Episode 344
Are you a projector—or do you know someone who is? In this episode, Nicole unpacks what makes projectors so unique and why their journey to alignment looks completely different from other energy types. If you’ve ever wondered why projectors often feel overlooked or burnt out, this conversation reveals the tendencies that hold them back—and the steps they can take to shine.
Learn how projectors can embrace their gifts, harness the power of recognition, and align with their true nature to find success and fulfillment. Nicole also shares real-world insights on how projectors can thrive in both corporate environments and entrepreneurial spaces when they focus on their strengths instead of hustle.
Whether you’re a projector looking for clarity, or you want to better support the projectors in your life, this episode is filled with practical wisdom and inspiration. Tune in to explore how projectors can lead with their unique energy and step into their full potential!
Learn more about your Human Design and get your full chart for free at https://www.nicolelaino.com/chart
Link to Register for the Intensive: https://nicolelaino.com/niche-price-1
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Episode 344
Hello and welcome to Unshakeable with Human Design, everybody. I’m your host, Nicole Lano, and today we’re talking to our projectors. Hi, I want to talk to you about your path to success. Now, whether you are a projector yourself, maybe you are a coach who works with projectors and you want to know how to communicate and understand really this group of people.
Projectors are so important to our future as people, as humans. Projectors are so valuable to our ecosystem and to all of us, and particularly to the generator community. But they can only be that valuable. They can only rise to their potential if they’re really being themselves. So it’s up to the rest of us also to not put pressure on them to be like us.
And so today what I want to talk about in this episode, these are some things that I’ve been observing very, very recently. Just some things that have been kind of coming up in a lot of our coaching calls. Some of the things that I’ve been helping projectors work through. And some of the realizations that I’ve had, and just trying to put that together in an episode because I know we have a lot of projectors and, you know, projector friends in this audience.
And I really think that it’s, a valuable thing to understand what the projector’s path to success actually looks like, because it does not look like the generator’s path. It’s different. We are different fundamentally. Now, I’m only going to get into the episode but I’m going to break down how projectors are different.
I’m going to break down what it is that I see so often is going wrong in their lives or why they are burnt out and not making the money that they feel that they deserve. And there’s usually just some tendencies that are at play that I see with this group of people. And what do we do to shift that? And that’s what this episode is going to be all about.
For those of you who are interested in combining their business with human design, we have some things that are available to you. We actually have, the Cosmic Niche work, intensive was, So valuable. People loved it. It was such a huge success well, it was always planned to be an evergreen program.
So that is still available. All you have to do is DM me the word niche on Instagram and I will send you the link on how you can sign up. and purchase that and get started with it right away. We’ve gotten such great feedback from everybody who’s taken that program. We taught it live, but the recording is available.
So it is just as valuable in the recorded version as it is in the live version. So I hope that you enjoy it. I hope if you are building a business and you want it to be a reflection of you. Where you want to connect with your soul aligned clients. If you want to really start to understand how your business can be a reflection of your purpose, then starting with your cosmic niche is a really amazing way to do that.
So I encourage you to take a look at that program. DM me the word niche on Instagram. We’ll send you the info or go to nicolelano. com forward slash niche, and you can buy it right there. Okay. Let’s talk about projectors. Okay. So projectors are different, like I said. And let’s talk about how they’re fundamentally different than the rest of us.
Link to Register for the Intensive: https://nicolelaino.com/niche-price-1
Nicole Laino: Literally, their energy is different. It moves differently. It does different things. We are all here with a different purpose. Projectors, so somebody who has an example I gave in the Cosmic Niche Intensive , we were talking about the nodes and we were talking about the niche and how that can reflect.
And I wanted to give some examples. And one of the examples that I gave was Bernie Sanders. And one of the things that I wanted to pull out of that example was Bernie Sanders and I both have the same birthday, many years apart. Um, We have the same incarnation cross. We have the same nodes even, so lot of similarities and, , and the same profile, so lots of similarities between the two of us, but there’s also a huge difference.
I am a manifesting generator with six centers defined and he is a projector. He’s an ego projector. He has two centers defined and that’s it. Huge difference. Not even just in our definition and our openness, but him as a projector, what he is here to do is very different than what I am here to do.
Now, we’re driven by different things, even though we have so many aspects of our chart in common. So that’s kind of where the similarities end. I’m going to break away from this example, but just to show you that just because you have so many things that are the same, if your type is different, the way that you will go about living that purpose, the way you will go about living your life, the way that things will feel best for you, that you will get the right opportunities are going to be different than they are for somebody with a different type.
The way that projectors find their way in this world is through recognition by somebody else. By them understanding things about the people around them. It’s how their energy works. A generator who comes into your world. Their energy is doing something different generators and manifesting generators were here to respond because when we are in response, we’re learning about what we like, and when we do the things that we like, we become more of who we are, which is why what we like drives the action that we take.
And that is what creates the energetic force around us. That is what pulls the things to us to respond to. That’s how our energy works. We have a warm enveloping aura. It just feels like it’s everywhere. It’s this big, generators, they say it’s like a big hug. Manifesting generators. I don’t know if it necessarily feels huggy.
We can tend to be a little bit more forceful, have a little bit more denseness to our aura, but it’s still really big and it still taking over, it’s still enveloping you. That word is so important, a warm enveloping aura. But projectors cone shape aura. Targeted aura, like an arrow, like a, cone coming out of their body.
I’m making gestures with my arms right now, but this is a podcast. So unless you’re watching us on YouTube, you can’t see me doing it. So I have to give some, some verbal cues here of what I’m doing, but I want you to picture like if you had a beam of light coming out from your heart. Like if, the energy came across your chest and like a big point of the tip of an arrow shooting out and hitting a target, that’s projectors, you know, manifestors, they have that aura that’s pushing things out of their way that is giving them this power, this strength, and it’s moving differently and it’s closer to them.
And it’s pushing in front of them to kind of clear the way, sort of how I look at it, like a snowplow. We’re clearing the way. But projectors, this aura, this very targeted, specific aura, is picking up things very differently. I pull things in with my manifesting generator aura. Projectors, you go in.
You go into other auras, you go into other things, you’re not running around, if you’re in alignment, trying to make things happen, you aren’t responding to things, literally generators, we can’t go to bed at the end of the day, we can’t sleep, if our energy doesn’t get used, if we don’t actually work out the energy, if we don’t do things that we love, We’re miserable and we can’t rest.
We don’t have energy for the things that we do want to do, and we can’t rest because we are out of alignment. Things aren’t working. We’re not being who we are. We’re being somebody else. Now projectors, you’re sensitive to other people’s stuff. You’re sensitive because it’s like an empathy.
It’s like an energetic empathy that you have. And when you’re busy doing other things and not focusing on the other person, you’re here to know about the other. You’re here to know about other people. If you’re not allowing that to happen, you’re missing the wisdom. The other thing that I see about projectors all the time is projectors, when you’re so focused on the doing, When you’re looking out at the outside world and seeing how other people do it, , you often miss your own gifts.
You miss what makes you special. You’re trying to produce, you’re playing the generator game, as I call it. Why? Because usually there’s generators coaching the game and coaching the team and teaching you how to do it that way. We have to do stuff. We do. if you’re an entrepreneur, unless you have a really large team that can do a lot of the work for you, there’s probably going to be work that you have to do.
But are you choosing the work that you do? Is it in alignment with your gifts? And a lot of times projectors are so busy that they don’t recognize their own gifts. And they wonder why nobody recognizes them . They aren’t putting out a signal that other people can pick up on. The most important work that projectors can do is the work that they do on themselves.
To really see themselves, to really fill up from within. Now let’s talk about this, the projector strategy, okay? I see this come up with projectors a lot because they’re like, should I do this? Should I do this? Should I do this? I didn’t get an invitation yet. you don’t need an invitation to work.
You need an invitation into somebody else’s energy. You need an invitation to tell somebody else what you see. That’s the invitation. Do you have an invitation to help them? That’s where the invitation comes from. Now, can recognition. give you some insight into what people might buy from you? For sure.
Yes, absolutely. Have I been recognized for it? You should absolutely be paying attention to what other people tell you is your genius, but that’s not all there is. And don’t feel like if you’re not getting that recognition, well, one question I would have for you, if you’re not getting the recognition is, does anybody even see you?
When, the reason that projectors can be so successful in corporate environments, so when they have a job, when they have a structure around them where they’re showing up every day and showing people who they are, projectors will rise, they will get the promotions, they will get the raises, they will get the recognition faster than their generator counterparts a lot of times because they’re seen.
, their gifts are recognized and usually they’re pretty valuable in that type of environment. Corporations are riddled with inefficiency and systems that don’t work and people wasting time doing things that don’t matter. And projectors are the ones that can see where the break in that system is, where people are wasting their time and their energy, where it could be spent better.
But when we’re in the entrepreneurial space, we’re not necessarily displaying all the time. But I do notice with my projector clients, when they show up, people recognize them. They get opportunities. They get invitations. But usually I’m going to say the problem will be that they’re not showing up in those places enough.
And we have to look for a balance between preserving our energy, as a projector, you do have to preserve your energy, you don’t want to be burning yourself out, doing all the time, but sharing your wisdom in ways that allows other people to see it, recognize it, and then choose you and invite you home.
That is worth your time. That is worth your energy. If you want to be recognized for being really awesome at something, you must show the world, you must be a lighthouse. You must show up that way, or you will feel invisible and you will get bitter. That is just how it goes. So making those the priority.
Seeing yourself, recognizing yourself, saying, I’m so awesome at this. I am so much the best kept secret in this department. I must show people this. That’s where the energy goes. When you choose. Or when people are telling you and you’re like, yeah, I agree. I am kind of a badass at that.
Then that is your cue to really unveil that to the world. Show it to them. And don’t make it perfect. The last thing I want to say about projectors, because I want to keep this quick. So that people actually listen to this and really get what they need to out of it. Your strategy is your protection.
And that’s true for all of us. Our strategy is our protection. Generators, we can run in the wrong direction for a very long time before realizing that we are way off course, particularly my Mani Gen brethren, my sisters, we can absolutely do that. What saves us is if we’re paying attention to our strategy, then we are not doing that unless we’ve truly gotten a response.
Response saves us, because the mind will tell us we should go here, we should do this, and we have the energy to actually do that. Okay, I’m running, I’m going, I’m going to get what I want. And we can hustle our way to some real success that way. We can also hustle our way right into the ground that way.
So strategy saves us from wasting that energy, from going whole hog on something that’s totally not right for us. Gives us a new mechanism. okay? Let’s talk about what it means to be invited, what it means to be recognized.
Think about this. If you haven’t been asked, if you were not invited to something, right? And you didn’t answer yes, so if I haven’t been asked, so I haven’t answered, but I’m still moving, and I’m still doing something, and I’m still progressing in a direction that doesn’t feel right, then that is the first sign that you are probably on somebody else’s ride.
Which is honestly the most common thing that I see with projectors. I see it all the time with projectors. The acquiescing to other people’s needs, wants, direction, demands. This goes double for the projectors with Open G Centers. , where you can sort of assimilate wherever you go, that you don’t even know that you’re on somebody else’s path.
Now, we know this from the more basic standpoint with this, nobody gets to have your energy, have your wisdom, gets to pull you into anything without asking you, that’s the projector, protection there with the invitation, right? We all know that from the standpoint of like, oh right, because I don’t have sustainable energy, so they have to ask me so that I’m really being recognized for the right things, and I’m lending my energy to the only the things that are correct for me, and the right collaborations for me to really get involved with, like I get that.
But what they don’t get is that ideas and other people’s energy without them saying anything necessarily. Without you really feeling like you are doing a whole lot, you can get swept up in their story, in their journey, in their idea of where you should be going. The conditioning is so strong that if you find yourself just kind of like tied up in, topic, in a business, in an offer, in something, or not going in a direction that you want because other people have told you.
Projectors can be very susceptible to a ride on somebody else’s wagon without knowing it. Become very aware of where your energy is, where your focus is. I want to change it to that word, because I think that that’s a better way of explaining it. Pay attention to where your focus is, because your energy is focusing on other people, and it will get sucked into other people’s stuff if you’re not careful and aware.
So I hope that you found this helpful. Projectors, you are the guides that we all need. But you cannot guide unless you are leading yourself. So eyes open, heart open, and really pay attention to where that focus is. Because where you focus your energy is where you are as a projector. It’s who you are. So you have to be able to focus and then pull it back.
And I get it. That is a different game than the rest of us are playing. And it comes with a whole host of challenges. But it also has amazing gifts and you guys are so powerful and magnetic and beautiful and just valuable to the collective that I want to see you shine. So lead yourself and find somebody who lead, who helps you lead yourself.
This is why coaching and working with human design is so important because you can’t be coached like a generator. You can’t just be told to do, do, do. You can’t just be guided that way. That’s not right for you. And it’ll make you feel less confident. It’ll make you lose your conviction. It’s gonna make you lose steam.
But when you start to feel successful, and you start to recognize yourself, and you start to follow this path, then you really start to come out. And you show people who you really are. And that’s when the invitations start rolling in. So thank you for being here. I hope that the projectors found this useful.
I hope that the projector friends and family found this useful and you have compassion and love and openness for the projectors in your life. They are so valuable. And if you’re interested in the Cosmic Niche Intensive, you can still purchase that. That’s an evergreen program that will always be available.
You can do that by DMing me the word Niche on Instagram. I’m at NicoleLanoOfficial or go to NicoleLano. com forward slash niche and you can buy it right there. Thank you so much guys. Have a wonderful rest of your day. And remember in order to have an unshakable business, you must first become an unshakable human.
Link to Register for the Intensive: https://nicolelaino.com/niche
So thanks for letting us help you become unshakable with human design. Everybody we’ll see you next time.
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