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5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator, Peak-performance Coach, Human Design expert, and Gene Keys Guide

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This Should Always Come First in Your Business

Episode 342

Are you struggling to find the balance between energetic alignment and practical strategy in your business?

In this episode, Nicole tackles one of the biggest mistakes spiritual entrepreneurs make: separating strategy and energy. If you’ve ever wondered how to balance the practical demands of running a business with staying aligned to your higher purpose, this episode is for you.

You’ll uncover how to assess where you are in your business journey and identify your most pressing challenges, whether it’s time, money, or both. Nicole explains why choosing the profitable path isn’t just about making money—it’s about creating stability and freedom to fully step into your purpose. Through actionable insights, she shares how blending Human Design with strategy can help you make better decisions and finally achieve the results you’ve been working so hard for.If you’re ready to stop playing small and start building a business that feels as good as it looks, don’t miss this episode. It’s your time to rise!

Learn more about your Human Design and get your full chart for free at https://www.nicolelaino.com/chart

Link to Register for the Intensive: https://nicolelaino.com/niche-price-1

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Episode 342 

Hello, and welcome to Unshakeable with Human Design, everybody. I’m your host, Nicole Lano. We’re here, just the two of us today, and we’re going to talk about your business. We’re going to talk about something. It’s a mistake that I see so many people, so many spiritual entrepreneurs in our community, I see make this, same mistake over and over and over again.

And I’ve made it myself. And , in this episode, my goal. , I’m going to pull human design and strategic decision making apart for a moment, and I’m going to talk about them separately, and then I’m going to squish them back together and show you how we blend strategy and energy.

Cause I see a lot of people, particularly in our spiritual entrepreneur community, where you’re a transformational coach, you’re a healer, you’re a heart centered entrepreneur, where you lean on tools like human design and EFT and breath work and all of these amazing tools that are designed to expand us.

And human design is certainly designed to help us make the decisions that are correct for us. However. Strategy still does play a role because we want results and we want results in the material world. 

Nicole Laino: We’re not just living a life where we don’t have to provide for ourselves and yes, when we are living in alignment, providing for ourselves gets easier, making decisions that feel good and also make sense.

Becomes easier and that takes two skills that we have to build one, and for our purposes on the show, and the way that I teach is learning how to follow your strategy and authority in a real and practical way. And then also making decisions and understanding the strategic elements of our business, because we want material success.

And not because we’re greedy and not because money is overly important to us. No. Because we need to eat. We need to feed our families. And quite frankly, we’re not good to anybody if we’re in survival mode. This is part of the reason I see so many people go through that consistent cycle of healing and healing and healing and re regulating and regulating again.

And, and it’s because you’re constantly putting yourself in a state of survival because you don’t have the money to support yourself or you don’t have enough. So you’re always chasing money. So yes, there are energetic practices and there are energetic pieces to this, but there’s also a strategic piece.

So what we’re going to cover today is actually, , the thing that should always be on the top of your list. The first question you should be asking, , we’re going to address that most common mistake that I see the spiritual entrepreneur community . making. Uh, , , I’m going to talk about the exception to this rule, and then I’m also going to talk about how human design comes into this and can help you make correct decisions that also light up your life, that also pull you on the path of your purpose.

This is why what I teach inside my programs, what I try to teach you all on this show, what I try to share, Is that energy and strategy are both needed in this world and that the more you get to know yourself, the more you decondition your human design, the easier decisions become. You don’t realize how much of your struggle has to do with you living in your shadows.

That, you can’t really address it. You can’t really overcome it. 

And once you do, if you make that work, I don’t treat energetic work as a separate thing. I was talking with a friend of mine about this today and the energetic work is not optional and it’s not something you do separately. You don’t go like, I’m going to go heal and then I’ll be back.

doesn’t work like that. We move, we keep moving and we heal and we regulate, and we do this energetic work daily. I just created a private podcast feed for my clients inside my business by design mentorship with the visualizations, with the breathworks, with the other tools that we use.

So they can step into, and they make a habit of stepping into their higher self. I had them create a self hypnosis so that they are doing that in the morning and at night, it’s part of the practice. This is part of developing the practice of being an aligned CEO and stepping into that role. But we can’t do that when it’s just like, oh, well, we’re constantly trying to figure out how to master ourselves.

Self mastery comes from a consistent practice of being aware and understanding ourselves, and that’s what human design can help us with. But I want to focus a little bit on the mistake that I see everybody making, I mean that’s kind of a broader one, is that we think that we have to separate these two pieces, and a lot of times the reasoning behind separating them is, Nobody really teaches them together.

We teach them as separate things. I’m going to buy an Instagram program and then I’m going to buy this, you know, releasing my sexual energy program or a money mindset program. And we treat them as these separate things rather than looking at our business when we are the business as entrepreneurs as a holistic thing that we run the business.

So how we are running and who we are, and the more we fine tune and elevate ourselves and rise, the easier it’ll be for our business to rise. We are vibrating at a new level. So we start attracting new level things, but we still do the work. I guarantee you everyone who’s making seven figures online and selling energy work has strategic things that they do.

They show up. They put offers out there. They have systems. They have a team. It isn’t just them thinking about things. You’re responding to the work that they put out there. They put together a program. They put it out there. They have a system for launching it. That’s the strategy. It exists for a reason.

Okay. So we’re going to dive in this episode. I also want to say goes really well with episode 340, which we released last week on Monday, I believe. And that one was called where to invest in 2025. I recommend if you haven’t listened to that one yet, go back and listen to that one and listen to this one together.

Episode 340: https://youtu.be/MqR7fEYZlag

You could, it doesn’t really matter which one you listen to first. I think that the order could be up to you, but definitely listen to them together because they really do fit together and give you a really clear picture of making decisions from a better place and making the right decisions for you and then where to make the decisions around money.

And what to invest in and where to put your resources this year. So 2025 is a kick in the pants year, just like super off the charts, successful for you and not another year of lessons. Okay, one other announcement we have, I am teaching an intensive program on the 22nd, but it will also be available as an evergreen program after that.

So no matter when you are listening to this episode, if you are interested in learning about your cosmic niche, this is that blend of strategy and energy that I’m talking about, taking your human design chart and your expertise, putting them together and figuring out who is it that you are divinely created to serve.

Who is that? audience that is meant to hear from you, that will respond to you. If you are interested in that, if you feel like you really want to target your soulmate clients, then please DM me the word niche on Instagram. I’m at Nicolelainoofficial, or go to Nicolelainoo. com forward slash niche, and you can register right there.

Link to Register for the Intensive: https://nicolelaino.com/niche-price-1

This is not a free workshop. This is actually a program intensive that I am doing and teaching. I just happen to be teaching it live because. I like seeing you all and I get to talk to you and all of that, but even if it’s recorded, you get the same content that I actually teach inside my business by design mentorship.

So this is really in depth stuff. This is sort of my trade secrets on how to bridge the gap between your human design chart and your message. This is one of the key components that I teach inside business by design. So certainly check that out. If that interests you, if you are like, I want to find those soulmate clients, this is the program for you.

So please jump into it with us. I would love to see you in there. Okay, so let’s talk about this. Making great decisions. Every great decision in your business first starts with an assessment. Where are we? What’s my current status? Where am I right now? You have to look at it. You have to look at where are you, are you making six figures already?

And you want to get to multiple six. Are you just starting out and you’ve got, you know, you’re making like two or three grand a month, but you need to know how to do it better and get that onto a more consistent path. Maybe you’re doing two or 3, 000 a month, but it feels really hard. You’re kind of fighting for those sales.

You don’t know when they’re coming in, or maybe it’s 3, 000 one month and 500 the next month, whatever it is, assessing where you are and assessing what’s your main problem. That you are dealing with right now? What is the one thing in your business? Is it that you don’t have enough time?

Do you need to figure out how to work less? But what’s the number one thing? Is it money or is it something else? Cause you might say it’s audience. I need more people, but why do you need more people? Ask yourself why a couple of times when you come down to this, because it really should come down to one of two things.

Really. I need more time, which means freedom. I have the money, but I need more time or I have the time and, and I really need money or sometimes we need both. I’m working a lot, but I don’t, I’m not making enough money to support my lifestyle. Right. So. What is it? It should boil down to one of those two things.

And if it doesn’t, so if it’s like audience, I need more people. That’s a problem that you have for sure. But well, maybe not depending on, I would love to see your numbers to find out if you really have an audience problem, or if you have more of a selling problem. Um, but, if you have an audience problem, then is it because you, it usually it’s because we want more clients because we want more money.

So if you ask why a few times, you’ll get down to like one of those two things, time or money, which one is it? Okay. So in order to figure out the priority, the mistake that I see so many entrepreneurs make is they want more money. They want more clients. They want a bigger audience. They want all these things.

And then they’re like, I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to write a book. 

Okay. If you’re at a certain point and money’s not a problem and you feel like you really need that, like authority thing to sort of lift you up, okay. But usually that’s probably not the right next step for right now, because choose the profitable path first. And I know coming from an energy, a person who teaches energetic practices like human design, that might seem like an out of character response for me. Purely strategic, soulless. No. it’s very difficult to support people. It’s very difficult to be in alignment.

It’s very difficult for you to show up as your best self when you are struggling, when you are in survival mode, which is why , if your health is falling apart, if you have cancer, if you have some, a disease that’s ravaging your body, And you don’t have your health, then you are in survival mode.

Suddenly all the other things don’t matter. And you become very focused on your health. It’s the same thing with money, where if we don’t have enough money, we go into survival mode all the time. And that I find is the reason that people stay in that dysregulated state with their nervous system, because they’re worried about money and they’re worried about money and they’re worried about money.

They’re in survival and their fight flight is kicking in all the time. So they think they need more healing. They think they need more healing. So they go and they try to heal and then they join an energy, they go to an energy healer to clear the blocks. And then they, they’re tapping and they’re doing all of this stuff and that’s great.

I’m not telling you to not do that stuff, but the problem is that they’re focusing solely on that path and they’re not focusing on the thing that will actually fix the problem and get them out of fight flight, which is to start bringing in real revenue. And bringing it in more regularly and more reliably and stacking the cash so every month they feel more secure and not less secure.

Now I don’t know what your profitable path will be, but finding your profitable path is a huge step. Because then what you want to do is you choose the profitable path, you walk it. And then you’re also healing and regulating and doing all of that stuff down the road. Now, sometimes we have a little bit of unraveling to do on the energetic side before we can really forge forward on that profitable path.

But most of the time, what I see is people use the energetic healing path as an excuse or a place to hide. I can’t do the profitable thing yet because. Okay. , and what a lot of another mistake, like within this mistake is that a lot of people think that the profitable path has to be complicated and it doesn’t, you can put out simple offers.

You can start to put out smaller things. You can start somewhere. You can put your offers out in different ways. And this is something that we’re focusing on inside my program in February, because I noticed some people falling into that tendency. And even with me guiding them, I’m like, you know what, we’re going to make this a, challenge for the month of February.

We’re going to get everybody out of this habit. We’re going to push forward. We are going to get really locked in on what our goals are. And we’re going to take small steps toward them every day. We’re going to heal and regulate and do all of that stuff all at the same time. But I’m going to show you all how we can make this a whole lot easier.

You’re building it up. You’re putting it on a pedestal. If you want to be part of that before February and you want to talk to me about business by design and you want to talk to me about that, just DM me mentorship on Instagram and we can have a little chat to see if that program is right for you. If you want to get on that fast track where in 30 days you’re making sales, we are doing that in February.

So please let me know. that is reserved only for those clients, but if you would like to be considered for that program, just send me a DM. We can talk about it. I’ll see if that’s okay. It’s the right fit for you. Okay. So do you see how the profitable path it supports you? It is the thing that is keeping you from slipping into that.

I’ve got to heal. I’ve got to fix this. Like just that emotional rollercoaster that we can put ourselves on. Okay. So that’s the most common mistake. They pick the passion project first. They owe, they heal. They go with all of that energetic stuff first. And I’m saying you have to do the profitable thing first and, or you do it simultaneously with the energy stuff, which is what my whole program is.

We do it all and we do it all at the same time. And we go where we’re maybe you have to spend a few days in the healing space because you’re just like, I’m really in a funk and we need to work you through that. Okay. But then we get right back on the horse and we go again. Because the more we stay out of the game, the more we get sucked into that lull.

And then we start to get desperate, desperate energy sucks for so many reasons. It repels the people that you want to attract. It makes doing everything harder because your energy is saying, wait, we have to take care of ourselves. Wait, we’re so scared. Deal with my emotions right now rather than you being able to get to work.

This is why it’s, it’s not an option to be emotionally healthy and to deal with your stuff as an entrepreneur because you bring you into the business every single day and the business is only as good as you are. So we have to take care of ourselves. We also have to pay attention to the bottom line and in an aligned and open way, walk that profitable path.

So the one like caveat I have to this, , the one thing I will say about if you have the passion project, but you don’t have your profitable path yet, it’s not obvious to you, you don’t really know. But you feel really called to do something creative, you feel really called to write a book, you feel really called to flex your creative muscle.

And you’re not exactly sure what your revenue stream is yet. With eyes open, you can do the passion project, but you have to be okay. With the fact that that will not make you money for a while and I think that people can get sucked into Testimonials that people have put out there, you know, oh I made this much money with my book They had avenues for that book to make money If you don’t have a goal of making money with the book and you’re like This is just where I feel like my energy wants to go.

I just feel so called to write this I feel like if I don’t write it right now It won’t pour out of me. Like, I feel like it will right now. I have to take this moment and take advantage of it. That’s a different story. And I would say like, you’re the authority to you. That’s what human design is all about.

That’s what this show at its very core is all about. Becoming an authority to yourself. So then you can become an authority to others. So I’m not here to tell you what you have to do. I always say like you make. Your decisions, that is what I train every person in my business, in my community, in my client list, everybody I’m teaching, how to become an authority to themselves.

So, the decisions are yours. I just always say, we make the decision with eyes open. We make the decisions from an aware and empowered place. I’m free to make whatever decision I want as long as I’m not making it. never a mistake as long as I’m making it with consciousness that I’m not on autopilot going in that direction again.

Oh, and there I go just following what somebody told me or what I think it will get me and just being completely unaware. That I’m being sucked into somebody else’s message. It’s to come from that place of centeredness and groundedness from ourselves and making the decision from that place. So you can make any decision that you want, as long as it’s coming from that place, I am aware of what I’m doing.

I’m aware that breaking this rule, but I’m consciously making the choice to break that rule because rules are meant to be broken. And I get to decide what is right for me and what is not right for me. I hope you can see the distinction there and how that’s different. Now let’s talk about how you do work human design into this decision making process.

So, first of all, kind of in the same vein of what I was saying is that all decisions for human design have to come from your strategy and authority, truly.

So I’m going to use projectors as an example to illustrate how we start to bring our human design into this decision making process. So we understand that we should choose the profitable path first. Or we should commit equally to the profitable path. Also while we’re doing this other passion thing, so I’m adding this passion thing on, but I feel like I’m in a good place with this profitable path that I can take on the extra load of the passion project thing because I already built it.

I did that. It isn’t always choosing the profitable option. It’s just making sure you have enough profit underneath you to feel safe so that you’re able to be open enough creatively to do the passionate thing, to do the other stuff that you feel called to do. The things that light you up. And it’s beautiful when the things that light you up and the profit line up.

And that’s what we really look to do with human design is try to figure out, well, how do I blend my expertise? How do I make that into a profitable path and also take my human design, my gifts, what I’m really here for and my purpose and blend them together so that I’m getting profit from my purpose.

Okay. But we want to be making these decisions not from a conditioned place and I want to talk about I’m going to use projectors as the example, because I think that that we can illustrate the point easier if I talk about at least one type and just give you kind of baseline of how decision making from the strategy and authority place work, as opposed to from conditioning.

So you have to consider so projectors, of course, have to consider How much energy will something take? So the profitable path, they do want to be thinking about what, how their energy works best. There are certain considerations for a projector, you know, is this going to be me working like hours and be really taxing on my schedule and be a lot of output from me and be a lot of pressure for me to be showing up all the time and consistently and giving my energy over to a lot of people.

Well, that might burn them out. So they do have to consider that, but again, from a grounded place and not from a place of conditioning, a place of conditioning would be, and you can almost feel it. So if you’re a projector listening to this, or if you’re a coach and you coach projectors, um, or you have projector clients, or if you just know somebody who’s a projector, you probably have seen this where they get, they could get really worked up over like, I can’t do that.

I can’t do it. Like, that’s just going to be too much for me. And they start to get all worked up and that’s more of a conditioned place. I would really. Um, they’ll be able to coach that projector to kind of get into their own energy, to reground themselves, and ask them better questions. Does this feel like something you want to be recognized for?

Does this feel like it’s really what you’re here for? and they will know, because they’ll know people will ask them for advice, for their thoughts. They will be called, they’ll be invited for, for things. so they’ll know. And if this was an invitation and they’re figuring out if it’s right for them, you know, they also don’t have to accept the terms that it was, put out there to them with.

They can put up boundaries. They can set boundaries. There are ways that they can do that, but when they’re in a conditioned state, they don’t feel powerful like that. They usually just shut it down. Projectors. I want you to think about if a projector is following strategy and authority, If they’re following their spleen or if they’re following their identity or if they are following their emotions and they are seeing who’s recognizing them, seeing if it’s the thing that they want to be recognized for, they’re following their process.

But that’s all well and good, but they do have to consider the profit because they’ll often consider the time. But the lack of funds and if they make a decision that does not support them where it’s purely passion, the lack of funds will put pressure on them and cause them to overwork or feel bitter.

So everybody has to figure out how can I support myself? How can I do that in a way that feels good? And how can I choose? Usually there are way more options on the table than most entrepreneurs are giving themselves credit for. And that’s where someone like me comes in and it’s like, let’s make this less complicated.

Let’s really make this simpler. Your offer could just be these four points. I did that with a client yesterday. I said, let’s not make this complicated. Let’s make this easy. Your offer is these four points. Do it as a one on one offer. So you don’t have to create a lot in advance. You can use the feedback that you’re getting from the one to one clients.

You can charge a premium because it’s one to one, you can offer a discount because this is your first time doing this. So you offer like a one time discount to a certain group of people who sign up as founding members or whatever you want to call them. And you can bring in cash right now and make yourself feel so much better.

And then there’s such a difference in people’s energy when they’re starting to make money and they’re starting to bring in cash and it’s starting to happen regularly and they’re showing up and they show up differently. Yeah. When they feel like things are working. I mean, that’s just human nature and Part of the energetic game is showing up like everything is working even when it’s not to bring the energy of it’s working I’m in the energy of what I want.

So I’m going to get what I want. That’s the marriage that we’re creating here strategic work strategic planning implementation And energetically aligning with what we want, creating things from a place of alignment as much as possible. You always hear me say it particularly with like the generator community where they say, Oh, I can’t, I’m so frustrated all the time because I can’t be in alignment because I’m in my job and I hate my job.

So I’m always frustrated. So I can’t be lit up anymore. And it’s like, get it that you can’t be lit up a hundred percent of the time. Very few of us can. But can you just start playing the game of trying to be more in alignment than less, be more in satisfaction and less in frustration? Can we just start to shift the ratio in favor of satisfaction over frustration?

Rather than going for this 100 percent thing, which is unattainable. This is how we start to work and start to have results. This is how you start to change things. You choose the profitable path, you get that going. And then that frees you up to do so much more, but so many people are trying to do too much at once, choosing the option that costs money rather than gives money and creates money, so they’re always feeling like they’re in survival mode.

And I wanted to call that out to this community because I think that it’s a message that needs to be heard. I hope you heard it. If this resonates with you, maybe you want to share this episode with somebody, you know, who needs to hear it. I would appreciate that. If you do share it on Instagram, I’m at Nicolino official, please tag me so that I can thank you.

But I hope that this episode resonated with you. I hope that this gave you a little nugget of how you can choose your profitable path, how you can start creating really amazing results for yourself and for your family in 2025. Thank you so much for being here. If you want to join us for our cosmic niche intensive, please DM me niche on Instagram or go to Nicolino.com forward slash niche, and you can sign up there and I hope to see you inside.

Link to Register for the Intensive: https://nicolelaino.com/niche-price-1

Thank you guys have a wonderful rest of your day. And remember in order to have an unshakable business, you must first become an unshakable human. So thanks letting us help you become unshakable with human design.

Everybody. We will see you next time. 

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