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Episode #19 Your Business Can Heal You with Erin Moore

What if the key to the transformation you seek already lives inside you? What if your business is the catalyst for the greater growth you are meant to experience in this life?

If you’re someone who feels like they are destined for something greater and you’re on a quest to embody your most aligned and abundant self, this episode is for you.

This week, Nicole welcomes Dr. Erin Moore to the podcast where they discuss:

-The secret to unlocking your greatest potential
-How to choose the correct path for you
-Why every entrepreneur should “marry themselves”
-The questions you need to be asking yourself to reach next-level success

Dr. Erin Moore, AKA the Heartbreak Doctor, helps women heal their hearts so that they can build a life they love. She is a licensed naturopathic physician and an expert in mind-body medicine.

In her virtual practice, she helps women identify and heal the beliefs and wounds of their past that are tied to their current suffering. She has a passion for tea19-Your Business Can Heal You with Erin Mooreching women the building blocks of self-love and self-healing through the concept of “self-marriage”. She is the creator of We are the Ones, the one and only self-marriage program on the market and is excited to help you see that you are a powerful self-healer and the one you’ve been waiting for!


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Nicole Laino
Hello and welcome to the limitless entrepreneur podcast. I am your host, Nicole Laino. And I am here with a very exciting guest, Dr. Erin Moore, aka the heartbreak doctor, which I love. She helps women heal their hearts so that they can build a life that they love. She’s a licensed naturopathic physician, and an expert in mind body medicine, Aaron, to show introduce everybody to you just kind of tell them a little bit about you, and then we’ll kick off the interview. All

Erin Moore
right, sounds good. I’m so happy to be here with you all. Thank you so much for inviting me. And so yeah, let’s see where to begin. Well, I guess I’m trained as a naturopathic physician, like Nicole said, and that’s kind of how my my journey to this heartbreak doctor and healing passion started. So I was I was just really drawn to the idea of, of healing more than to medicine. And so I found naturopathic medicine. And then by the end of naturopathic medical school, I had, I met this teacher who, who gave a lecture at a conference that I went to, and he just told all the shared all these amazing cases of patients who were spontaneously healed himself spontaneously healed and irreversible diseases being reversed through this like mind body technique where, whereby he would associate the physical complaint with the mental emotional root like ultimately a subconscious belief that was clearly connected to the physical symptom, whether it was you know, pain in the knee, or eczema, or asthma or what have you. And then by resolving and releasing the belief or the mental emotional wound around it, then the patient’s symptoms would improve. And after I’ve met that guy, I was like, All right, I’m sold, I’m gonna do whatever you do. And, and so I studied with him for the next six years and ultimately got certified in, in this practice, mind body healing practice called holistic counseling. And I did that in a practice I live in Oregon. So I did that in a small practice in Oregon are in Portland for a year or so and, and last year, I left Portland and moved out a bit to the country and decided to bring my, my practice online. And that just kind of changed things. For me, I’ll uh, I’ll, I’ll rewind just a bit like the other part of this story kind of a parallel path that I was walking. Even before medical school, I, I married myself at a at a festival called Burning Man, maybe you’ve heard of it, it’s a little art and music festival in the desert. But it was kind of like a silly thing, but turned out to be really profound for me and really helped me to relate to myself and understand that I was really my own healer, you know, that I had, like, a lot of power in what in, in my life, you know, so, I, I went on to like, really dive into that topic. And I taught, I look basically made up a curriculum of self marriage. And I taught that after medical school for a couple of years. So I kind of had this kind of passion of teaching self love, self healing, as self marriage when I bought when I brought my business online this year. So I kind of started building a community around this idea of self healing through self marriage. And then I was at the same time, whenever I would bring them together, we’d like talk about different aspects of self healing. And then when I would work with them privately, I would do use this mind body technique. And it’s just kind of now that’s that’s what I’m like doing online. I’ve kind of just like, I’ve got a a sweet little community of women who are all like interested in learning how to love themselves and I’ve really got a passion for just for their hearts, you know, and like helping them to be to be their their own healer. And so yeah, in a nutshell, that’s how I came to be where I am now and what I’m so passionate about, like some somehow this combination of the mind body connection and self love and self healing like teaching this to two women has become like a really powerful combo and like this fun thing for me to explore.

Nicole Laino
empowerment through self love is really like Uh, uh, I think that that’s a point that a lot of people have to get to. It’s not where I don’t know if I feel like it’s not where you start, like you hear self love. And I think your first instincts are to kind of shrug, like, shrug it off. Like, yeah, I love myself. Right, right. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. And I love that I love the self marriage. Because, you know, recognizing that you are. And you know, your most important partner, like, we put other people before ourselves all the time.

Erin Moore
Mm hmm. Yeah. And thing is, it’s a relationship that you have with yourself, you know, it’s not just like, Oh, I love me, but oh, you actually have to work on this, you have to learn how to be kind, and honest. And trust. And forgive. You know, so there’s like, actual, I think this I think that’s a you know, people like all self love, like, yeah, I took a bubble bath last week. But it can it and that is that, that counts, too, you know, but it is, I’ve found that there’s so much effective healing skills in just learning how to relate to yourself, if we can, nobody’s gonna be able to do a better job than you like, you can get all the healers and, and coaches that you want, and they’ll support you. But ultimately, you know, it’s all healing is self healing. You’re the one that does it. So may as well, you know, learn some, some skills, be a little more proficient at it.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, and one of the things that it made me think of something that I do in the morning, and this is a fairly recent practice that I’ve added, because it’s surprisingly powerful. So just when I wake up in the morning, I’ve always a long time ago, I started being grateful in the morning. So like, instead of waking up and going, Oh, I don’t want to get up and really catching that not making my first thought a negative one. So I started to say things like, oh, this bed is so comfy, like, how, how lucky am I that I get to be in this soft, cozy bed that I don’t want to get up? Like how lucky am I and just shifting that around. And then that I did a long time ago, and I saw a big effect from that. But one of the most impactful things that I’ve done it and this is recent is I tell myself that I love I love you in the morning, like the first thing I do. So I like usually the first thought is that, like, I don’t want to get out of bed and be like, you know, like, do the gratitude thing. And then I’ll shift into like, I love you, Nicole. Yeah,

Erin Moore
I love it, I gave myself a little hug. And the shift

Nicole Laino
that that has made just that tiny little thing. It’s, it’s more of a reminder than anything else to just be kind to myself, because this is my vehicle. For everything, everything, I want to do everything I want to create everything, it all, it’s all gonna come for me,

Erin Moore
your vehicle made special for you the rarest thing in the universe, there’s not another one like it. And the cold is so funny because I bet like this, what you do in the morning is something that I it’s something that I prescribed to each of my clients, as a practice of self kindness in the morning in the evening, this like just kind of what you described, but with a with the added component component of breath, and maybe you would just naturally do that anyhow, you know, breath and body and, like a kind internal dialogue to start and end your day. That’s really, yeah, I call it undercover kindness, it’s a good time to like, practice it in the morning in the evening, you know, but as a way to start to rewire the brain to be more kind, you know, because a lot of people, I’m sure some of your listeners can relate their default is to be a jerk to themselves, you know, or to be condescending or critical. So that’s just a bad habit that can be broken. You know,

Nicole Laino
and let’s talk about that in the context of growing a business in the context of entrepreneurship. I know that you, you have an interesting take on healing and how healing can affect your business in a positive way. And I would love to just have a conversation around this because we haven’t talked about this on the show yet. And it’s something I have wanted to to bring up. And it wasn’t necessarily that I didn’t know how but I just has to be the right conversation. So I’m so glad that you’re on and we get to talk about this. And so what is your take on the what we have going on? Inside in our bodies and how that affects our business?

Erin Moore
Well, it’s almost like well there I would want to say at first is almost the other way around. But first of all, I have the belief that the universe conspires in our favor, that everything that happens in our life is in service of us, even if even if it feels like torturous, you know, like, there it like, it is here to help us to help our souls evolution, you know, so all of you guys have been if you’re growing businesses, you know that there are parts that are torturous, right, but if you can take them as what I really love to do is kind of look at business, our business challenges as opportunities for deeper Healing Within. So one great example is like our fear of judgment. Because like, what are we? What are we all trying to do anyways? Like, we’re all just trying to create a life where we can feel free to be ourselves and more and more of ourselves as we go. And what do we want in our businesses, like a truly, like really, a business that comes from the heart that is like the most rewarding in the end is one that is like, reflective of who we are, where we can show up to our business and be ourself. And so we’re all out there, like trying to create that. So as we run up against obstacles, like, oh, you know, this sounds stupid, or like, this has been said so many times before. The, the dialogue that’s in your head is often a very old one, you know, one that has probably been happening on stage or backstage, you know, in the conscious or subconscious mind, since you were a kid likely. And so these, you know, I’m, this isn’t good enough to share, if I, if I share this, then they won’t like me. The thoughts that go on through so many of entrepreneurs that go through so many of our minds, that is, that is the thing that needs to be healed. So when we heal that within us, and that goes deep, you know, that goes, that goes back to our, often our original wounds, when we can really that’s what we need to do, though, to heal that original wound in order to be able to show up in our business, like as who we are, and be able to share what is truly on our hearts and, and serve how we were really meant to serve. And so kind of like that, in a nutshell. Yeah, I

Nicole Laino
always get like, I’m a very, I’ve, I always come up with sort of visual analogies just to sort of make sense of these things for myself. And, and I always think about it like if you have if you had baggage and you were trying to get into so our next level is like the next room that we want to get in, and there’s a doorman out that door and saying, like, you can’t come in with those bags, you’re gonna have to leave them behind. We’re so attached to them. And we look at them. We’re like, what, I’ve had these bags forever.

Erin Moore
Without these bags,

Nicole Laino
yeah. And he’s like, Well, if you want to come in, you’ve got to let them go. Yeah, but they’re attached to me. And so I just I always have this this idea where it’s, it’s like, you know, the Red Velvet Rope won’t be open for you to get through. bouncers not gonna let you through until you ditch those bags. And we have to figure out how to do that. Sometimes we don’t even know how to get rid of them. They’re so ingrained in us. So, and I think that that’s an I often hear a lot from people too. They’re like, because this is the definition of being stuck. Right? You don’t know what baggage you have. Sometimes, sometimes you do and you don’t know how to get rid of it. More often than not, though I hear from people that they don’t know why they’re stuck. They don’t know what they need to get rid of. I journal but I don’t know what to journal on. I you know, like I get that I hear that a lot where they say I’ve done that. I feel like I’ve done the work. But I’m not getting anywhere. I’m still stuck. And it’s unfortunate where you know, because because sometimes the conversation does a little bit more frustrating than that where they’re, they’re like, I’ve worked on that. Yeah, I did that. Like but if it’s still a problem, then you didn’t work through it completely. So, so if it keeps being shown to you The universe is saying there’s still stuff back there.

Erin Moore
Yeah. And you know, there’s always stuff. But I, speaking of visuals, I love this. I didn’t make it up, it’s like part of like mystical traditions, but this concept of the spiral. So you know, the healing path is not linear. And sometimes people describe it as like a roller coaster, but my experience of it with myself and with my clients is like a spiral. So we often do come back to the same thing. But when we come back to it, we are a different person, you know, and we need to, we need to woman up and look at it again, because it’s back again, you know, and it’s, and it’s here to serve us because everything is here to serve, like our souls evolution. So really, truly, like any, any of you who are like, you know, I really, I thought I did that work, I, I’ve sat in therapy for hours, and I like had a shaman, you know, cut the cord or whatever it is, that that you do. It’ll, it often comes back, but it’s not, it’s not the same thing. So this is a been a really just helpful perspective shift for me is not to look at these wounds as like these. Yeah, awful, like heavy things like, oh, no, like, now I’ve now now I’m gonna have to experience that again, but really, as you know, as AIDS in helping me to be able to be more of who I am. Because every time you go through it, you, you heal it and to some degree to whatever degree is available at the time. And then and then you get to be more you and you get like a little more movement and a little more freedom. So if that can happen every time you come around to it, then then what what more could we ask for? Maybe like, it would just be too much? I don’t know, maybe we would evaporate or something. If we got it all at once. We have to take it in little bite sized chunks. Processing takes

Nicole Laino

Erin Moore
It does. Yeah.

Nicole Laino
So what what do you take your people through? Or what would you so if someone’s listening to this? And they’re like, No, I know, I have stuff. I’ve found some things. But I’m, you know, maybe they grew up poor, or maybe they grew up, you know, I think money mindset is a big thing. And that can be tied to it’s not always what you think what what needs to be healed isn’t always the surface issue that’s being presented either there or it can be much more deep rooted than that. And tricky. So so if somebody says like, I know what I have, that I have these limiting beliefs, I know that I have this like coding in me, that needs to be changed, but I don’t know how to do it. I’ve I’ve journaled. I’ve meditated. I’ve tried EFT, I’ve tried all of these things, and it’s just not working. Where do you what do you? What would you say to that person?

Erin Moore
Well, first of all, it my first thought is, like you have to one thing I learned about change. So like, I used to teach these behavior change classes, when I was first out of school, because like naturopathic doctors, they, we spend so much time with them. It’s like, we’re known for spending more time with our clients and really digging in and it’s like, okay, alright, so what we figured out the route, and what you got to do is you got to quit smoking cigarettes, and start eating more vegetables and drinking more water and meditating and exercising and, you know, taking contrast showers every day. Okay, so you do that and come back in a month. And then for like, how hard is it to do all that stuff? So I was really, that was a passion of mine when I when I first started out, and one thing that I came to learn and teaching those classes, which surprise surprise ultimately turned into self marriage courses. Is that you have to accept and love yourself, right where you are, like, just from the how you were describing that, that that that woman, you know. And of course, yeah, it sounds like there’s a bit of like resistance or like, this is not okay, I have to fix this, you know, but just really before before change, like it’s like, yeah, accepting and all its forms. So sometimes that can come as like kindness or compassion or gratitude or forgiveness but really just like, this is welcome in my reality right now. I welcome this I accept it. I love myself for this like this. This reality that I’m experiencing. I really like opens the door for or change to happen. But if there is an attitude of like, of resistance and like not okayness of this aspect of yourself, it has a has the tendency to just kind of, like wall it off and kind of solidify and keep it in in place. So, I’m not sure, yeah, I think that would that should be helpful for all of us just to be like this is to really recognize that this is okay. Like how it is right now. Like, and to accept and love and welcome. This like part of you, that you might be judging as like, you know, are trying to analyze or whatever. No.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, there’s, there’s this Rumi poem. I don’t know if you know it, and I don’t know the whole thing. And it’s a little long, but it just starts off with you made me think about this, the and when I think about this work, I think about this poem, it’s it starts out with this life is a guest house. Each So the whole point of it is is that if you think about your life as like, if you were a b&b. And every every traveler that came in every emotion was a traveler, and every experience is a traveler. And what if you welcomed them like you would? If you owned this b&b, I’m like giving a very 2020 kind of,

Erin Moore
like, read on it wasn’t talking about Airbnb.

Nicole Laino
But but but that that poem, that one always comes up for me, because I think about that, like when you get angry when a challenge presents itself, I think about it as the guest house. And like, how would I greet this? How would I greet this moment? If this were my guest house, if I sit and I live in, in that space? And I live that that lesson? How can I do that? How can I welcome this with an open heart without judgment of myself? Or the situation and see it for what it is? It is somehow a beautiful lesson, which might be wrapped in a ton of Poopoo. Which happens sometimes, but the it is all our teacher.

Erin Moore
Yeah, that’s good. Yeah, I really liked that. And I learned I’m not Yeah, I really learned this. There’s this, I don’t know it’s a tangent, we probably don’t need to go down. But the meditation technique called Vipassana is like the practice that I’m most committed to. And basically, there’s a lot of moments that feel like torture during it. And the, the whole, because you’re supposed to, like, it’s first of all, a silent retreat. And so and no eye contact, and you can’t talk it’s really kind of, it’s a bit hardcore. It’s like a meditation boot camp. But, and then there’s, you go through periods of stillness where you’re not supposed to move. And the idea is to generate equanimity, which is just like neither craving nor aversion for the situation like full acceptance of this moment as it is, no matter how much it hurts or how good it feels like this. This is. So this is welcome. Here. It has been a mantra that I have like breathed through. I don’t know how so many hours. This is welcome here. This to this also as welcome here. And it Yeah. And so I think that’s a really a really powerful teaching. And yeah, it’s easier said than done. You know, Rumi, what a blessing that you know, his his existence and his work. But to be that a guest house, but then you also have to be like a good landlord, or whatever you call them. Like, if you’re a jerky like not not that guest, you know, I’m going to evict you, you know, you have to be a gracious host for all the experiences that come in, go out.

Nicole Laino
Yep. Yeah, definitely. So I want to I want to shift a little bit because I do want to talk about I want to talk about the concept of healing through your business. And I’ve heard you talk about it, and I kind of just wanted to touch on it because I think it’d be interesting for people to hear about, because I do believe that entrepreneurship like I always say business is spiritual, that this journey if you’re called to it, then you know you’re somewhat of a seeker and I think like when you were talking about healing over medicine earlier, I feel like like, I always think if you if you feel like you’re a healer or you want to be healed, it’s a search for answers, I think, and you know that there’s something in you that saying, like I know, there’s more I know there’s more for me, and I need to figure it out because I I just I feel the infinite potential pulling

Erin Moore
so So it may be maybe one way that I would frame this is maybe you are the healer and your business is your medicine. You know, like that. Because you’re, you’re, that’s what that’s one way, you know, because it’s all it’s all, it’s all connected. But that might be one practical way to look at it. Honestly, that’s what’s helped me like you and I, both Nicole we have built and are building our businesses always, always running up against challenges and obstacles. So we are, we are our own healers, we are the healers. So then we have chosen this medicine, you know, entrepreneurs, no one’s making you do this, like this is coming from deep within you, you know that this is in your best good, you know, this is in your highest interest to be like who you were meant to be and serve on this planet, in the way that you were meant to serve. So you have chosen this, this is this is the medicine that you have, that you’re like that your wisdom and your wisdom you have chosen for yourself. So really treat it in that way, you know, and what I what has just really been helpful to me, is whenever my business makes me feel like I want to die. There is that’s my healing there. Like this, is I gay I chose this, I chose this, I put myself on this path. Nobody else put me here. So like, what am I? What am I? What am I to gain from this moment? And it’s kind of like I was saying earlier? Like, the it’s really? I don’t know, yeah, like some kind of convoluted trick that we play on ourselves to help us become more ourselves and to help our souls evolve, right? So whether that’s, and ultimately, I think what it comes down to most of the time is being worthy without condition. So we like our business, when we have all these challenges that we run up against, it’s often like, oh, a condition on our worth, you know, like, not making enough money to be worthy or not cute enough for the video, or not smart enough for the interview? Or, you know, whatever I could, you know, name your business challenge. It’s a challenge. Because, yeah, it’s, it’s challenging, I challenge you on it challenging you on a, on a deep level. So if we want our businesses to grow, like, we want that to faster, we want that to happen faster than I really like the the secret is to use it as an opportunity to heal heal more deeply. And yeah, and so that that may be I think the one way to really do that is just like I said, like, how is this? Like, how is this? In what way does this threaten my safety, right? And that’s for each of us. And there’s so many different paths, and so many different healers to work out, like, how does this? Yeah, how is this a threat to me, and then if you the work to do the work, the internal work, is to really affirm that self worth through, through whatever healing modality you might choose, there’s so many for different people. But then once you have that, once you like, are you’ve healed and built up that self worth to feel safe in that moment, then that is what they call manifestation. Right? You know, like, once you’ve because it’s like, you can’t, no matter how. Yeah, how many like affirmations you say, and I don’t know what you know, like light incense or whatever it is that people do. Like, if you really want to manifest something in your life, you have to feel worthy to receive it at the deepest level. And your business can be the way to, like, kind of systematically teach you how to do that.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, I mean, you touched on so many things there. I like that I kind of want to highlight you know, because or just sort of just just back to the you know, how does this threaten my safety I think is a great question to ask yourself because we don’t I don’t think we think about it that way. I don’t think we think about the fact that I think we you know it goes to the you have to do you have to get out of your comfort zone that threatens your safety because I I think and I think that that people understand that concept. They’re like, I get it, I know this thing. This is the world that I know. And anything outside of that world, do my brain and to like to my body are, you know, terrifying and not safe? I think that, that when we when we look at this like saying, How does this threaten my safety, to really realize that, that, you know, you live in a paradigm that is, it’s just what you accept, and what you are currently accepting is safe. And anything else that you try to do is somehow a threat to that safety. And then we can tune into that. And another question that I asked my people too is like, I’ll say like, what, what? What don’t I want to feel right now to sort of tap into what you’re afraid of doing when you’re stuck? Because it’s usually one of those things. What don’t I want to feel? Or how do I not feel safe? Yeah, and I step into this space.

Erin Moore
Yeah. Yeah, I like that. Totally, yeah. It makes me often we’re like, cover up, like these more uncomfortable emotions with easier emotions, like anger and irritability and things like that. But really, what we need to deal with is the underlying emotions that may be Yeah, sadness, or loneliness, or, or whatever. Yeah, but that is, like the so the subconscious mind, which we’ll we’ll all say is, you know, the voice of your inner critic, often, you know, like this, this, like, the tape that plays again, and again, one thing I work with on my work through with my clients is really seeing how like is befriending the inner critic, because the inner critic ultimately, is trying to keep you safe, is trying to keep you like playing small, because whatever you’ve been doing has got kept you alive up into this point, maybe not happy, maybe not, like totally fulfilled, or definitely not fully yourself, right. But it’s like, it’s kept you like, this is you, if you want to be accepted in the world, then, you know, then you have to get all the certificates and have everything perfect before your launch, you know, and like, so that’s your inner critic, even though you’re like, dang it are this perfectionist? Like, I don’t I know, you’re not? Like, that’s not gonna help me, I need to take massive imperfect action. You know, like, Yeah, we all like know that. But to that’s a kind of another level that I think maybe a lot of people don’t really think about, that can help us like understand how we may be how, like, these seemingly innocuous actions might be threatening our safety. You know, like, what is the inner critic? If it goes against your inner critic, then it’s threatening your safety, you know? Yeah. Or is your inner critic is like active, your your safety in some way is threatened because it’s trying to keep you on the same path that you’ve been on.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, like, fear, or you know, that that type of fear or your inner critic, keep kicking up is one of those things that should be a signal for you to keep going in that direction. Because it’s obviously something it’s, it’s the path. Yeah, it’s just a scary part of it. But something else that you brought up before, and I think it ties to safety is most of us don’t feel safe, because we don’t feel worthy.

Erin Moore
Yeah, they are. They are really connected. Yeah. Because our what keeps us safe is like the conditions that we’ve learned of our worth, right? Like, we’re safe. If he thinks I look cute, and she thinks I’m a good mom, and you know, on and on and on. If everybody has this opinion of me, then I’m safe. You know? And then But then like, I’m worthy. Right? You’re right. So it’s like the same. And if your worth is threatened, then your thinness, your safety is threatened. Right? Yeah.

Nicole Laino
Right? Well, if you’re if you’re stepping out and you’re letting the world see that you want something bigger, then you’re saying I’m worthy of something, if you don’t, so your that your action is saying it but inside, if you don’t feel that worthiness, you’re probably going to have a hard time you’re not going to be able to call in and create what you want to create because at the heart of it, you don’t truly feel worthy of the thing that you want to make happen. And so when we say when our inner critic or when you know, we kind of our subconscious kicks up and is saying don’t step out there. It’s going to know like I again One of my visuals, one of the things that I think about is, it’s like, you know, don’t go to that party, they’re all gonna laugh at you. It’s that kind of that fear of judgment all is tied to and let’s face it growing a business online, you have to confront judgment, you are going to be judged, it’s, that’s not a myth it’s going to happen. It’s a matter of how you let that affect you and your relationship to the judgment. And that comes from having a good solid hold on you being worthy, not for anything that you do. But for just being you. And that’s where I think we come back to this, just this whole self love thing, if you can love yourself fully and wholly, then you will, that will be kind of the silver bullet for everything that gets in your way.

Erin Moore
I mean, if there is a silver bullet, it’s that, you know, and this is why this is like the gift of entrepreneurship and, and, and business in general, and especially an online business. Yeah, so we have to the more we, the more we heal and have that like our solid and our own self worth, the more business success we will have. Because we’ll be able to withstand all the, the judgement and we’ll be able to create what’s really inside of us and not just what we think everyone else would like, you know.

Nicole Laino
That’s when you step out with your truth. That’s when you step out. I said the goal is not perfection, the goal is wholeness. And when you step out is your whole self. And you love your whole self. That’s when you become limitless. Nothing can touch you. Thus the magic. Yeah. It’s good stuff. Yeah,

Erin Moore
so good. Well, I

Nicole Laino
think that is a great note, I feel like we’ve sort of brought that full circle. I don’t even want to take it down any other paths because I feel like we’ve we’ve sort of encapsulated the whole episode and everything we’ve talked about just right here. Aaron, thank you so much for being here. Dr. Aaron more. Do you have any last things that you want to you want to leave with the listeners you want anything you want to say to them before we wrap

Erin Moore
up? I’m just okay. So my, my suggestion would be to just what Nicole said she’s doing in the beginning, you know, when you wake up in the morning, give yourself a squeeze. Practice telling yourself that you love yourself. And take a few nice deep breaths and like feel super cozy in your bed. have gratitude for a few things. You can do that every morning. And in the evening. Before you go to bed like that little thing. That’s just like the first great, great first step on the on the way to, to building your self worth. That’s how it happens baby steps for the win. So one of my mottos

Nicole Laino
date yourself, man, you know, just remember you are worth you are worth just as much affection as you give to your partner and to your kids and to everybody. Yeah,

Erin Moore
yeah. And I like Yeah, think of it as a relationship. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it is something you’re stuck with you forever. So you know, I may as well work on it.

Nicole Laino
Might as well enjoy it, right? Yeah, yeah. Where can where can our listeners take stay in touch with you? Where can they keep up with all that you are doing? How do they how do they keep the relationship going with you after this episode?

Erin Moore
I would love to hang out with you guys. If you want to find me. The best place is the my Facebook group. It’s called the heart healing sisterhood on on Facebook. So maybe you can put a link or y’all can search for it. And yeah, it’s just a sweet little community of all of us doing this work trying to be better partners for ourselves be our own best healers. Well,

Nicole Laino
that is awesome. We will absolutely link that up in the show notes. But guys go to the heart healing sisterhood we will have that that link for you very, very easily accessible inside the show notes so you can just click on it. Join the group and stay in touch with Erin and her whole community there. Thank you Erin. Dr. Aaron Moore, thank you so much for being here. This was such a great conversation and I’m so glad that I got to start this topic and open up this topic on the show with you this was such a great way to kick it off. And thank you for listening. You got all the way to the end. We so appreciate you so grateful for your time and see spending it with us. Remember guys, you are only limited by the limitations that you accept and when you stop accepting those limitations. That is when you become a limitless entrepreneur. You have a great rest of your day everybody. We will see you on our next Steps bye bye

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