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5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator, Peak-performance Coach, Human Design expert, and Gene Keys Guide

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Powerhouse Women Recap & The 1 Question to Ask Yourself for Integration After an Epic Event

Episode 298

Prepare to be inspired and challenged as Nicole Laino takes you on an exhilarating journey through the recent Powerhouse Women event. Ever wondered how top entrepreneurs navigate their darkest moments and emerge stronger? This episode pulls back the curtain on resilience, revealing surprising truths about success that will shift your perspective on failure forever.

But this isn’t just a play-by-play of the event – Nicole taps into her Human Design expertise to uncover the hidden energetic dynamics at play in high-intensity events like these. Whether you’re a seasoned conference-goer or considering your first big event, you’ll gain invaluable insights on how to maximize your experience and avoid the dreaded post-event slump.

The real game-changer? Nicole shares one deceptively simple question that has the power to transform how you integrate wisdom from any life-changing experience. This single inquiry could be the key to unlocking your next level of growth and success. Don’t miss this opportunity to turn inspiration into tangible results and step into your full potential as an entrepreneur.


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Hello and welcome to Unshakeable with Human Design, everybody. I’m your host, Nicole Laino, and we are here to talk about the Powerhouse Women event today. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this event, this is a women’s event that happens every year. This was my first time going. It was held in Scottsdale, which is where it’s always held.

And the host is a woman named Lindsay Schwartz, who hosts the podcast called Powerhouse Women. It’s a very successful podcast. She’s a very successful woman. there were eight speakers plus. There were a few extra there was like a success panel with some of her previous clients, but there were eight main speakers, which was incredible all happening over the course of one day.

And it was really a transformative experience and I wanted to share my takeaways. from this event, what I got out of it, why I go to these every single year as a kind of a gift to myself and also part of my business. But I wanted to talk about how you integrate the wisdom after an event like this.

That so many of us go to personal development events, we go to conferences, and we take in a lot while we’re there. And let’s talk about the energetic side of this a bit because there were projectors there that I was talking to and a lot of them I’m happy to hear that they know that they’re projectors and they know that they should be doing this.

They’re like, I actually have to tap out like halfway through the day and either take a big break and leave for lunch and be in my own energy or I leave kind of early because I do get to real sensory overload. So I think that that’s really important to know when you go to these big, large scale events.

This was an 800 person event. It was huge. And so what I want to cover in here is helping you understand from your human design perspective. There were certainly, some human design messages that were coming through. Lindsay was talking about how human design has helped her in her journey.

And she was talking about being a generator and it came up throughout the entire day and certainly with people that I was talking to. So I want to share that with you in this episode. I’m going to share my key takeaways. I’m going to share kind of the overarching theme that I think is really important for every entrepreneur to understand and hold onto and just, I think it was a strong message and I’d like you to receive it because it really was, it stuck with me. And then I want to wrap it up with just how you integrate the wisdom after an event like this. 

So whether it’s this event, you went to the event and we met there, or maybe you went and we didn’t meet. I hope that you send me a DM if we were at the event, if you were there and I didn’t get to meet you, please send me a message over on Instagram.

I’m at Nicole Laino Official. I would love to hear from you. , but any event that you go to, how do you not leave the event behind and all of that, we get so pumped up at these events, we get so juiced up and I want to talk a little bit about how that energetic thing happens to us, the energy that we get to ride while we’re there.

And almost like the hangover that comes after it. How do we not just have that big boost in the room, come home with a book full of notes, and then never actually apply or integrate maybe any of it? Or half of it? How do we get the most out of these things? How do we actually get the benefit after? So that’s what this episode is going to be about.

So I want to take you on this little ride with me because I was deeply affected by this event. I had a really wonderful time. And my intention for this event was to make connection with people. And first of all, let me just say that Lindsey Schwartz, the host of the event, the reason that I chose this event to go to, cause we can only go to so many because they do cost money, there is travel involved, there’s time away from our families, there’s time away from our business.

So we do have to choose. We can’t go to all of them. We have other things like I have launches coming up. I have things happening where not all the timing works out. I’m speaking at an event in Las Vegas in September. I can’t go to some other things that are happening in September because it conflicts with that.

I have to be someplace else. So we have to make these choices. So how do we choose the events that we go to? And I will say this, I chose this event because I choose it based on the host. It’s important to set an intention for an event. What do I hope to get out of this? What is it that I really want to walk away from this with?

Now we all want inspiration. We want to learn something. We want to feel a shift. I think it’s also interesting that event season sort of kicks off in August, right? Which is when we shift over into the quarter of duality is right around this first week of August, we shift into the quarter of duality, which we talked about in the August transit episode, where I talked about how we have these quarters throughout the year in human design.

And each quarter represents something. The first quarter is about the ideas that come and spur us into action and get our thoughts going so that , we start to have these new plans for the year. The second phase, the second quarter is about taking action and laying the infrastructure and groundwork for those ideas.

And we’re actually starting to manifest them. We’re starting to put them into action. The third quarter, which is the one that we are in now, is called the quarter of duality. It just started, so events season kicks off and it’s the quarter of relationships. It’s all about people. It’s about taking the thoughts and ideas that you birthed in that first quarter, the work that you put in laying the foundations, laying the groundwork of the second quarter, and putting them out and starting to talk to people about them.

Starting to work it out in community. Starting to put your ideas and start to have interactions with people. So I always think it’s interesting, that it’s sort of unofficially event season. Events start to kick off in August and we’re doing it all around this bigger theme that we’re all cosmically feeling of relationships.

So what a better time to go out and make connection with people than when we have this kind of cosmic energy going on. So that is my intention when I go to these events. And this event I was saying I really would like to broaden my community. You’ve heard me talk about this.

If you listen to the show, you’ve heard me talk about how I have no four lines in my design. None of them are fours. I am a five one. I have fives all through my line, all through my activations. There are no four lines in my design. So community is not something that naturally comes to me. I have to work at it.

It is not a natural strength for me. So these events are my ability to go out and make real connection with people. I also do better with one to one connection. I also do better meeting people in person that just works better for me. Because it just solidifies things for me and I think that my energy interacting with other people, they get to feel quickly whether I’m for them or not and I make better friends this way.

Usually if people are choosing to be my friend and they’re like, I think that you’re someone I want to keep in touch with and I feel the same way, we do. Whereas online it can feel like, oh I really would like to but it never really, it can sometimes not take off. So that was my intention was to make connections.

But we don’t want to walk into a room where, because we might have had that happen, where you’ve walked into one of these conferences and just like, my people aren’t really here. So for me, I had the opportunity to meet Lindsey Schwartz, the host of this event, , one time. In person where she did a live podcast recording with Laurie Harder, who is also one of the speakers at this event, and with Natalie Ellis of Boss Babe.

I went to the event, and the friend that I went with knew Laurie. So we actually ran into them in the parking lot, and we helped them carry in their stuff from the car, so I got to meet her briefly. We did not have an extensive conversation or anything like that, but we talked for maybe 10 minutes or something before they started to get ready for the session.

And I remember walking away from that being like, she just seemed very warm, very genuine, very open, and just thoughtful. I was struck by the way she asked questions, in the interview, I like her. And she’s a 2 4, that’s sort of what 2 4s do, you either get the sense of I think I really like you, or not.

And I got the sense that I was just, I felt like I knew her a little bit, or I knew the essence of her, which is sort of like the best of twos. I feel like I get the essence of you, and sometimes we get the essence of somebody and we’re like, you’re not for me. And that wasn’t what I got from her. I was like, I feel like there’s something very genuine about this woman.

I think I like her. And I want more people like that in my life. And with these events, what I have found, going to lots of them at this point over the years, is that the host is what attracts the audience. The host sets the vibe for the tribe. So, with Lindsay, I would like more honest, genuine, thoughtful, warm people in my life.

So, like attracts like. So I’m gonna roll the dice and say that I bet in Lindsay’s world she’s gonna have people like that. And I was, not wrong. I was exactly right. I walked in there and that was absolutely the vibe. It was very open. It was very genuine. People were wonderful and I made a lot of, new friends and new connections and I’m very excited about that.

So I did want to say that, that if you’re choosing. Who’s event to go to? Pay attention to the host. Pay attention to the way that you feel about that host. And then chances are you’re going to find people either a lot like you or a lot like them in that audience. And trust that if you’re not sure, if you’re trying to decide which ones do you invest with.

Really pay attention to the host. Pay attention to what do I want to get out of this? What are the type of people that I want to be connected with? Whose vibe am I looking to emulate within the tribe, right? Who do I want to really connect with? Who would I say, if I saw the host, I’d say like, oh well, if I found a room full of them I would be happy.

That is one major benchmark for me as far as how I choose which events to go to. So the speakers, I want to rattle off the speakers. I want to let you know who is there just so you can understand the level of people that I’m about to be referencing as I go through like my key takeaways from this. And the message that I kind of really want to bring home to you.

When you understand the speakers, I think that it can give some foundation here. So there were eight speakers that i’m gonna list off here. Natalie Jill was one of them. She’s the host of Midlife Conversations. She is a seven figure earner. Every single person here was a seven figure or above earner business owner Dr.

Amy Shah, Jen Batchelor, who is the founder of Kin. Which is a, adaptogen drink. She’s kind of pioneering the non alcoholic movement and drinking tasty drinks that actually feed our brains rather than break them down and feed our mood. So she shared with us Mary Seats, who’s the founder of the icing agency.

Lori Harder, she’s the host of Earn Your Happy if you’re not familiar with Lori. She’s also the founder of Glossy, which is , a new supplement drink. Patrice Washington. Catherine Zanchina, the Manifestation Babe, and then Jamie Kern Lima, who’s the founder of It Cosmetics and the author of the book Worthy, which I’ve talked about here on the show, actually.

I’m gonna give you some peppering of the takeaways I had from some of these amazing women, but I think what was interesting about this, and again, it’s the intention of the event, is, I think Lindsay had an idea of what she wanted you to take home. at least an overarching theme that she felt was important to impart on the 800 women who signed up to be in that room.

And there was this overarching theme of resilience, because a lot of times we do cheerlead the accomplishments. We do talk about the seven, the eight figures, we talk about the big, big wins, and we talked about those. But what she made sure she did was she asked every single person about their biggest fall.

about their failure, about something that brought them to their knees, about a struggle. And I think it’s really important to remember, and I want you to know, because it can get difficult, this business. And life is difficult and sometimes when we’re in it we feel like we’re the only ones who’ve ever been in it.

We feel like nobody really understands it and it’s very easy to isolate in that place or push through and not take care of yourself and I think one of the things that was really profound and present in the message was that struggle is part of this journey but we don’t abandon ourselves ever in that struggle, it’s so important to stay present with yourself.

And now just to bring it back to the show and what the show is about, human design gives you a tool and a way of remaining present with yourself always. Of being awake to what you’re feeling, to what’s causing you to take action, to the way that you are moving through life and what you’re allowing to move you in this life.

And if you’re doing deconditioning work, and if you’re doing nervous system regulation work, that stuff is not optional. It is necessary. Because you are the vessel and whatever circumstance you are going through at whatever time, you have to take care of the vessel. You have to take care of the vehicle.

You have to take care of the human. That’s going through these things. So I loved that she It was almost as if she told everybody in the room I want you to think of whatever horrible thing you’re going through now or you’ve been through recently or you’re afraid of going through and I’m gonna ask these women and they’re about their times that they’ve experienced that and they’re going to One up each other on how bad it’s gotten and how they’ve gotten through it.

So many people brought up really difficult, trying times, having millions of dollars in revenue and actually zero profit. Having your company’s CFO totally screw over the finances and because you were blind to them. You didn’t know that it was all falling apart until it was too late.

Until you couldn’t make payroll, until you were behind, you were actually in the red. Having your company stolen from you, like Mary Seats had. Having her company just taken from her, that she started from the ground up, and going to live above her retail store because she had no place to live. But every single person had a comeback story.

For Mary, it was, she has gone on to create a multi million dollar agency after that. She’s resilient. So the big thing was I loved Mary’s quote through this. She’s like, one thing I learned was that if he took you to it, he’ll get you through it. And, whether you believe in God, the universe, or just something bigger.

I think if you listen to the show, you believe in something bigger. That, it’s part of our journey. Whatever obstacles that are getting put in our way, are put there because they serve the purpose of us fulfilling our purpose. Can you live like that?

A few episodes ago where I talked about Your success is inevitable. I talked about these mantras that one of my mentors from the past, James Wedmore used to say I’m sure he still says it but he said it a long time ago to our group and 

If you believe that your success is inevitable. Then every obstacle that comes in your way you look at very very differently because you say somehow this is serving the greater good of my life Somehow this is serving me.

And if you can look at everything like that, life changes and you naturally become resilient and no problem seems insurmountable because you realize that if it’s here, it’s serving me somehow, it feels like garbage right now, but I know that I have the power to get through this or it wouldn’t be here in front of me.

It is somehow making me stronger. And I know that sounds like fortune cookie stuff at times, which is why an event like this where you see eight incredibly successful, powerful women get on stage and remind you that it isn’t fortune cookie bullshit. That it’s actually real. That failure is part of the process.

Feeling is essential to success. That we get to rise in every season that we are in no matter what that season looks like. And don’t ever let any circumstance make you forget who you are. That is something that we sometimes need to be reminded of. So I’m grateful to that room and I’m grateful to Lindsay and I’m grateful to each and every one of those women for reminding me, for providing me with a real life example that’s in the flesh, in the same room as me, reminding me of these core tenets That we can sometimes forget or we can sometimes forget the reality of them. We can forget to embody them. We can forget that they are so true. We can take them for granted Failures are what you make of them What story are you attaching to the thing that is presenting as difficult in your life right now So the other thing that I wanted to point out about these events is that if you’ve been doing this a while, if you’ve been going to events, if you’ve been in personal development, if you’ve been in entrepreneurship, where we all speak this language pretty much all the time, that what you’re going to realize is that you go to these events, you go to these places, you see these speakers, you listen to podcasts, you’re not going to hear anything earth shattering that you haven’t heard before.

If you go to these events thinking, I’m waiting to hear something I’ve never heard before, you’ll probably be disappointed. Cause it isn’t about hearing some concept that’s brand new. You’re going to hear it a different way. You’re going to hear it told through someone else’s story, which is going to remind you how real it is and how adaptable it is to everyone that everybody has their own experience with these core themes.

And you’re going to hear them with different intention. So we heard success stories at this event, but we heard them told through the lens of, talk to me about the hardest time you ever had. Talk to me about the time where it looked like it was all going to fall apart. Talk to me about your resilience.

And that, I don’t know if that was Lindsay’s actual intention. But that was the intention that I felt, and I’m very grateful for it. But what is most important to you actually receiving something, to you getting something earth shattering, what determines whether you hear something earth shattering in that room, something mind blowing, is not necessarily what they are saying.

It’s not the content. of what the speakers are sharing with you. Because like I said, they’re going to be concepts that you’ve probably heard before. I no longer go looking to hear that. I don’t go with my notebook out, ready to write down everything that they say and look for a step by step how to get their level of success.

I don’t do that because that’s honestly, you’re probably not going to walk away happy, but usually what that results in is you walk away with a notebook full of words that you never really implement, never really do anything with them. And I’m going to get to how to integrate the wisdom in just a second, but what determines your success in these, with these events, what determines the impact that these events get to have on you.

Is who you are in the moment that you are receiving what’s being said from the stage. So if you come to these events every single year, like I look at myself, I’m different today than I was last year when I attended similar events. So what I received at this event was different in substance, But it was also very, very different in what effect it had on me, because I’m different.

I hear different things. I don’t know if everybody got the same takeaway that I got. I don’t know. I don’t know if they received the same thing I did. I was grateful Lindsay actually called me up to give a key takeaway to the whole room while we were there, because I spoke to her at lunch and she was like, we actually share that with everybody.

What I just shared with you. That failures are part of this process. I shared that and there were a lot of people that came up to me after and said that really had an effect on them. Well, I think that that comes from me going through this a lot and going through this for years that I was able to receive that message in a clear way.

Because I wasn’t listening for, where’s going to be the thing that I can use when I get out of here. I just sat and calmly received. I responded to that message and the content that was being shared and the stories that were being shared in the energy that they were sharing it in. So let’s talk about how we integrate wisdom after this.

So, you know, you get the big takeaway, you get the big takeaway from the event. You have these thoughts, you’ve got, you do have, I still have a notebook , full of notes and ideas and thoughts. But what I write down is very different than what it used to be years ago. I no longer write down all the things that they say, although I do write down like little quotes or something, but more importantly, I write down, this is what this meant to me at the time.

And this is one of the things that I want you to do to integrate , these pieces of wisdom that you took away from these events. Is pay attention to what your intuition is responding to. Go through your notes and see what message is being kicked up to you. Not so much about what you’re going to do with everything that you took in, but actually being able to sit with this and say, what is the little voice inside of me whispering right now?

So ask yourself. What was my biggest takeaway? What am I being called to? That’s a question for you to ask yourself about these events. Now, I’d prefer it when you’re there. So when you’re there, as you’re writing things down, write down, and this is what it meant to me, and this is what it meant to me. This is what that kicked up for me.

And to me, I sat in that room and as I heard a bunch of different people speaking, I heard the voice of my very first mentor in my ear. This is what I mean about hearing the voice of your intuition speaking to you. It’s telling you, here’s what this means for you. And that’s the most important thing you can do in these events.

Here’s what this means for me. Because I can’t tell you what your key takeaway should be because I’m not you. So you have to ask yourself, what were the most profound moments in this speakers, speaker’s session, in this entire event, in that panel? And what am I being called to? What am I being called to?

What is that little voice telling me? Are you looking at a speaker and being like, I think I could be that? Are you saying to yourself, I think I could be on that stage next year. I think I could be on more stages. So many people got up and said, like, I belong on stages, but so many of those people will say that and then do nothing to get themselves onto more stages.

Here’s the next question for you. So what am I being called to? So let’s use getting on stages. as an example here. So say your big takeaway is that you have a story to tell, that you have wisdom to share, and that you are being called to a big stage of your own. Or maybe to start your own event.

You want to be on stages, you want to have your own stage. Now the question is, what excuses is my mind kicking up to explain why that won’t work for me? Why I can’t have it. What excuses is my mind kicking up to explain why I can’t have it? And in those rooms, let’s talk about the energy here just for a second, because it’s very easy to get amped up on the energy.

Like let’s talk about it through the chart. Every center that you have white in your chart gets filled when you’re in that room. So if you’re someone who has two centers defined and you have seven centers open, that’s a lot of energy to be pulling in. You’re taking in a lot of people’s energy.

And while you’re in that room, it might feel like it’s yours. So you feel really, really excited. And you feel like I could be on that stage because you’re actually soaking it in. Your ego is getting pumped up. If you have an open ego. Me, my head and my Ajna are wide open. My Ajna is completely open.

My head center is undefined. I’m pulling in inspiration like nobody’s business. I’m pulling in thoughts, pulling in strategies. I’m pulling in, I’m pulling in concepts and insights. And it’s just this, like my head’s exploding. It’s literally mind blowing for me going to those events. And then when I leave, it’s almost like I have no thoughts.

There’s this post event hangover that comes where it’s just like someone will ask me something and it’s just my brain is mush. Because I was literally sucking in the thoughts of everybody. And the other thing that happens there, I’m borrowing a little of that energy. I’m getting inspired.

I’m getting some consistency in that open ajna that’s normally really, really open to anything. I’m taking in everything, but I’m getting a little bit more structure because I guarantee you somebody is connecting my Ajna. Everybody’s defined in these places. You walk into a room with 800 people. There’s no place that you go that you’re alone.

You are getting connections everywhere. For me, I have a split definition. I have six gates that can be split. I think it’s six. Sometimes I forget that. It’s a lot of them. I guarantee you, sitting in my seat, I was getting my split bridged by probably a handful of people all around me. Right? It’s very normal to walk away from that type of environment and feel like I had so much clarity and now I don’t.

It’s why these questions will help you to not get sucked into the conditioning of that. That’s normal. It’s normal for you to be on the flight home, feeling like, I don’t know what I took in there. I felt great, but now, oh, I don’t know, I don’t know if I feel like I can do that anymore. I felt like I could while I was there, though.

Totally normal. What you have to do to integrate it is, one, don’t get sucked into, why don’t I feel that way anymore? I have an open ego. I was all juiced up on other people’s egos. I felt like I could do anything. I could commit to anything. I felt like I could fly. And now I leave and I don’t feel like that anymore. And now I’m wondering, was it real? 

The truth is, is that you received things while you were in there. You just don’t get to keep them in that same way. But you do get to keep the wisdom that came from you having it. This is like a masterclass in just how conditioning works and how using the energy of other people, how it works.

You use it to take in, get the connection while you’re there, get the inspiration while you’re there, get the muscle memory of what that feels like, and then let it go. This is not mine, but I can use it while I’m here. I can get those insights. That’s why if you’ve got an, I’m going to just tell you, if you’ve got an open Ajna and an open head.

And you go to these events, write it down. You won’t remember it. You won’t remember any of it. It’ll be gone. So write it down and write down as much as you can about what was inspiring in that moment. Cause with that open head, that inspiration is not yours. It’s not. It was in that room, write it down, get it down on paper.

That’s why it’s so important. So you can actually ask these questions of yourself after. Because you ask yourself, what am I being called to? I’m being called to the stage. Okay. What now really listen inside and say, what excuses is my mind or my energy kicking up to explain why I can’t have that, why I can’t be on a stage.

Now you might find a deep, dark secret. You might find real conditioning. And for me, when I, feel called up to something because these rooms challenge us to play a bigger game, right? The right question to ask yourself is where am I currently playing small? How am I currently playing small?

And it’s really important for you to know that playing small does not mean that you are not successful. It does not mean that you are not successful. It just means you’re punching below your weight. You know you’re not really stepping up to the next level. It doesn’t mean you’re at zero. I don’t think anyone listening to this show is really at zero.

I’m certainly not. I’m no shrinking violet. I have this show, I have a successful business, but I know I could be playing bigger. So I’ve gotta ask myself, what’s the next thing that I’m looking for, and why? Do I feel like I can’t have it? What’s that plausible excuse that my mind is telling me? Well, this is why it’s not happening for you.

What’s the fear? Because that is the work that you have to do. You’ve just identified your focus for the next 90 days is to work on that belief, on that excuse, on that thing. Break it up and rewrite it, rewire it. I always say to my clients, I can’t guarantee you that you’re going to have a completely like human design.

There’s a lot of people that will tell you, Oh, all you need is human design and you just get to be in alignment and flow and everything just works for you. If you’re following strategy and authority, you’re never going to have a problem in your life. That’s not true. I always say human design is going to tell you which direction to run in.

And then you’re going to run until you hit a wall. And then the work is, and that’s what I help them do. I would say like, you’re going to run until you hit a wall. And then I’m going to, you’re going to say, Hey, Nicole, I hit a wall. And then I help you kick down the wall. This is one of those ways that you can identify what your wall is.

That’s the wall you’re going to hit. So instead of banging your head up against it, pretending like it’s not there or succumbing to it and saying like, well, that wall’s there and it’s never going to move. Look at the wall and realize that it is not real, that it’s usually internal and you can move it.

You have the power to do that and make that your focus for the next 90 days while this is all fresh. Come back to it every single day and just say, I’m going to overcome this. I’m not going to allow this to stand in my way. Okay. I’m going to leave you with a quote from Jamie Kern Lima. Which I thought was just really profound.

Talking about her own, cause she had an incredible journey of failure to astronomical success. She sold her company for 1. 2 billion after being told no by pretty much everybody in the beauty industry and them laughing her out of their offices or just shutting the door in her face. And some of them saying some pretty cruel things to her.

You know, she said, I had to trust my own knowing. And she kept pointing to her gut, so I’m deeply curious if she’s a generator. But she kept pointing to her gut and she’s like, I just, I had to trust my knowing. I had to trust my knowing because I came so close so many times to doubting myself out of my own destiny.

So don’t doubt yourself out of your own destiny. Trust. Trust that you’re knowing. If you’re a generator, that’s going to be your gut. If you’re a manifester, you’re just going to know. If you’re a projector, you’re going to sense it. Same thing with reflectors. There’ll be a sensing, but trust, trust yourself and trust that what you want wouldn’t be put in front of you.

It wouldn’t be put in your heart if it wasn’t possible for you. So, I hope that you liked this episode. Please, if you went to Powerhouse Women and we met or we didn’t met, please send me a DM. I’m at Nicole Laino Official. Tell me what your big takeaway was from the event. Or what event are you looking forward to attending most this year or next year?

I will be going to this one again. This was so much fun. I will definitely be on the powerhouse list next year as well. So I hope that if this maybe inspired you to join us next year as well. But let me know on Instagram. I’m at NicoleLainoOfficial. Send me a DM. Let me know what your key takeaway was from that event, from this episode or what you’re most looking forward to attending this year.

Thank you so much, and remember, in order to have an unshakeable business, you must first become an unshakeable human. So thanks for letting us help you become unshakeable with human design, everyone.

We’ll see you next time.

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