s more to this fabric of, getting things created in the world than just our own hands.
Nicole Laino: Yeah, and when we shift over, so on the 11th, we shift in human design into Gate 61 and Gate 61 is, go from the root to the head, different pressure, pressure, mental pressure now. But this gate is so fascinating to me because it’s the gate of inner truth. And it is about the mysteries of life.
It is about thinking about the unknowable things in this world. So we shift from this, like, I’ve got to do, I’ve got to, but, but I’ve got to trust that timing is right and that the evolution will unveil itself if I’m open to the process. And then we’re going to shift into Pisces in the north node. And then we have this, at that same time, we have this, what can be very beautiful, but also can be a bit of madness as well, depending on what side of the pressure you fall on, but that pondering of what is out there, what is next? Can I expand my way of thinking? right now to go beyond what I see, what I can touch, what feels true. Can I expand what that truth really means? And that again, it can be incredibly creative and inspiring and beautiful, or it can be complete madness and it really depends on what side you fall on.
So can you, can you have a gentle touch with the way that you’re thinking about things that third week where you’re really just sort of, um, Getting curious without necessarily needing to find an answer because that’s the magic of all head center energy. Anything that comes in 63, 61, or 64, those three gates, if you try to find an answer, you will not find it typically. it’s it’s from, you know, look mom, no hands. It’s the, when you let go of the reins and allow yourself to just. Realize that the horse will keep running if you just keep your balance. Um, and that’s where the joy is. So it is about allowing that to come through. Those are , some big things for me.
We also have on the 22nd, we come to what is considered the human design new year. And so gate 41, which is the start of everything. And this runs from the 22nd to the 27th. That 41st gate is the gate of, it’s called the gate of contraction, but really what it is, it’s about big dreams. It is , in DNA, they say it’s the start codon.
It’s the thing that says, okay, now we go. That it’s again in the root center. So it is that pressure. It is that fuel, but it’s the fuel for your dreams. It is the fuel to say, I’m going to dare to dream of something, to see something bigger than I think is possible. And I’m not going to get lost in the fantasy of it and never bring it into tangible reality, but I’m also not going to feel like it needs to be so perfectly possible that I’m I lose the fact that I, I can be a great creator, that I have power beyond what seems just logically possible.
It’s not logical. It is an emotional experience, this whole thing. So that to me is the thing that I’m like, I always love when that gate comes around. It’s always a mystery to me how it will feel because you never know if you’re going to fall into the pressure or into the kind of doomsday feelings that can come with pressure. I don’t know what to do with it. I need it to move. I need it to change. really uncomfortable. But can you just have a lot of fun swimming in, can you dream a big dream? And can you say, not how will it happen, but can you play with how could it happen at that point? All the different ways that something crazy, wonderful, That’s a really fun exercise to do at that point.
Christina Luna: I love that exercise, especially for that week. That week, I call it the week of sharp discernment. It’s like the five of swords and The five of swords, this is the thing about thoughts and ideas. Like you’re talking about how can we allow our mind to expand behind, beyond the rational, to think thoughts and believe things that are beyond what we have experienced in the past or what’s rationally possible.
And the five of swords can bring these swords in and chop down those beliefs so quickly. And this is when we enter into that testing phase where we’ve planted all this incentive intention and seeds for this new reality and this new vibe, but there can be these little insidious old belief swords that can come in and try to keep your vibration at a lower level.
frequency. It could try to keep you at your thermostat setting that you were used to in past cycles. And this is an opportunity, like what you were saying, this is an opportunity to let those new novel ideas and beliefs slip past your regulation center. And think the bigger dreams, turn the temperature up higher than your thermostat usually allows, see if you can get yourself beyond neutral into this new terrain, and have sharp discernment when those old ideas and regulating thoughts try to come in.
to tell you that it’s not safe, it’s not going to work, you’re not good enough, blah, blah, blah. Like, it’s definitely a week where those tests are present. And the entire season, starting on the 19th and into, you know, February, is a test of our frequency, is a test of our ability to turn the temperature up, or turn the vibration up on our frequency.
And so, of course, we’re going to challenge with the things that kept it low from the past. If you see it as that, just challenges, you can use your sharp discernment to allow the expansion to happen.
Nicole Laino: beautiful and To me, that’s what the start of the year is about, right? We’re going to dream big. We’re going to set the tone for the rest of the year. You know, testing what happens in February. We’re testing for, I mean, you’re talking about a really long term test.
We’re testing like, is this what I want for the next 20 years? But to me, I’m. I’m always thinking about that of, like, I feel like that’s what this energy is always sort of begging us to do or urging and connecting us to is this feeling of, well, what do you really want? What do you really want? And then as I’m saying that in February, does the rubber hit the road?
Because sometimes we, we’ve all made a plan or, you know, set some goals and put some things on a vision board that really weren’t ours. That really weren’t the things that we were that connected to. The world made us think we should want it. You know, it’s aligned with something else. It’s aligned with some old version of ourselves. And to me, that’s sort of what’s coming through as I’m processing this talking to you is that February is when it’ll be tested. Is this really mine? Is this really what I want to commit my energy to? And then when we do. What’s possible when I really commit to it, when I really say yes, and say, I’m going for this, or I’m allowing this and, and connecting my energy to this, I’m, you know, when they talk about, you know, can you connect to the energy of the thing that you want? Maybe that’s what February is doing for us. Are we really connected energetically to that thing that we say that we want to, those dreams that we dared to put out there.
Christina Luna: Yeah, and you know, you look at the last week of February, or January, you’ve got the Six of Swords, and this is, picture of this is a mother and child in a ship, and then there’s this person, you know, this male figure kind of at the head of the ship, steering that ship out of choppy waters into clear waters.
And so, this is the, internal mind, We’re going to be leading ourself, navigating through these swords, so that we have the discernment to get out of the emotional choppy waters that the old belief system would create for ourselves. And we have the, we’re nurturing our inner children through this passage.
So it’s, it’s really, the last week is really a time of letting our new beliefs Our new guiding principles help us to foster this healing and this nurturance of parts of us that were stuck. They were stuck in the past. They were stuck in old patterns. We’re getting them through and navigating through into these new earth, this new reality, it’s crossing over a body of water into a new place. And so, yep, I do feel we’re being set up so perfectly. I do, I do feel that, um, the week that we need to really keep our discernment sharp is from the 19th to the 25th. I feel that that’s going to be the week that we were just going to just keep your feet on the ground, keep your heart open, let yourself experience whatever comes to you and allow yourself to see the bigger picture and continue choosing what frequency or what sensation in your body you prefer to experience in that moment.
Nicole Laino: I love that. I think that that’s a great place to leave that, to let people know this is what. you know, that week of discernment can look like and how you can use that and because am I hearing you correctly, like that that might be a difficult or challenging time that week.
Christina Luna: It could be if there’s a lot of unconscious material. That is ready to be processed. Yeah.
Nicole Laino: distinction to make, because it’s like, there’s no bad, good or bad, it’s just how does it affect you? And if you’re open to the experience, similar to what we were talking about with the bliss experiment, if you’re open to the experience, if you’re open to what is happening, you stay present with it, then the lessons emerge. The work that you have to do becomes more important. It’s kind of apparent, or you work through it the way that you can, and then you emerge on the other side different, whatever different looks like. So I think that that’s kind of always the way that we want you to be working with this stuff, is that there is no good or bad.
It is just about, you know, are you paying attention in a relaxed enough way that you can be in it without trying to control the whole thing. I So anything that you want to leave everybody with before we sign off for this month?
Christina Luna: gonna say growth through omission, but I don’t know if that’s the right word I’m looking for. Growth through release is real growth. Growth through letting things go is real growth. We don’t always have to add things in order to feel like we’re growing. That we could definitely drop things and that could be growth.
And especially on the 21st, I feel that there’s going to be something we can drop like a hot potato and we’ll just let it go and that that’s going to be growth. It could be as easy as like, I’m just not going to pick that up.
Nicole Laino: Yeah, most of the growth in my life has come from letting go, not adding. It has been from subtraction.
It has been from, from letting something . that no longer serves me to really have the courage to look at things and say, you know, is this no longer serving me? Is there something that I need to do in order to allow myself to let go of this? Baggage is heavy. And sometimes baggage looks like the next great idea that you could start. And sometimes it’s just, it’s just more. So I love that you shared that because subtraction to me has always been my greatest path to growth. For sure.
Christina Luna: Yeah.
Nicole Laino: So, Thank you all for being here. Thank you for making it all the way to the end of this episode with us.
Kicking off your year with Christina and myself, we are honored. We are very, very proud to be here with you. We can’t wait for the rest of the year to be delivering these transit episodes and all the other episodes that we’re going to do here on the show. Thank you for being here with us. Happy New Year to you.
And remember, in order to have an unshakable business, you must first become an unshakable human. So thanks for letting us help you become unshakable with human design, everyone. We will see you next time.
Christina Luna: Bye bye.
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