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Episode #175 Human Design Profiles: Personal, Transpersonal & Fixed Fate

In this episode of Unshakeable With Human Design, Nicole Laino delves into the significance of understanding your human design profile. She emphasizes that knowing and comprehending your profile on a deeper level can open doors to discovering your true self and living in alignment with your authentic nature. Nicole discusses the different types of profiles and how they influence your personal destiny, fixed fate, or transpersonal destiny. By understanding your profile, you can navigate your path with clarity and authenticity.

  • Nicole covers:
    The importance of profiles in Human Design.
  • The different categories of profiles, whether you have a right angle cross, juxtaposition cross, or left angle cross, and what these categories mean for you.
  • How you can use the knowledge of both your incarnation cross and your profile to harness the power of your Human Design


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Hello and welcome to Unshakeable With Human Design. I’m your host, Nicole Laino. We are continuing to talk about profiles in this episode because profile, honestly, um, it, it’s so hard to pick which is the most impactful part of your human design. But definitely knowing your profile, and understanding your profile, not just from a surface level, but really from a deep level, the experimentation and contemplation around your profile will open up who you are here to be and bring that into greater focus.

And I think that when, whenever we’re diving into something like human design, we have a deep desire to know ourselves better, or to validate some of the things that we are feeling to be able to work in alignment with who we are so that it feels good.

Maybe we want some reassurance that what we wanna do is correct. Or that we can be all that we feel we are, right? How can we live up to our potential? And profile is a key element to that.

So what I wanna talk about today is there are different types of profiles. So depending on what your profile number is, we’re gonna talk about these categories that they fall into, what we call a personal destiny or personal fate. The juxtaposition or the fixed fate. And then we have the transpersonal destiny or transpersonal fate. You know, destiny, fate, you can call them either one. And depending on what profile number you have, you fall into one of those categories.

These would also be called, so the personal destiny side is also called the right angle. So if you look at your incarnation cross and it says RAX, then you are a right angle. If it says jux, then you have the fixed fate. And if you have the transpersonal, then that’s gonna say lax, left angle cross. Okay.

So what we’re looking at, these are just three different categories that they fall into and they give you a clue into the nature of your profile, of the role that you’re here to play. So I wanna cover these three categories cuz this is something I come back to all the time.

Being a five one, I’m a left angle cross. Knowing that is definitely eye-opening. It helps me understand more of my own nature and why I feel drawn to do certain things and why I feel repelled from doing others. Basically, it’s pulling us on a path. That is what human design does.

It’s pulling you on the path that is yours, the one that you are meant to be on. It’s always calling to you. It is always trying to get you to walk the path that you were born for, but it’s our conditioning in the outside world. That lead us down the path that we think we should go down, or the one that we’ve always been on, or the one that our parents told us we needed to take.

The one that felt safer, but it never felt quite right. And that can be why, and understanding this category of what they fall under can be really, really helpful.

So before we jump in, I do wanna call out that we have an event coming up on June 21st. I highly recommend that you sign up for our wait list.

We will be dropping the link to actually sign up in just a few days. This is going to be an event that helps you use your human design. So everything that we talk about on this podcast, we’re gonna deepen that so that you’re actually being able to produce results on being the most authentic version of you.

But not just being authentic, but how can I be authentic and get results? How can I be authentic and, really be able to operate at my highest level? How can I be more productive? How can I get results while feeling like I am in flow? That’s what this workshop is all gonna be all about. So I hope that you make it there.

You can sign up for the wait list at nicolelaino.me/podcastlinks. We have the wait list link is up there as well as our free guides if you would like to dive in a little bit further with some of our free content there. All right, so please go sign up for that. I hope that I see you there.

I’m very excited about this. We have a big thing that we’re unveiling. I’m really thrilled to bring it to you, and if you sign up for the wait list, you get all sorts of special bonuses and stuff like that.

All right, so let’s dive in. Let’s talk about profile. First of all, profile is the role that you are here to play in the movie called Your Life.

I’ve said this before, but I wanna repeat it for anybody who’s new or maybe hasn’t listened to an episode that I’ve done on profile or profile lines before. But your profile is really, if you think about it like a movie, and I was an actor, so it’s the character that is written on the page. So you can insert a different actor into the role, but there’s gonna be certain actors that are right for that character or not. There’s kind of an essence to them. There is a way and the way that the descriptions of characters will be, she’s the type of person who, she does this, this is the job that she has.

She’s a lawyer who is great in a crisis. She comes through and just always is three steps ahead of everybody. She is no nonsense. Like you’re getting a sense of who the person is. You’re getting a sense of there’s a toughness about that person, right? There is a power about that person. Like if you watch Succession, every single character there has a vibe about them. Every single one.

And every show or every movie you’ve ever watched, there’s a vibe about the character. Now, the actor that you slip into that slot is going to fill it out with color and all sorts of other nuances, and that’s you, the individual. That’s your other definition. That is your type, that is your authority.

That is all the other things; the gates, your conscious sun, all the things that make up you. That’s you, the individual. But whether you, that individual fit and can play the character that’s written there in the description. That description is the profile the way I look at it, that is the profile. So there’s a certain type that you are here, you’ve heard about being typecast, right?

Typecasting is like a profile. I’m looking for a two four kind of vibe here, right? I’m looking for a five, two kind of vibe. When you start to understand what these profiles are, when you start to understand the combinations and the lines by themselves and then the combinations of them together, and whether they’re in the front or the back, in the personality or the design side.

When you start to know these, you would understand what I mean when I say like, this person is, they’re more of a five two, which might mean that they’re a quiet leader. That they are maybe a reluctant leader, and then the type, if they were a manifestor, that would be very different than a five two projector or a five two generator.

So now we get into greater nuance. But when we’re talking about that profile, I want you to see how that’s like, there’s a vibe to it. There’s somebody that you are here to be, there’s something about this character that you are here to play and profile is the thing that tunes you into that. So understanding this is a game changer and really owning it and understanding how your profile influences the way that you are, how you are experienced, how you are expressed in the world, and how other people experience you and what is authentic to you.

Cuz when you show up, truly embodying your profile, then it is so authentic. People just start responding to you in very, very different ways, and they feel drawn to you. This is a key to your magnetism.

Okay, so let’s talk about these categories and why they matter. So if you’re a right angle cross, that means you have a personal destiny.

What that means is, you will know you have a right angle cross, obviously if you’re looking at the chart and it says rax, You will see that then you are a right angle cross. That’s what that’s saying, but it means you’re a personal destiny. The way that you can tell this is if you have a one at the front of your profile.

Profiles are made up of two numbers. They’ll be like a one and then a forward slash, and then a three. Some combination of two numbers ranging from one to six. So if you have a one in the front, that is your personality side, that is the side that’s leading, that’s gonna be the part that you probably relate to most.

If your profile starts with a one, a two, a three, or a four, then you have a right angle cross. You have a personal destiny. What that means is, you are here to explore and experiment and understand yourself. You make about 64% of the population is a right angle cross.

\Your destiny is about you. They say that you are creating the karma, you are not cleaning it up. You’re not working through as much. This is your journey. It is focused more on you. It’s about empowering yourself, it’s about your process. So it’s a much more personal journey. It can be a little more inwardly focused, and personally focused, not as naturally reaching out to the other.

Now, obviously, again, type is going to influence this. You, the individual is gonna influence this, but overall, your personal journey, your purpose. So this influences your incarnation cross. Your incarnation cross, or your purpose, as you know, as, as it can be referred to, which is the combination of those four gates at the top, the conscious sun, conscious earth, unconscious sun, unconscious earth.

You can go back. I just did an episode on your purpose through human design. You can go back to that one and hear me talk about that some more. But the right angle cross is going to influence the way that your gates are expressed. They’re gonna be expressed in a more personally focused way.

Your journey will be about you realizing things about yourself, empowering yourself, you on this journey. So it isn’t going to be as influenced by other people. People will come in and out of your life. They will have an effect on you, but they are not going to pull you off and change the course and direction of your life.

And we’ll get to the difference between this and the left angle and the fixed cross. So your path is more defined and it is more about you. There’s gonna be less that’s turning it, it’s going to be much more about your choices and your journey. So what does this mean? This means that it’s gonna be okay to focus on you and your journey.

So there can be, again, conditioning for us to feel like we should care more about other people’s journey, or that it should be more about us. I did another episode a long time ago, you know, like, are you designed to be selfish? This is talking about that a little bit. There’s an element to it.

I wouldn’t say that people who have these crosses are selfish, but they are gonna be more inwardly focused.

So it’s the one that’s leading, the one line is creative in nature, wants to kind of like, squirrel away and dive into its own stuff, create new things. There’s a creative nature to the one of wanting their hands in everything and sort of wanting to be left alone while they do it.

Solitude is necessary for the one, in order for the cross to be fulfilled, that one needs to be nurtured. The two, all about doing their own thing. It’s the hermit. If the two doesn’t hermit, then it can’t fulfill its purpose. So that’s why these are more about you, the individual, than they are about the whole.

Okay? So this is why the right angle cross is personally focused and has a personal destiny. Your karma isn’t tied to other people the way that some of the others are. Okay? The way that a left angle cross would be.

Now the juxtaposition cross, the fixed fate, there’s only one profile that has it. It’s the four one.

And the four one, it’s the bridge between the right angle and the left angle cross. It’s just the one profile. They’re only 3% of the population. They are like little unicorns out there. This is really about their fate and their purpose and their destiny is fixed. It’s very defined, and it’s theirs and theirs alone.

So it can happen with these people. We don’t want them to be pulled off their course. If they get pulled off because they feel like they should be doing something, you know, they have a partner, it can be tough. These people can be beautiful influences in people’s lives, but their purpose and their journey is theirs and theirs alone.

Where other people either get swept up and taken along in that journey or they fall away from it. So this is why it can be tough, because if anyone’s trying to pull a four one off their path, an example could be if you have a fixed fate, an example could be that if you really feel like you belong in California and that’s where you feel like you are being taken, and that’s where your strategy and authority is driving you, and that feels right to you, and that feels like home to you.

And your partner says, no, but I’m getting a job in London. If you get pulled on their path to London, that can be detrimental to the fixed fate. That can end up feeling like you are really off your path. And human design, what it’s telling us, again, what the path really means is if you’re on your path, then you will be in the right place at the right time to meet the right people, for the right things to happen, for the right opportunities to come your way, for you to make the right next decision.

And it’s the geometry. You’re being pulled along your line toward your purpose. And as long as nothing gets in the way, as long as our conditioning doesn’t pull us off, as long as the ideas that we have about where we should be going and what our path should look like, as long as we don’t get pulled off, if we were able to get out of the way, this is what getting out of your own way means, is that I’m just gonna allow myself to be guided to where I’m going and I trust that it’s going to happen.

With this, it’s more the other way, that you go to California with a fixed fate and your partner says they either come with you to California cuz that’s right for you, or they don’t, and either they go their way and you go yours, you stay together. But they, you know, like whatever your arrangements are.

But it doesn’t change your path. You don’t say, I need to go do the thing because this is what you’re gonna do and we’re in this together. So this is where this can be a difficult cross to have. Not because, and what can be beautiful is the people who get swept up into your purpose, into your path, that can be their path too. That might be where they belong. It might become part of their journey.

That’s very individual. But those people, the four ones, they can open up a lot by being so committed to their path and so truly grounded in it, that other people start to find their path by watching you walk yours. So that’s the juxtaposition, the fixed fate.

Now we have the left angle. The left angle. If you have a five or a six in the front of your profile, you’re a five one, a five, two, a six two, a six three. If you have that in the front, about 33% of the population have one of those profiles.

Then you would be a left angle cross and yours would say lax at the beginning of your incarnation cross. Or you would know this as a transpersonal profile. What this means is that you have karma with kind of everybody that you meet. Everyone is some sort of stranger of consequence, high or low.

Some people are obviously going to be more the people that you choose to live your life with. The people that spend a lot of time with you, that are deeply connected to you, there’s something that needs to be worked out there for better or for worse. There is some reason that everybody comes into your life and you come into theirs.

We cannot fulfill our destiny by operating like a personal destiny person, like a right angle cross. We can’t be internally focused. Our personality is outwardly focused. The five is about leading universalizing for everyone. Six is about the good of us all, that theme guides our lives. So when we look at things like a three six versus a six three, people have asked, what’s the difference, so I’m a six three, she’s a three six. How is that different? We have the same numbers.

It’s different because the three six is a personal profile and the six three is a transpersonal profile. The six three is going to have a need to probably help, there is this sort of helper nature. There’s different vibes to the six or the five for sure.

And there’s gonna be a difference between you’re a five one or a five two, or if you’re a six two or a six three, it’s gonna be a different experience of course. But in general, there’s going to be this pull to the greater community, the greater world. I can speak as a five one that I, I also have a lot of collective circuitry.

Again, the individual comes in here, but as a five one, knowing that the coaching and why coaching and helping others feels so “yes” to me and always has. When I started to work with people in the capacity of helping them grow, that feels very much in align with my purpose. But it’s also, there is this thing of people coming in and being an influence on their lives and people coming into my life and being an influence on mine and how every lesson that I’m teaching, I’m learning as well from the people who are with me, that they are guiding my path.

That I’m being bumped along on this journey of life. And it shifts more. It’s not very linear. It has more movement to it because I am influenced by the people who are in my life and who come in for however long they’re here. There’s always this penetration of their influence on me.

And I know me on them as well. We have, we can have great impact on people’s lives. And everybody can, but there’s something about that feeling of, I know you, that feeling of there’s something in this for me. You have something for me. That’s very transpersonal. Again, different vibe, five to six will be very different as far as like, what that person has for you.

Do you have wisdom or do you have a solution? Those are the differences, the six and the five. So I hope that this showed you how these categories start to tell us more about the nature of our profile and how we’re meant to interact with others, the outside world, and what our journey looks like.

So when you look at your incarnation cross, when you look at your purpose and you’re looking at it through the lens of your profile, because that is how you get to your specific color there, you might have the same four gates that I have in my incarnation cross. But if I’m a five one and you are a three five, it’s going to look very different.

Our cross will be called two different things. You will not have the same incarnation cross as me. You will have the same gates, but you will not have the same incarnation cross. So the expression of it and the experience of it will be completely different.

So I hope this helped. I hope that you enjoyed this. I hope that this added a little bit of color to what the profiles can be and how they might be playing out in your life. So what are you, let me know on Instagram, are you personal? Are you transpersonal? Are you fixed? Let me know what this shed some light on for you and what came up for you when you heard the episode and when you listened, whether you were a right angle, a juxtaposition, or a left angle.

How did that hit you? Did anything come up for you? I would love to know. Please share it with me on Instagram. I’m @nicolelainoofficial. Please go sign up for the wait list at nicolelaino.me/podcastlinks. And remember, everyone, in order to have an unshakable business, you must first become an unshakable human.

So I hope this episode helped you, and I hope you join us next time on the journey of you becoming unshakable with human design. I’ll see you in the next one.

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