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5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator, Peak-performance Coach, Human Design expert, and Gene Keys Guide

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Embody Your Highest Self by Transforming Your Style w/Chellie Carlson 2/4 Emotional Generator

Episode 349

How is your relationship with your closet holding you back in your business?

In this transformative episode, Nicole sits down with personal stylist Chellie Carlson to explore how clothing choices can unlock your authentic self and elevate your presence as an entrepreneur. Chellie shares her journey from working in lingerie retail to becoming a sought-after stylist, revealing how her experience helping women find the perfect bra opened her eyes to deeper issues around body image and self-worth that hold many entrepreneurs back from showing up powerfully in their businesses.

Through intimate stories and practical insights, Chellie breaks down her proven three-step methodology for developing a signature style that feels authentic and empowering. She challenges common misconceptions about dressing for your body type and explains why hiding perceived flaws only draws more attention to them. The conversation dives deep into how our childhood experiences, past relationships, and societal conditioning impact our relationship with clothing and self-expression.

Beyond just fashion advice, this episode is about transformation from the outside in. Nicole and Chellie discuss how cleaning out your closet can be a form of therapy, why having fewer but better pieces leads to more outfit options, and how dressing for yourself rather than occasions or other people’s expectations can dramatically boost your confidence and magnetism. Whether you struggle with body image, feel stuck in a style rut, or simply want to show up more authentically in your business, this conversation offers a fresh perspective on using personal style as a tool for embodying your highest self.

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Episode 349

Nicole Laino: Welcome to Unshakeable with Human Design, the show dedicated to helping entrepreneurs use human design to shift from hustle to flow without sacrificing results. Come here to become an unshakeable human and build an unshakeable business according to your human design. I’m your host, Nicole Laino.

Hello and welcome to Unshakeable with Human Design, everybody. I’m your host, Nicole Laino, and I am so thrilled to be here with my guest, Shelly Carlson today. Shelly is actually somebody I met, it’s actually only been a little bit over a year, but It feels like longer that we’ve known each other. I spoke in a mastermind that you were a part of.

And I’m just gonna, I’m gonna brag on you a little bit here because I’ve watched this Ascension that you’ve had, and I’ve watched this growth journey you’ve been on and you are, while you are a personal stylist, you are so much more than that and that’s what I really feel has come through in this year plus that I’ve known you and I’ve been watching you.

Now I’m also a member of your Style Society membership, which we’re going to talk about in, in a little while because I’m gonna, I’m gonna rave about that too. Because honestly what you’ve done, I’ve always liked clothes, but I relied on brands and I, I’m not going to say that I always loved my body. I’ve never had a weight problem, but I, had big boobs from the time I was a kid and we’re going to talk about body image. But what you’ve done in your membership, I’ve been in the membership pretty much the whole time I’ve known you. I joined pretty much right away.

And So I’ve been in it for a year and you give these great style boards and you give such great advice, not just on like, Oh, here’s what’s trending now.

Like you can get on a YouTube video, you get formulas for how to dress. Us how to dress our body and that has changed my whole relationship with my clothes the way that I shop Um, I use your suggestions, but i’m also able to be online My christmas list this year was so different because I was like, these are the pieces that I need These are the accessories that I feel like i’m missing from the look that I want to create For me, not because the magazine told me to.

And I just wanted to, I just wanted to say that that’s, we’re going to talk about all of it today, but thank you because it’s made me feel more empowered in my own body, in my own style, in the way that I represent myself. And that can’t be understated how important that is. So thank you and welcome to the show.

Chellie Carlson: Thank you. I’m so excited to be here

Nicole Laino: And I also want to say that you are a 2 4 emotional generator and you are the incarnation cross of the vessel of love, which at the end of the episode, I’m going to get to what that all means, because when I see people really living true to their design gets me super excited. And I want to highlight some of that. So if you’re listening to this and you are a vessel of love, you’re a generator, you’re a 2 4, we’re going to go into all of that and how Shelly is really using this in her brand without necessarily knowing what , what you’re doing, it’s just coming through you. Why? Because you’ve done obviously inner work, you have reflected on yourself and you’re stepping into your highest version of yourself.

And that happens to be very aligned with your chart. So I’m gonna, I’m gonna call out some of that stuff at the end, but before we get there, let’s introduce yourself. Tell everybody, what did I not include? What would you like everybody to know about you?

Chellie Carlson: I, well, I’m thank you for that beautiful intro. It’s received. It’s an honor to have this membership and to hear reflected back to me is really special. So a little bit about me. So I live in Los Angeles, but I grew up. It’s lots of duality here. I grew up on a farm in Missouri got a fashion degree from Central Missouri State.

So, again, it doesn’t matter where you go to school or what degree you get. So I got that degree and then I lived in Chicago 21 years. And then I’ve been in LA about a year and a half now,

Nicole Laino: and are you loving LA?

Chellie Carlson: I’m loving it. I’m never leaving this weather. I get to work outside every day. I have open, you know, I, it’s. It’s home, but I love to travel back to Chicago because I miss it a lot.

I mean, I don’t really miss the weather, but I miss the people and clients and friends. But yeah, that’s my journey. And I worked a little, my background, I worked for a lingerie brand for 20 years. This You know, connecting the dots backwards, this work prepared me to ultimately understand women’s bodies and minds and ultimately help them, you know, unlock, their inner beauty and know that their bodies are perfect as they are, no matter their size.

So I would see women that had full large busts. Who wanted smaller to look smaller. And then all of my small busted women wanted to look larger. So there was so much confusion around, you know, basically no matter what size you were, you didn’t feel like you were enough or it was right for you. Right. And so I would notice this and putting them in the right bra that made them feel really confident and comfortable in their body and made their clothes look really well, um, you know, these women would.

Cry in the fitting rooms with me and they would hug me and say, Shelly, what you just did for my bras. I need you to do for my whole wardrobe. So that’s when I started side hustling. I built a website in 2019 and then I started handing out business cards and building my business. From the ground up.

Nicole Laino: And you did that, you’re, you’re not 22 years old, so I think

Chellie Carlson: I did.

Nicole Laino: And I, I mean,

I found

Chellie Carlson: it at 40. So this is another part of my story that ladies, I found it at 40 in 2020. So I found it 2 weeks before COVID hit. We had mutual termination with my company. I still love the brand and work with it. And I said, you know, I’m ready to go on my own. I’d been playing small long enough.

I was so uncomfortable playing small. I’m like, I’m going to launch my brand, my business. Let’s go. And then boom, COVID hit. So it was actually, and I was on, honestly, I was on unemployment for about a year and a half. Which was, you know, thank God I got that unemployment because, you know, I couldn’t, you know, the stores were closed, things were happening that were out of my control.

So I focused inward and I, I knew that this would pass and that looking back again, connecting the dots, it was a huge gift for my industry and then having women not. Leaving the house or wearing sweats for a couple of years, and then they’re realizing, wait, I deserve more for my wardrobe, right? And we had the whole awakening and I deserve more from everything in my life, right?

After being locked up for a year and a half. And so I hired a coach that created my three step methodology that I still use today. I launched that in 2021 and then right at that point it took off from there. Every year it just kept growing and growing as I kept growing and growing.

Nicole Laino: And there’s, there’s a few things in there. I want to go into, I want to ask you first about the lingerie company. You brought up big busted women wanted to be smaller, smaller busted women, women wanted to be bigger. Um, , that was a huge, I mentioned this in the intro, but that was a huge conditioning point. I’m going to call it small T trauma that I grew up being called. My nickname was top heavy.

Chellie Carlson: Wow.

Nicole Laino: I was, and it was so, it was not a, it was not a compliment. Um, I always felt like I looked fat because everything, I did not have things that fit me. I did not have a bra that fit me. That was the

Chellie Carlson: supportive. Mm hmm.

Nicole Laino: That was like mind blowing to me. The first time I went for a bra fitting at a bra place, where a woman walked in to the dressing room with me, and was like, here, I want you to put these on. And they were different sizes than I had ever worn, and I wasn’t spilling over the sides, I wasn’t like up to my chin with my cleavage, they just fit. And I cried. I cried.

Chellie Carlson: This, It feel there’s so much shame society puts, as women were supposed to look sexy and show off our breasts, but then there’s so much judgment and shame if you actually do it. And then I understand what you’ve I mean, so many women would come in the fitting rooms with me and they would cry.

They would feel just like you the trauma from that. There’s so much that was. held around the bras and it’s so sad and then they would instantly become safe with me and I would say, you know, I’m going to get you in the right bra. It’s going to change your posture, your energy, your confidence, and they would walk out of there looking 10 years younger and 10 pounds slimmer and feeling different. And then I’ve now get to do this with the whole wardrobe and it’s life changing.

Nicole Laino: Well, it’s, It’s one of those things to where, you know, you go from feeling like if I, you know, sometimes I think back to 10 years ago and I bought fancy clothes when I worked on Wall Street. I guess we’re going back even further than that. I’ve been out of there a little bit longer. When I worked in corporate, it was very much suits and stuff like that.

So, And I felt comfortable in a suit because I felt like I looked professional. I felt like I fit the role that I was playing there. It wasn’t me. It was. Corporate Nicole looked like that and then when I left corporate, I had a closet full of Corporate Nicole clothes and I no longer was that person and then I had sort of like a style identity crisis for a moment where it was like, I don’t really know how to, how to dress. Yeah, where do I, where do I start? And, and that’s where your membership really changed everything for me. Before that, I had some pieces that I liked, but overall, just back to that bra thing about that trauma, cause it doesn’t have to be your boobs. It could be another part of your body. My sister, it’s her butt.

She’s just like my butt. Everything is just, her mind goes directly to it, which causes so many people to stay stuck. in a box.

Chellie Carlson: Yes.

Nicole Laino: the same thing that maybe doesn’t work And

Chellie Carlson: just hiding, potentially hiding it a lot of women, it’s arms or legs and my job, you know, it’s about how to balance. And once you have a beautiful look, that feels great on you, nobody’s looking at your arms. Nobody’s looking or focused on your, but if you feel really powerful and great in your body, they’re looking at how your energy, they feel you and they, they treat you differently.

And so it’s wearing things that balance you and make you feel really good. Um, But so many and giving permission, you know, a lot of women I meet just won’t wear shorts. And my last client, she said in her home, she’s like, I won’t wear shorts. Shelly, she lives in Scottsdale. And so I looked at her and I said, okay, Claudia.

And I understood the fourth, look, I put her in the studio or shorts and she instantly had this, like my whole team when, when I said it’s time for shorts, she literally physically had a reaction and was physically not well. We put her in these shorts. She she’s now obsessed with the shorts. She took a selfie, sent it to her husband and she’s like, I look great in shorts.

And like, yes, you do. You don’t. She hadn’t worn them since childhood. They’re like, you have beautiful legs. Why are you hiding them? And it was her. She’d been conditioned to believe her legs weren’t good enough from childhood. So it’s, it’s setting us free from all of these limiting beliefs that

Nicole Laino: when I think about body image and when I think about, this is a show that’s dedicated to becoming the most authentic version of yourself, the, the, the highest, most authentic version of yourself through human design. And I wanted to have you on here because style is an expression of your authentic self. And when we are hiding, when we are in our trauma and not in our power with the way that we feel in our clothes, then you are not in your power, you are not being authentic, you are in the process of hiding. And so many people, so many entrepreneurs, we have to be out in front. We

Chellie Carlson: have to be visible. Yep.

Nicole Laino: visible when you’re selling it’s your energy, when you are marketing, it’s your energy. And if you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin, people, people, pick up on that.

Chellie Carlson: sense it. Yep.

Nicole Laino: And they might sense that something’s off with you, but they’re not thinking, I bet she just has, you know, she thinks she has a big butt and she’s not comfortable in her pants. They’re thinking like, I don’t know, there’s just something off about this person. I’m just not feeling the power I need to feel from somebody I need to trust before I invest with them.

Chellie Carlson: It’s so, so powerful. Oh,

Nicole Laino: And so it’s really about, it’s more than clothes. It’s not clothes

Chellie Carlson: way more, way more than clothes. I wish. And again, I’m not the one who makes the rules with clothes. I wish, we weren’t judged for anything we’re wearing, but it’s less about what you’re wearing. And it’s more about how it makes you feel.

That’s the power of it. And it’s finding the things that make you feel your best and then wearing them over and over and over again.

Nicole Laino: And loving your body through this process of, like, your client loves her legs

again, and I’m sure she’s enjoying her life more in Scottsdale with

shorts on. I live in Austin, this, I live in Austin. Um, I had to come to terms with

shorts and skirts. I never thought I was a girly girl, so I never wore skirts. And now I found dresses and skirts and things because you know what? Its hot, And I love them. When I found ones that fit my personality, fit, cause some of them don’t

Chellie Carlson: feels like me

Lifestyle? Yep.

Nicole Laino: they’re in, but I’m like, this just doesn’t feel like me. So bye, I don’t need to fit somebody else’s trend

Chellie Carlson: Trend? No.

Nicole Laino: And so I want to talk about signature style, because I know, and, and your method, because you have a three step method. And your method, it’s not just about buying all of these other pieces. And I wanted to ask you, you said somebody helped you put together that framework. Does it help you in being able to explain what you do and how you help people to have a clear framework for how you do it? It’s not just Oh, I shop for you,

Chellie Carlson: Right.


Nicole Laino: might be like, okay.

Chellie Carlson: yeah, there is. It is changed the game for me of having, you know, people like the, you know, the container is very clear. These are the steps. This is all I do. You can’t reach out and hire me for a one off or a photo shoot. This is my magic. And I do these all these 3 steps. And so it really, I think, is powerful.

It gives people like, okay, this is they want methodology when hiring people. Like, , It’s it shows that in the process works, the transformation happens only after these 3 steps. And it’s proven.

Nicole Laino: Well, you’re telling them how you get results and for all the entrepreneurs listening, if you don’t have a framework and you can’t clearly explain to people how you get them from point A to point B, then that’s probably why you are Not able to sell as regularly as you would like to. So tell everybody, first of all, what’s a signature style

and why does it matter?

Chellie Carlson: Yeah. So a signature style is ultimately, the way you show up consistently creates your signature style. So it could be, you know, for everybody, it’s different. Um, I can use myself, for example, so a signature style for me is my jewelry, which I’m actually not wearing because I have a bow, but I wear the same necklace

Nicole Laino: everyday.

Your stack.

Chellie Carlson: my stack and it is my signature part of my signature style because I.

Literally, no matter what I’m wearing, except the bow, I wear this signature stack and it shows that I’m consistent. People are watching me and it ultimately, when you show up consistently, you’re building trust with your audience and it is so powerful. Another signature style aspect of my style is leopard. So I leopard is my neutral. I love leopard. I’ve loved it since I was a child. Having it be in style right now, I’m, I’m stocking up on all the leopard. Yeah, I’m really happy. So leopard, anything for me, a Papa leopard accessories, shoes, whatever it may be. So when people see that, they recognize me. They’re like, that’s Shelly.

That’s her vibe. Another thing for me is oftentimes there were sneakers or. Actually, another one is like boots and shorts is another look I love. So people recognize me for that. Um, , so it’s finding whatever it may be for you, whether it’s a certain shoe you want to wear over and over again, you know, it’s finding what you love that people, people comment on it, or they’re constantly complimenting you try just wearing that piece over and over again, and then style it in different ways.

You’re going to then start creating and honing in on your signature style.

Nicole Laino: Yeah, for me, I’m definitely, well, , I’m wearing a blazer right

now. I’m, I love a blazer. I am, I have, no one, no money will ever be wasted on me

buying a blazer


Chellie Carlson: blazer

Nicole Laino: It will get worn, it will get worn again, and again, and again. And I feel like me when I throw it on, they are my jackets here pretty much all year long in Austin whenever it gets, you know, when it’s not summer, I have a blazer on cause I don’t need a winter coat here. They are like the jacket. So, um, moto jacket. I like a third piece over, over my stuff and I love the graphic tee. I’m a rock and roll girl. I live in Austin. My

husband’s a

Chellie Carlson: new vision

with you.

Nicole Laino: I was absolutely like. You know, I had a Penny Lane phase where I was like backstage at rock concerts all the time, and that’s who I am. So when I put that on, I don’t, there’s not a part of me anymore that says oh, I’m not dressed up enough. I don’t look professional. It’s like, no, this is, This is, who I am.

Chellie Carlson: yeah,

Nicole Laino: my, This is my

Chellie Carlson: thing

This is my vibe. Um, I have some opinion on that. So then when you put this outfit on, you love it. The beauty is Nicole, you could wear it all day. You could then go to dinner. You could go to any, you know, , so many people are getting dressed for the occasion or for who they’re going to be around or the location.

My wish for all of us is to dress for ourselves. So when you wear that outfit, that blazer and graphic tee, you could literally go from your podcast out to a rock concert and you are appropriate no matter what, because you love your outfit.

Nicole Laino: I get stopped all the time and people compliment me on my outfits and they’re just my everyday thing. But I messaged you actually because I was at an event and I had to go to the airport directly. I had to leave early and get, go to the airport. So I wore my graphic tee. I wore, um, I wore my flate, my frame. Palazzo pants, which is like pajamas. They’re so comfortable. My sneakers, like my, like Puma sneakers. And then I had, my oversized blazer on over knee over it. I had my, necklace, this one that I’m wearing right now. And. So everybody’s in like these dresses and they’re super dressed up at this event. And I walk in and I’m just like, and I didn’t think twice about it. I was like, I feel good. I feel lovely. I’m totally cool here being in this. And I got stopped by no less than five people telling me how much they loved my outfit. I gave them all your Instagram, of course. And it’s because I walked in owning it. I wasn’t just like, Oh, I hope it’s okay that I’m wearing this or I feel out of

Chellie Carlson: so that’s the power of a signature style and ultimately you’re going to save money.

Nicole Laino: Mm

Chellie Carlson: Stop buying and over consuming. that is key. Just stop shopping where the few pieces that you love and wear them in different ways. And then that’s your signature. Look, save you time and money.

Nicole Laino: So there, there’s two things I want to mention one other thing that I, most people who listen to the show know that I’m an, I was an actor when I was younger and I had this acting teacher, uh, well, I didn’t have her, she was dead, but I went to her studio in New York and it was Uta Hagen and we had a whole, it was a conservatory program.

So you were in it for a long time. You went through all of these different units and one of them was on costuming. And you spent a month where all you did was try on costumes, so you would do the same scene in four different costumes. And it was all to show you how the clothes changed the way you acted, who you were being when you walked in that room. So it was this, it was such a lesson for me, because she was like, do it in her book, she has a book, and you basically went through every chapter in the book and they were lessons that we did for like weeks in class. We did this for a month, where we just did things in different clothes. And, you know, we’d come in, in sweatpants and we’d do it. And then we’d come in, in a ball gown and we’d do it. And you brought in all these different things and different props and stuff that you would, if you put on beautiful jewelry, how did that make you feel?


Chellie Carlson: to change

Nicole Laino: It changed everything. So. I know that’s just a thing that has stuck in my mind when I see you and you’re talking about Signature Style.

I’m like, this changes your energy. It changes who you’re being when you are around other people. And that’s what people feel. No matter what you’re saying, that’s what they’re getting from

Chellie Carlson: you.

Right. And another, another ping, it’s, it ultimately, it’s about self worth. Like, every time you get dressed. You’re, you’re saying like, this is what I’m worth. This is my value. I’m not the one who made these rules. It’s just the way it is. And so every time, you know, I challenged my clients, like you’re getting dressed, make sure this feels like this shows people like where telling them where I’m going, who I’m becoming.

Nicole Laino: hmm.

Chellie Carlson: And it’s so powerful. And I think self worth is one of the biggest struggles. All my clients struggle with is, am I worthy of investing in these clothes? Do I deserve to feel this good?

Nicole Laino: Well, it’s

Chellie Carlson: big

Nicole Laino: The one question that I ask people, like I’m always asking myself, can this person see their value? So people come into my programs and through human design, I try to help you see what your innate value is and your method and your, your, um, your mode is clothing. It’s through dressing yourself. It’s through balancing your body because there are different ways. And what are some common mistakes that people are making that you see with the things that they maybe have always been wearing? Is there something

Chellie Carlson: Always been wearing

Nicole Laino: they should not have, they should stop doing right now?

Chellie Carlson: the number one thing is hiding in your clothes. So when you have that body part, I had it. It was sort of my stomach area for many, most of my life. I would just hide loose kind of flowy and they were in style back then like these moves hiding that body part only does one thing.

It draws more attention to it. So, ultimately, I see women just, oh, like, large fabrics, hiding, trying to just blend in with everybody else, so they don’t get judged, rather than actually finding garments that fit their body, getting them tailored to fit their body. And ultimately, every look we need, we put on, it needs to come in at the waist.

I don’t care if you’re a size 20, which I work with size 20s. I made my size 20 look like a size 10 because we balanced her so well. And no matter if you’re a size zero, you still need to bring it in at the waist. It’s the most universally flattering silhouette. Is the hourglass. So I don’t care if you’re an apple, a pear, whatever shape you are, we’re trying to achieve the hourglass.

And it’s so simple. You bring it in at the waist. Even if we have, I know all a lot of women, we, we have that stomach trauma. So there’s a little pooch there again, when you stand up tall and your outfit. Looks balanced. Nobody’s looking at that. They’re looking at how, strong and radiant you look in your whole outfit.

So I say the number one thing is just snatch in that waist, matter what size you are. Don’t be afraid to do it. You’re going to look longer and leaner.

Nicole Laino: And by doing that, it’s, to me, one of the things I had a no crop top thing where it was just like, I can’t wear cropped. So any, I’m always, I’m always, I’m always telling my people, , beware of anything that says I can’t, I shouldn’t. Um, because those, you should examine every single, , Inner sentence that you’re saying to yourself saying I can’t do that. I can’t wear that. I can’t be that Because I’ll call bullshit pretty much on any of that. I choose to not wear that doesn’t feel like me but that’s a different that’s a very different statement and I had a I can’t wear crop tops and Then high waisted pants came in And then everything else that was longer than my waist just made me look out of shape and not right. So I had to, I had to fall in. Now they’re all crap. Now I cut all of my t shirts. Like you teach us how to.

Chellie Carlson: And it’s just about the front tuck. If you get a little front tuck or full tuck, you look, you just look more and you’re, and it’s, you don’t have to sacrifice comfort ladies. You just do a little front tuck, make sure your pants fit right and you just, it’s all about tailoring

Nicole Laino: So take everybody through those three steps. because it isn’t just about shopping. So your method is, is, is made up of

Chellie Carlson: start with your closet. Yeah. We start with your edit and this is a day with you really diving deep into. We’re going to go to childhood. You learned how to get dressed from your mother. We’re going to talk about. What she taught you about self worth where you can shop what you can and can’t wear ex partners a lot of them Imprinted on you what’s appropriate?

You don’t look goodness. You should wear this do this and then of course society the big one You know, your boobs are too big. You can’t wear this. Your legs are not good enough. Don’t wear this. So there’s all of these. I’m able to in that closet when we’re having we’re trying on and editing through your wardrobe.

All of those limiting beliefs are going to come up and I’m examining and noting each 1. So that when I shop for you, my job is to overcome those limiting beliefs and set you free just like I did with Claudia in the shorts. Claudia is never going to feel the same in her body again after working with me.

She is like free. She’s open and. She’s magnetic. So this closet is closet therapy. So I’m all of your masks are coming off. You’re sharing everything with me and we’re editing. We’re going to see all of the potential potential for choices. You may have made in the past. So whether it’s. Buying low quality garments or it’s buying the same category over and over and over again.

Some women have 80 pairs of denim. You need maybe 4 pairs of denim. That’s it. But we keep just thinking. Oh, I have the. I need more clothes. I just need to keep shopping and buying and buying. And so it’s really about letting go of anything that’s dated. So anything that’s like the long blouses, skinny jeans, anything that’s old.

Just get it out of the closet. It’s taking up space and your closet space energetically represents. What’s going on in your life? It is a snapshot. So when you get clear and clean with your closet, lots of other things in your life are going to shift and you’re going to get clean and clear. So it’s, it’s, um, it’s a powerful session

And just to kind of,

Nicole Laino: uh, you know, highlight that one piece there where it’s, you know, that your,

your clothes and what’s in your closet is, it’s an, it’s a physical representation of what you’re holding onto and the things that you are still attached to, whether they believe so, if you have a shirt in your closet, a blouse in your closet, that reminds you of the time when you felt, heavy or it was about a bad breakup or maybe your ex wouldn’t let you wear the top because you were showing Too much. whatever that is you’re hanging on to that every time you touch it that brings back. Yeah, it’s a memory it’s a it’s it’s a trauma it’s a Small t trauma, as I, as I

Chellie Carlson: reffered to them

Is. It is. Yes.

Nicole Laino: why you want your trauma in your closet. Like we don’t want that there because that’s an intimate space that we go into every day. And since working with you through the membership, I have learned to love my closet so much more that when I walk in there, it’s like, Oh, I have so many options

Chellie Carlson: there’s so much abundance, but you have fewer pieces

Nicole Laino: I have fewer pieces I can actually move the hangers in my closet now.

Chellie Carlson: should, You should be able to know where every garment is. Like If I think of a piece of my closet, I have a very small closet. I know exactly where that piece is hanging. Like I just know, because I, I don’t have that much

Nicole Laino: Well, and I also know when something’s missing from my wardrobe. By not having so much, I could go, You know what I’m always reaching for and I don’t have? It’s this. I wish I had one more. Long skirt to wear with those amazing boots that I have because I want to wear those boots more and show them off. So what else do I need to kind of like, make me feel like I have, yeah, like where I have, you , Oh, this would be perfect with these three tops, like one other thing. Then it tells me what I need to invest in. rather than just be buying new things all the time.

Chellie Carlson: another small T trauma that I find women are holding on to our clothes that they used to be able to wear. So we, we all struggle with this. So you have you’re holding on to that. Beautiful trouser. That’s two sizes smaller than you are right now. That skirt, those jeans, ladies, you can keep these pieces, but we do not keep them in our main closet zone.

We are going to archive them. So this is your permission slip to take those pieces. Remove them from your closet, fold them up nicely and store them in another closet space. You do not need to be shopping them, reminding yourself that you no longer wear that size every day, reminding yourself that, you know, I’m gonna, it’s just remove it. And if you do change sizes, you can revisit those and bring them back in when you do.

Nicole Laino: yeah, so they’re not part of your day to

Chellie Carlson: day.

Your not part of your day to day interaction and it’s taking up that space again. We only, and back to like a seasonal closet too with my clients, we only have the current season front and center. So right now it’s winter. There’s no reason to have your white linen or flowy dresses like front and center.

We need to move that to, the other side of the closet or hide it so that we can only focus on what we’re wearing right now, which is fall, which is winter.

Nicole Laino: It also feels like those clothes are new again when the next season comes,

Chellie Carlson: When you re

Nicole Laino: around. You do it with

kids, right? You Take their toys away a little bit, you put them in a, and then you

Chellie Carlson: And then

Nicole Laino: again and they’re like, oh wow, like I forgot I had this.

Chellie Carlson: because there’s, there’s just, you’ll edit again. So first thing you do next, you know, in the spring, summer, when we’re pulling out those pieces, we’re going to edit again and decide, okay, does this feel like me or it’s time to let it go? So seasonal editing is huge.

Nicole Laino: Okay so we’ve edited, now what,

now to what do do? So now, Now that i’ve seen what holds the clients has

Chellie Carlson: and I see their current wardrobe, my job is to fill in the gap. Typically, my clients are getting with the full transformation. They’re getting a whole new small capsule. Okay. A lot of their clothes.

Don’t work for them. So we purged the majority. So what that means is I get to source this new wardrobe from any retailer, you know, the highest value in every category. Um, We ship it to the style studio and the client gets to show up for one of the best days of her life. This is her shop day

where she, her pretty woman day, she walks in the entire space is Exactly what she’s always dreamed of.

This is we’re styling her three to five years out. This is her next level self. She gets to look in the mirror. Majority of my clients look in the mirror. There’s tears like, who is she? She’s so beautiful. And. You’re trying things you never thought you could wear busting all those limiting beliefs during the session setting you free so that you could every day getting dressed is the best part of your day.

Nicole Laino: It’s really fun when you love your stuff.

Chellie Carlson: When you love and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t and you’re, you know, no matter your size. I again worked with size 1820s this season. They cannot go to a store and buy clothes and so working with me, I handpicked and sourced. Everything that they literally the 1st, 1 of the clients, the 1st look she put on.

She’s like, if this is all I get, I’m happy. I can’t believe everything fits me, you know, and it’s like, we all no matter our size. We. We’ve been conditioned that it’s not good enough. And so we, our bodies were just in constant battle with them. And I know because I’ve done it my whole life. And so I’m here to help, you know, now that I’m in my mid forties, it’s getting better, but I’m really here to just help women know that our bodies are perfect.

The clothes are typically the problem. So let’s get clothes on you that feel really good. And you’re going to feel lighter and majority of my clients after working with me, just start losing weight because they now understand how to dress their body and they feel better. So they make better choices throughout the day.

Nicole Laino: Have you ever met a woman that you’ve worked with that didn’t have some sort of body, issue

Chellie Carlson: no,

Nicole Laino: ever?

Chellie Carlson: not one.

Nicole Laino: I can’t think of a person, a woman I’ve ever met, that didn’t have something

Chellie Carlson: zeros. Yeah. So my, my zeros have it just as much as my 18 to 20s, maybe even more. My zeros have it more just that harsher, more critical view. Of perfection

Nicole Laino: Mm hmm. And

Chellie Carlson: and it’s holding us back.

Nicole Laino: It’s, that’s not your most magnetic self. When you’re in your shadows of anything, whether you’re shaming yourself or you’re trying to attain unattainable perfection. It’s not the vibe. Um, , so, what’s the

Chellie Carlson: 3rd step

Oh, next. Oh, then the next step is yours. So at the end of that, the top seamstress from LA comes in and tailors everything because fit is everything. So I make sure I’ve been sewing since I was 15. So I make sure fit every garment is perfect or retailer. That’s my favorite part. Then we freight all of these clothes to the home of the client.

And then the last session is. Basically their style session, so they’ve worn some pieces for a few weeks. I want to know what do you have questions on? What are we struggling with? How can I, you know, what do we need to work on here? And then I deliver a digital lookbook. So this is their current wardrobe styled with their new pieces. So they have, you know, , Cher’s closet at their fingertips, all their looks on their phone.

Nicole Laino: That’s amazing

Chellie Carlson: So they can get ready in five minutes.

Nicole Laino: I have some core visualizations that I do moments that I have for myself of what I’m calling in for myself for like the next year, I will share this with you publicly, that, um, one visualization, because I like moments, I like like actual moments, not just like, oh, I’m manifesting this money. It’s like, what’s a moment with something that represents me having it.

And for me, it’s you and your team. I’m welcoming you into my home. And my dogs are jumping on you and it’s a whole moment and I cry when I do it because I’m like, because, you’re so real to me. So it, it, it adds to that visualization, but I have this moment where I feel like I’m there.

And because I think most women, I think all people want this, but I think women, especially because I think we tend to feel like we haven’t been seen. Um, , we’re dying for somebody to see us for who we are. And what a gift that you do that for people. Now, if it’s okay with you, can I talk about your human design just a little


Chellie Carlson: course, I would love

Nicole Laino: So,

Chellie Carlson: to dive into that a

Nicole Laino: so human design obviously tells us, so you’re an emotional generator. So you have emotions and, and, you. know, Usually emotional people, like it’s wisdom over time. Like as things sit with us and we marinate on them, like we just sort of deepen with things. Generator, you know, you’ve done different things in your life, but there is a pretty strong through line. I went to fashion school, I got my degree. I worked for a lingerie company, which is not what you do now, but it was the catalyst for something. And you kind of moved in, in an upward straight line, right? like a stair step straight line. And that’s very much. Generators also, they’re builders, like I build things and usually they’re at their best when they’re building something they love. But what I really want to talk about are two aspects of your chart. Um, Well, three, you being a two, four profile, the two is called the hermit. Um, Really what it’s about is, usually twos love their alone time, but the four is inherently social. So you have this push pull of like, leave me alone, but I love people. I thrive with people. Um, And you know, the fact that a lot of your growth has come through masterminds and through networking and through just the people that you know, um, really speaks to that four line connection opportunity comes through people and it’s through the people that you know, and the people who know those people.

And then the two though is just I’m just a natural at things. There’s just something that I’m good at, whether I’ve been schooled at it or not doesn’t matter. I just have this natural talent. And then the rest of the chart starts to clue us into what those talents can be. Now, one of them you have, the channel of something called the Perfected Form, and the channel of Perfected Form is about aesthetics, usually people who have this channel, there’s just this draw to outer beauty, the things that, you know, things that just Visually are appealing aesthetics or say Anna Wintour.

This is her only channel. She has just this one. Um, And it’s just about impeccable taste and a way to, to really see the beauty in things and how things go together. So you have that talent and then you have this, this design of talent being a two line where there’s just like your thing is just going to be your thing. And you won’t be able to, you don’t necessarily have to explain it. It’s just like, I’m just, this is just what I’m born


Chellie Carlson: is what it

Nicole Laino: When 2’s are doing what there born to do life supports them in really amazing ways. Now, being a vessel of love, the vessel of love, there’s only, it is a very unique cross. This is, and our incarnation cross is like our purpose in life. And the, there’s a lead gate to everyone’s purpose. And yours is gate 10, which I wanna, I want to call out a couple of things. Cause it’s, it’s sort of freaky. Gate 10 is the gate of authentic self.

Behavior of the authentic self. So when you are being authentic then you become an example for others to be their most authentic self to behave where nobody cares, you don’t care what anybody else thinks. And the moment that you become self conscious, that’s when things don’t work.

And by you being in your power in that gate, you, therefore, that’s how this energy works.

It’s not a, I teach you how to do this, it’s literally by you being in that energy, you provide that energy for others and you become the example of what could be for them by being that. That’s literally what your brand is. When we do branding by human design, that would be like the, the north star of your brand is authenticity.

and loving yourself. But then we go over to the other side to your unconscious sun, which is the 46th gate. And the 46th gate is the gate of the love of the body. And so it’s these two that the outer light and the inner light for you are love of your authentic self and just behaving as yourself and being who you’re meant to be.

And then the 46 gate love of the body to just say, I love this human form. I love this human experience, what a gift it is to be alive, and what a gift it is to be in this skin suit that we are walking around in, in this body, and how can we love it? And the 46s tend to, you know, There’s a, my body is a temple kind of thing can definitely be a consistent theme where we, when a 46 takes care of their body, it doesn’t mean being perfect, but where you feel like you’re nourishing your body, that is also contagious to other people. And that’s something that’s more something you share versus necessarily being an example of, although you can be. Um, But these aspects to me just popped out where.

Because ultimately a vessel of love, you’re here to be an expression of love in all of its forms and it’s going to be what You love comes through you. And usually when you said that, you know, women would come to you when you worked in the lingerie company and they would immediately feel comfortable with you. That’s what vessel of love people do. It’s you just have a feel good energy that people feel good around you. And. So these are just, there’s so much more obviously in the chart, but those were things that when I see people who are living so in alignment with what they were designed to do, I wanna give that example too to everybody listening, because when you step into your gifts, They become more than just your gifts, they’re, then you. start to be a living, breathing example of them, And.

it goes beyond you, and I think that’s what you’re doing. You affect so many people with the love of what you do, whether it’s your Instagram, which everybody should be following her on Instagram, she’s at Shelly Carlson On on I. G. We will link that up in the show notes for you. Of course, and you should join the membership because the membership is so ridiculously affordable.

It is so amazing and it is the great, the best first step into your world. If you can’t make the big jump to the full shop and the full method. It is so Jam packed with value and education on how you can live as your highest self. So I, through your style. So I just wanted to share that with you and with everybody here. and I want to thank you for being here and for sharing your wisdom and your gifts here.

Chellie Carlson: Thank you for having me. It was beautiful. I could talk to you all day

Nicole Laino: same. Is there anything that you wanted to say to the listeners before we, before we wrap up?

Chellie Carlson: no. Just, yeah, come follow me on the IG. Let’s hang out.

Nicole Laino: She has such great content. She, she puts up such great content. Um, So please follow her again. She’s at Shelly Carlson. You can find her on IG and send her a DM.

Share this episode on your stories and tag both of us. I’m at Nicole Laino, official tag us and let us know what you thought about it. Show us your signature style, Shelley.

Thank you for being here. I appreciate you. Thank you. listener for making it to the end of the episode with us. Remember in order to have an unshakable business, you must first become an unshakable human. So thanks for letting us help you become unshakable with human design. Everybody. We’ll see you next time.

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