Episode 332
What if you could unlock greater focus and productivity simply by understanding how you’re uniquely wired? In this episode, Nicole dives into how your Human Design influences the way you work, focus, and manage your energy. Whether you’re a generator struggling to channel your energy or a projector seeking clarity amidst distractions, this conversation offers tailored insights to help you align your work habits with your natural strengths.
Discover five powerful strategies to sharpen your focus and move the needle in your business without burning out. From automatic writing to binaural beats, Nicole shares practical tools that you can start using today. She also explains how your digestion arrow and other elements in your Human Design chart can be the secret to processing information, setting intentions, and working with ease.
More than just tips, this episode encourages a transformative approach to productivity—one that prioritizes alignment, flow, and sustainability. If you’ve ever felt stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure of how to channel your energy, this conversation will leave you inspired and equipped to take action.
Curious? Hit play and discover how to work smarter, not harder, using your Human Design as your guide!
Learn more about your Human Design and get your full chart for free. Click here to get your free chart.
Variables Guide: https://nicolelaino.com/resources/human-design-variables-guide/
Deconditioning Bundle: https://checkout.nicolelaino.com/mini-deconditioning-library/
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Hello and welcome to Unshakeable with Human Design, everybody. I’m your host, Nicole Laino, and I want to talk to you today, just you and me, about productivity and focus and looking at that through the lens of human design. I know that focus can be such a problem for so many people, largely because it’s been a problem for myself.
This is particularly true for those of us who have either both the head and the Ajna center open. So you might have a head center open and your Ajna is defined, it’s still probably focus might be a little bit of an issue for you. It doesn’t mean that people who have these centers defined don’t have issues with focus and productivity.
There’s so many other elements in the chart that contribute to this. That can either make you a more focused individual or a less focused individual. Like I look at, my son who’s a projector. He’s an energy projector and he has a defined head in Ajna. He actually has a really tremendous ability to focus and he has since he was a baby.
It’s just something I’ve witnessed in him be a real natural gift of his, that he can focus in on a problem, that he can stay focused on the work that he’s doing, that he has that stamina to stay interested in things and to not be pulled away or distracted as easily as both my husband and myself. And we’re grown ups, and so this is from the time he was a baby, this was evident.
And I’ve seen this with clients, I have seen this with lots of other people as well. I’m gonna bring up a couple of other things to just show you. I purposely didn’t title this episode anything to do with the head, the Ajna Center, anything like that. Because that’s not the only contributing factor.
Generators and manifesting generators can sometimes find that it’s hard to focus because their energy needs to be channeled somewhere. So they can be super focused when they really love what they’re doing, but when they’re not loving what they’re doing, it can be really difficult. The same thing is true for projectors.
Sometimes they can find that they have a hard time focusing when there’s no energy to focus on. So we can see these things come up, but lack of focus, what usually means is a lack of intention, if you’re a sacral, a lack of asking your sacral to be bought into the thing that you’re doing. And again, if you are a sacral or if you have a defined root, an overabundance of energy can sometimes be the reason that you are not able to focus because it’s conditioning driving you or kind of the energy that hasn’t been used.
So if you have a defined root, for example. You may find that you need to exercise a little bit more or maybe a little more rigorously than somebody with an undefined root. I’m going to call out a few aspects of human design. There’s going to be human design stuff in here. And then there are just going to be some more general things, more general practices that I love and I rely on that have really helped me.
So, because There are no rules in human design. It doesn’t mean, well, I have this, so it means that this is going to be absolutely true for me. It means that you might have, you’re more predisposed. I’ve really gotten away from talking about human design , in the format of rules, because so many people get the wrong idea with that.
They don’t take that in and go, okay, well, if I have a defined route, then that probably means that maybe I have energy to work off. So maybe I want to add a little bit more cardio into my workout. and experiment with that. It can easily become a, well, I can’t do yoga because I have a defined root and I need to do more rigorous exercises.
No, it never means those things. It doesn’t mean I can’t or I shouldn’t. It means I experiment with and I see what works for me. And it gives you, human design can give you a guideline and a blueprint to tell you the things that will most likely work for you. Or if you’ve tried lots of things and nothing works, it can guide you to the things that do.
So to give you five tips, five things that I love, that I do regularly, that have changed my relationship with focus, that have helped me. Now I have a wide open Ajna. I have an open head, which most of you know, or an undefined head. And I have, gates that are defined in there, 64 and 63.
Those are my conscious sun and conscious earth. , it is a major, major thing. Hotbed of activity up there. So many opportunities for me to be conditioned with all of that energy going to that place. I have a wide open Ajna. I have an Ajna that has no gates defined in it at all. I have a really open mind, but that also means that I have to work to focus a lot of times.
My focus can easily be pulled and I can be distracted by the outside world, and I can find myself either doing busy work that doesn’t matter, or Having a lot of time go by that I have not gotten what I need to done. And those are the things that I have battled my whole life. And these are the tools that I fall on to overcome that.
This is a way of my openness leading to my wisdom. I’ve become somewhat of a productivity master, so to speak, or I’ve been obsessed with it. Why? Because it’s a challenge for me. And because I’ve worked through it, I actually have something to offer you. So this is how we use our design to help us. It isn’t just like, oh, I have this open, so that means I can sell this.
No, not until you’ve learned to work with it yourself. So these are things that I have been working with, experimenting with, fine tuning for myself and I’m sharing them with you. These are five tips or five strategies that you can use to get more productive and be more focused in your work using some human design and some just general practices.
Okay? So first, let’s define what productivity is, right? So when I say productivity, what I mean is moving the needle. I don’t mean getting lots of stuff done where you’re just like moving all the time for the sake of it. What I mean is getting more of what matters done using the least amount of energy possible.
That’s productivity to me. How can I get so much done and feel like I did so little? How can I get so much done and feel like I did so little? How can I feel totally satisfied at the end of my day? How can I not feel like this is difficult? How can this feel like , I’m working with ease? How can this feel like I’m getting a lot done and how can I get greater results from the work that I put in?
Okay. So just wanted to highlight that’s what we’re talking about when we talk about productivity on this show. When I’m saying focus, I mean your ability to focus on the things that matter. Okay. To not be distracted and moved away from the things that we know will move the needle, but for some reason we cannot bring ourselves to do.
How can we work through that without pushing ourselves into unhealthy conditioning? Where we’re pushing all the time. It feels hard. We’re questioning ourselves and It always feels like maybe we get further, but it’s not sustainable. We don’t want that. We want sustainable growth we want to be achieving and creating in a way that feels like we are aligned with ease and flow and it just feels good and pleasurable to us.
Okay? So let’s start with number one. , the first tip that I have for you on becoming more productive and being more focused is to use this tool called automatic writing. Now this is a great thing to start your day with. This, if you can, start your day with automatic writing. And what it is, it is a very simple process of writing without thinking, just writing whatever comes into your mind.
Let it flow out of the pen. For two to three pages, or for three to five minutes, whatever you want. You could do longer, you could do more, but a minimum of two to three pages, or three to five minutes. And you just write those things out. What you’re doing is you’re that busy mind. Emptying it. Now, I don’t do this with my morning routine.
I usually do this, and I can’t say that I never do, because I switch up my routine based on what feels good to me. But I do this before I start work. I do this to empty out all the garbage in my head because like I said, open head, open ajna. I have a lot of thoughts, I have a lot of other people’s thoughts and opinions and all these things that are up there.
I need to get them out. And I need to get my thoughts straight. Sometimes I don’t even know what I’m thinking because it’s so busy up there. And it’s not busy with my stuff. That’s what happens in openness. I’m busy with other people’s stuff. I’m picking up other people’s thoughts, other people’s things that they think are important.
Not necessarily the things that are important to me. Empty that out. Write on the page. Don’t think about it. Don’t stop. You just write consistently for two to three pages, three to five minutes. Okay? That’s the first one. Empty it out. the vessel. Clear your brain. Right? The second tip to make you more productive for greater productivity and greater focus is to write your intentions for the day, every day.
Get clear on what you want to achieve and be specific. So, most of the reason that people spin, or they find themselves wasting time and not putting their energy where it matters, is they don’t know what they’re trying to do. They’re not very clear on how they are going to move the needle, what needs to get done.
And our mind, if it doesn’t know what or how, it will busy itself coming up with other, And Bullshit, for lack of a better term to do. Now I’m gonna talk specifically to my sacral beings out there. cause a projector isn’t gonna have that motor running that’s driving them to move. So they have a greater ability to sit still if they aren’t overly conditioned.
That is. They have a greater ability to sit still and to focus on the task at hand. Generators manifesting generators and to a lesser degree, manifestors. Usually there’s a different reason that’s driving them to not be able to focus. Usually it’s because they don’t care. They’re just like, I don’t want to do this.
And if they do, can be a lot easier for them to channel that energy. But for generators and manifesting generators, we’ve got that motor that’s saying, let’s move . And if you don’t have a place that you’ve told it to go, it will go someplace else. And then before you know it, you’ve wasted time, you’ve wasted energy, you’ve done things that don’t matter, and now you’re stuck.
Now you haven’t moved the ball down the court. You’ve worked, but you weren’t productive. You didn’t really get something done that moved the needle, right? Our minds don’t hold on to thoughts when you have an open Ajna and open head. , our minds don’t hold on to thoughts, to processes, the ways that define you.
Now that doesn’t mean that defined people can’t benefit from these practices as well. Writing your intentions down, here’s what I plan to get done today. These are the things that are important to me today. And these are the things that I want to get done. This is what I want to achieve. And like I said, be specific.
It’s not like write content. Write to posts. Don’t underestimate your brain’s ability to overcomplicate something. And because it can’t attach to something specific, it’s saying, what do you want me to do? Oh, you don’t know? How about we go do this?
How about we go do this? Someone said this the other day. Let’s do the thing that they were talking about. So coming back to just understanding that you need to give it orders, right? That’s why we have to be deliberate with the process. Writing down your intentions. What do I want to do today? What do I want to get done?
What do I want to achieve? How do I want to feel at the end of this day? Okay, so that’s number two. Number three is, this is a really simple one. This is the easiest one. This is just use focus music. This works for everybody, but again, I’m going to speak to those open head, open Ajna people, cause it’s incredibly effective for you, is focus music.
Okay. Focus music is particularly, I like binaural beats. This is music that you’d put in earbuds or on headphones. I wouldn’t have it on speakers necessarily. I don’t think that the effect is as great when you use it in the open air versus going directly into your ears. But focus music, what it does is exactly what it sounds like.
It is focusing your brain. on the task at hand. It is allowing you, it’s slowing things down and putting you into a state where your brain is more able to focus. And I like beta waves as the best ones for focus and for work. So there’s different levels, there’s different frequencies. Higher frequencies might not work as well.
Beta is nice level that is generally thought of as the best for focus and for work and productivity. So you can find those on Spotify. You can certainly buy them if you want, but just putting those in and working. When I forget to do this, usually what I do is I’m attuned to my process. I’m attuned to what’s going on.
And I’ll notice, I’ll be like, I can’t focus right now. And it’s like, Oh, you don’t have your earbuds in. You’re not working. In a focused manner. Where’s your focus music? The minute I put them in, it’s so much easier. Because why? Because I’m tuning out the outside world. I’m not able to be distracted and it puts me like in this zone.
So try that. The fourth tip that I have for you. The fourth one is, this is really general yet specific one, okay? So this one is awareness. Cultivating awareness. Your success is going to be directly correlated to your ability to be aware of what is happening in your body and in your mind, moment to moment.
Because the reality is that we are all being driven by our unconscious triggers and emotions. They drive us to action, and they drive us to inaction. And for a lot of us who are high achievers, Who desire to really be, ambitious individuals who desire to be successful, , who desire to create a lot and do a lot in this world.
What that usually turns into for us is our unconscious triggers and emotions drive us to actions that don’t matter or avoiding the ones that do. So your greatest tool in your toolbox is always going to be your awareness. It can be the toughest one because people are just like, Oh, well tell me what to do.
Be more aware. It will honestly, of all the things that I’m telling you, this and the intention setting one, but certainly this one is the number one. This is the one that will get you most sustainable path to the success that you are after, being aware of what’s happening. So when you get stuck, can you focus your attention within yourself rather than looking for something else to do?
Can you just say, what am I feeling right now? Well, I feel anxious. I feel worried. Tapping is wonderful to break this up and work through those moments. EFT is what I use. Tapping is another way of saying EFT. This is how we can work through those moments. Now you can certainly be aware, but tapping is the way that we can break those up for good, rather than having to deal with them all the time.
I teach tapping to all of my clients, and the reason for that is, I think it’s an indispensable tool for productivity, for nervous system regulation, becoming the best version of ourselves possible. We do have a deconditioning tapping bundle that is available. If you’re interested in that, just DM me tapping on Instagram.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolelainoofficial/?hl=en
I’m at Nicole Laino Official and I’ll send you the link right there. This is where human design can be a game changer, because it helps with your awareness and tapping tells you what to do with it. But human design can also do this too. I’m going to show you an example, I’m going to give you just a quick example of how awareness, has helped me out of my productivity and not even using tapping in this one, okay?
So, you all know I have the gate of confusion as my conscious son, it’s gate 64. It’s in the head center, which is in a pressure center. Pressure centers tend to make us want to tap. Do something, but it’s not, very much in a pressure, stressful sort of way. It is the center of mental pressure.
And confusion gets me stuck a lot. Again, this is my conscious son. It’s how I experience the world, right? The shadow is confusion. Now, if I’m not aware of it, which I wasn’t before I found Human Design, I was not aware of this pattern in my life, or that this was a thing for me. I just knew that, I couldn’t get things done, or I couldn’t get things done when I wanted to, or I would get stuck on the same problem for a really long time and take a long time to process it.
So when I was not aware, what that gave me was more confusion. Because what did I try to do? I tried to fix confusion. I tried to figure it out. I really dug my heels in and I would work harder. And that actually got me more stuck most of the time. Now being aware, the shift that I have taken of being aware of this where I could say, Oh, I think I’m in confusion right now.
Now I know what to do with that because I know that confusion and is pressure from the head center Mental pressure from the head center cannot be dealt with through pushing. It makes it worse The best thing I can do is leave it alone. Let go of the reins and allow it to be there Allow it to work itself out The more pressure I put on myself to figure it out, the more the pressure builds, the more difficult things become, the more stressed out I feel.
So that’s how I can work with it because I know I give myself permission to let go because I know that’s what will work, right? I’m not fishing for someone else’s random productivity tool in that moment. Why? Because that’s not the medicine. that I need for this illness, for confusion, if I try to be more productive, if I try to figure it out, will make me less productive, will push me further away from figuring it out.
I know this, but I can’t get to that point of solving that problem by letting go. One, if I don’t know what it is. If I don’t know how to deal with that thing. So human design gives us as a tool, it gives us the ability to see these energies differently and understand how we work with them personally. And then the awareness of what I’m feeling in the first place, I’m stuck.
What am I feeling right now? What do I feel in my body? I feel anxious. I feel worried. I feel like I’m trying to figure it out. I feel pressure. Okay, well now I’m getting somewhere. The pressure in my head center will make me very emotional. That’ll make me anxious. But where is it coming from? It’s coming from confusion.
What if I let go for a moment? What am I pushing really hard for? This is how I can coach myself through pretty much anything at this point. Okay. So that’s the fourth tip. The fifth one and final one is your digestion arrow, determination in your human design, variables. So this is the top left arrow in the human design chart.
So if you’re looking at the chart on either side of the head center, you’ll see two arrows. This is the top left arrow. We actually did a whole series on the variables. This particular episode. It was on the, digestion arrow, that is episode 3 1 4. So if you wanna go listen to that and hear me talk all about the digestion arrow, please go listen to three 14 and add that to your playlist.
Listen to Episode 314: https://youtu.be/hor7CZbq4Cg
We also did separate episodes on each of the arrows, so you can listen to that entire series and dive in there. But this doesn’t just help with your physical digestion of food, although that is a huge portion of it. It also talks about how you digest life. And it tells us how we are more productive. How do we digest information?
How do we process things? So this can be a key element in productivity. This can really help you understand what your body and brain need, because this is tied to your brain, what they need to feel safe, what they need to feel relaxed. So how can we not go into, just a real stressful state in our brain
I had a huge problem with working with this for the longest time. And then I learned what my digestion was and I started to work with it much differently. I started to understand how to play with that aspect of myself and experiment with it so that I could be more productive and I could focus more because it was actually, I just needed to feed my brain a little bit differently.
Both with food and with the way that I was setting myself up to process information, to do the work that I had to do. I had to make sure certain conditions were right for me to do that. Okay? We have a variables guide. So if you’re interested in that, DM me the word variables on Instagram, I’m at NicoleLainoOfficial, and we’ll send you the free variables guide.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolelainoofficial/?hl=en
And then if you want to get more information on your specific digestion, if you want to know exactly what that is broken down by the food that you need to eat, and the way that you need to consume your food, plus how you can use this tool. As a productivity tool, that is a paid upgrade to the free variables guide.
Variables Guide: https://nicolelaino.com/resources/human-design-variables-guide/
So download the free variables guide and then you can have the choice to, you can opt in to buy the upgrade to that where you get your personalized digestion profile. So if you want that, just DM me the word variables on Instagram. I’m at Nicole Laino official and we will send it to you right there. And then if you want deconditioning bundle, where we teach you tapping and we show you how to do tappings according to your design, DM me tapping on Instagram and we’ll send you that one.
So I hope you loved this episode. I hope you found it helpful. I hope you are getting more productive by the moment. I appreciate you for listening to the show, for being with us. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. Remember. In order to have an unshakable business, you must first become an unshakable human.
So thanks for letting us help you become unshakable with human design, everybody. We will see you next time.
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