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Episode #56 Awakening Through Plant Medicine with Jesse Todisco

Have you ever been curious about the power of plant medicines and how they might be able to help expand your mind? This week’s guest, Jesse Todisco, is talking to us all about his experiences with plant medicines such as mushrooms, ayahuasca, and San Pedro.  Many people hear about these plants and the first thing they think of is someone getting stoned and staring off into space for hours.

But Jesse is teaching us that that isn’t necessarily how it works, and how it has helped him and other “high functioning hippies” unlock the magical powers that these plants have to help you grow and heal both emotionally and spiritually. He’s talking to us about the importance of the set and setting that you take the plant, and how to set intentions going in to ensure you are getting what you want out of your experience.

He’s also sharing with us who these kinds of plants can be helpful for, and who they might not be recommended for. If you’ve ever been curious about trying these powerful medicines, you definitely will not want to miss this episode.


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Nicole Laino
Hello, and welcome to the limitless entrepreneur podcast. I’m your host, Nicole Laino. And I am here with a special guest today, Mr. Jesse to disco Hi, Jesse. How are you,

Jesse Todisco
Nicole? What’s going on? Girl? I’m amazing, mighty and powerful.

Nicole Laino
I’m so excited to have you here. Why don’t you introduce yourself to the listeners?

Jesse Todisco
What is going on? Listeners, thank you for hearing me out. My name is Jessie T or to disco. And I am a founder of three consciousness awakening businesses. One of them is a wealth planning firm. The other is a podcast. And the third business is a retreat business where we bring healing and spirituality to high functioning hippies.

Nicole Laino
I love I love that. And I love your show. You should definitely check that out. If you’re listening to this, go check out Jesse show the Jessie T show. And so let’s talk a little bit about how do you how did you end up with those three businesses? Like how did you land on those three?

Jesse Todisco
Yeah, they found me and it’s a it’s a long story. But I can sum it up because I can tell the story pretty quickly all the time. But basically, it’s a life journey of understanding what I’ve been called to do. And I grew up much like you in the northeast, or I know you’ve lived there. But I grew up in Boston. And I grew up very humbly. But I grew up right in front of the ocean. So I didn’t know I was actually poor until later on in life. And we didn’t have things like a car or heat in the winter food. And so growing up, I had the beach. And it was right down the street from my house, there was a yacht club, there was a man made beach right in front of Logan Airport. So had this really cool view of the world. But I realized pretty early on that we didn’t have the things that other people had. And so I had to go out and start fending for myself. So an entrepreneur was born. Because much like we talked about before jumping on, I’m a seeker, and we’ll find out about all the ways that I do my seeking. But I like to learn things. And I like to get my hands dirty, and I like to figure things out. And I don’t like when people tell me how to do it, I want to figure out how to screw up first and then try to do it my own way. And so that journey set me on a path of becoming an entrepreneur. And as a kid, because we didn’t have the things that I wanted to go get a video game to go get as, you know, the new Jordans, which were you know, the thing back, I had to figure out how to make money. And so as a kid before Gary Vee, I was buying, selling trading comic books, baseball cards, shoveling snow for money, I was running over to Logan Airport, putting those little smart cards back into the stall and you get a quarter pop out. And the best part about that, because I was a man of mischief as still am a little bit. getting chased by security through the terminal was like the funnest part. And then like making money while we’re doing it. So that allowed me to make a few extra bucks to go buy more comics, go buy more baseball cards, and just kind of do something that I love to do. But also it taught me how to make money on my own. And so that entrepreneur was born and really has been emboldened over the last few years.

Nicole Laino
Let’s just talk about that for one second, I want to kind of pause here because I, I love how you talked about like, you learned how to make money before you had to make money. So you did for necessity. But it wasn’t the time when you get a job. It wasn’t like nobody was looking at, you know, 13 year old Jesse and being like when you’re gonna go and you know, get a real job. Good. So what I what I love about this, and I want to point out because I talk about this on the show is that there’s two paradigms. And so if you if you went into the job paradigm, that trading time for money, punching the clock, and that worked for you. And that’s what you subscribe to switching over to the entrepreneurial paradigm where you create money, or you create opportunity can be a difficult jump for people to make you I’m thinking that. And I’ll ask it as a question. But do you feel like you’ve had an advantage because you had the entrepreneurial paradigm from the beginning, that you see opportunities?

Jesse Todisco
I would say yes. And I would say my advantage also came from being the oddball in the room. And someone who felt out of place at a time as a kid, I didn’t know what that meant. But as an adult, I figured out what that meant. And so you know, there’s another part of our story that we kind of share a similarity were growing up in Boston, because I had that love and that my soul is called to the ocean like this is where I will end up dying is on the ocean, like whether it’s a beach house, whatever it is. And I always felt like I needed to be in California, like I felt like there was something that pulled me to being a surfer or being on the ocean. And so that being out of place, at least physically where I was, always let me have a lens that looking things differently. And I didn’t always follow the grain and very much so I’m a rebel at heart. And so even like in my wealth management business, I do things much differently than the masses. And it’s been a beautiful way to do business. And so because I had that lens of being an entrepreneur, or at least learning about it before, I really didn’t know what it meant. It did shaped my worldview to not necessarily follow the status quo and really buck the status quo when I had a chance. And so it did actually happen. Like you said, I did get my first summer job when I was 13. And I had my first almost full time job by my senior year of high school because when I was in high school, I’m 39 When I was in high school, I had enough credits basically by mice. Senior year like I only had to take three classes, which were like the core classes, and then like by like 10am, I could scoot over to Logan Airport and go work my internship and work like 30 hours a week, whatever it was. So I did have the traditional, somewhat traditional corporate vibe when I was younger, but it was because of that. That innate rebel, that innate, like experience that I had when I was younger, that really kind of helped me look at things a little bit differently. So I didn’t fall into the trap of just being a lemming. And like, it’s time to make the donuts and like wake up at like, whatever time and like fall, like I just never felt in place there if that makes sense.

Nicole Laino
Now, I, I completely that I had the same experience, I’m weirdly, I had that California calling me too. And I felt like everything clicked when I finally went there. When I moved to California, that’s when I felt like the other half of me, was activated fully. So it is funny how we always know these things we have there’s there. If you look back, we think about like, looking at what’s happening now. But if you look all the way back the answers were always there, you were always being given the clues it was did you pick them up? Did you run with them? And often when you find your groove today, you look back and you’re like, oh, wow, that was always part of the plan. And yet, you know, took this maybe odd route and getting there.

Jesse Todisco
Definitely the odd route for sure.

Nicole Laino
So talk to me about the retreats that you Ron.

Jesse Todisco
Yeah. So you know, through the years I’ve been, you know, I grew up Catholic in Boston, and I never felt aligned with that modality of religion. And just for, you know, it doesn’t matter to me what you believe in or not, right? So if you religious, great, if you’re not if you’re spiritual, great, whatever. But I just for me, personally, I just never subscribed to that way of thinking, again, being kind of like a rebel out of place out of time, I felt like there was something pulling me so for years, even when I was a kid going to Catholic school, from kindergarten to eighth grade, it never felt right. Like it never felt. I didn’t just, I didn’t buy into it. And that could have been me, like bucking the system that could have been me like not having a faithful mind, or whatever it was, but I just never felt in the right place with that line of thinking. And so I went on a spiritual journey. I’ve been on a spiritual journey my whole life. And there’s been these beautiful, like you said, like little things that show up for you whether you’re ready for them or not. There’s been these like breadcrumbs that have been bringing me to where I am today. First, first point is a band called tool that anybody hears listen to tool before, they are absolutely tapped into spirituality, consciousness, different realities. Like it’s, it’s amazing what’s out there. And I’ve experienced all of this. And so they were given to me, like, I’m very much the believer of when the students ready the master or the teacher will appear. And this is something that I’ve seen in my life play out time and time again, like when something needs to find me it finds me and if I’m receptive and open to it, I’ll let it land. And so things like books, or mentors, or tool, and tool was really big about talking about expanding consciousness, opening your third eye, like spirituality, all this stuff, and I was into stuff in high school 20 years ago. And I didn’t know what it meant, like, I was like, it sounds cool. I want to know what it means here. Like, what does it mean to open your third eye, I want to do that. So my path and my journey really started over two decades ago, but it was a lifelong poll to this place. And so now what that means is through all this iteration, so this has gone way beyond just listening to tool, although they are amazing. You know, I’ve traveled the world. I’ve sat with caros, which are shamans I’ve sat down with sacred plant medicines, and I’ve been able to tap into other realities, I’ve been able to meet my daughter who passed away, I’ve been able to sit with my mom and my dad who passed away like these are incredible experiences that are absolutely real. And so because I’ve had these experiences and these shared experiences with other people that I call soul brothers and soul sisters, people that are on this path with me, I wanted to bring these experiences that have helped me heal because I’ve had a crazy life, like and we could talk about the crazy stuff, but from being bullied to having a jet dad, that was a junkie for 30 years, I was selling and doing drugs for two years like so that entrepreneurial hustle. I used it for evil for a couple of years in Boston. And then I went to the military, it saved my life. And I’ve helped people in my arms till they died, like my daughter and my mom. And I’ve had these crazy life experiences, but through these different things like plant medicines, breathwork, ecstatic dance, all these different modalities and a spirituality. Well, it’s brought me to a place of healing. And so because I’ve been able to heal, because these experiences are amazing, and a lot of times they’re fun, like they’re enjoyable. Sometimes they’re hard, they’re painful, but they all brought me to a place where this year 2021 We had our own retreat, and so we did a men’s retreat back in January, we rented a lake house. We had six dudes show up from all different walks of life, all different races, all different backgrounds, all different social economic statuses. Like it was amazing And the six of us came in. And we did things like Chi Gong, which is, you know, energy work, and we did movement, energy work. And then we did cold therapy in the lake, we were in the lake, freezing our butts off, like just really fun stuff. And then we did plant medicines. We work with psilocybin mushrooms. And basically, by the end of that weekend, six dudes came in one way, and we left completely different. And so I saw in real time, six human beings, which are all my friends, like these people, how we knew them, six dudes come in and just completely transform before my eyes. So I looked at my business partner, and one of my best friends, Elaine was a ex Greenbrae. But he’s now like, looks like Navajo Jesus, like he just he’s the spiritual duty is beautiful. He and I were like, we’re onto something. And so we ended up running another retreat in April 29, through May 2 of this year, and this time it was with women. And this is how it was always supposed to be. But we wanted to kind of like beta test it with dudes. And so we got it from the dudes to the women. And it was the most profound weekend I’ve had in my life. Pretty much 16 People came from around the country still during like COVID, right. And so we have people come from Hawaii, people from California, New York, we have people from Texas, we have people from Colorado, we have people from all over the parts of the country, fly into a place in North Georgia, this beautiful spiritual retreat center called Elohim. And Elohim is this amazing property, it’s cluded. It’s in the mountains, there’s 100 foot waterfall down a little further down from the property, which was really great. So it’s just this beautiful place to be in nature. And so what we did is we curated this whole weekend for people that are on this spiritual path and spiritual journey. And so we had things like breath work, we had things like Chi Gong, we had ecstatic dance, which was incredible. We had a plant medicine ceremony that we facilitated, and all this to say, the experiences that I had that had brought me to a place of healing and continued healing, I’ve been able to turn around and share those with other people so they could heal as well. And so this, this, this retreat business called the vortexes of light, has been a calling. It’s led me from my like, my younger years till today. And it’s really something I believe it’s going to change the world.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, and that’s, it’s so beautiful, because I think that, that when we find these modalities, because there isn’t just one, there’s an I love that you bring them all together. And that’s what’s so powerful about retreats where you can really immerse yourself in it, and, and experience these different things. Because not everybody has time to like devote to learning all these new things on their own. So when you go to a big bang event like this, where you get to, you get to sample a little bit, it’s a buffet of healing. And we come to the healing buffet. But that’s what’s so powerful about it because they’re like, I too, have gone through breathwork and meditation and I have never dabbled in plant medicines simply because I and I said this on when I was on your show, like other than not what you’re talking about drug use when I was younger, recreational stuff, I’ve never I’ve never done it like with the intent of of healing in the way that I do now. And so can you talk to me a little bit about though? I think it’s misunderstood. And I think I think there’s people have an idea about it, and what is what has been your experience with it? And what type of when you say plant medicine, what are you talking about?

Jesse Todisco
Yeah, so I’ll talk about how all that works. And I’ll talk about today’s usage and clinical settings, which has been beautiful. So plant medicines are these sentient. They have their own intelligence, things like ayahuasca, they’re all plants, they’re all grown in nature, there’s no manmade interference with, like pharmacology, and they’re not trying to take a coca leaf and make cocaine out of it. It’s literally like a root that grows in a jungle, it’s a mushroom that grows out of the ground, or wherever you get it, right. And so these tools have been used for 10s of 1000s of years, by so many different of the world’s cultures, it’s incredible. And you can go back and see these, like, ancient drawings on cave walls of like, either mushroom people or mushrooms like and like, they’re starting to come together and say a lot of the things that we have today are because of these plant medicines, and a lot of the stories in history, like from Egypt, and even their thinking that, you know, during like Jesus’s time, like all these different things like these people were motivated by these, these, these sentient life life forms. And so what happens is, if you do Ayahuasca if you do like San Pedro, which comes from a cactus, or if you do psilocybin mushrooms, it allows you to tap into a different state of consciousness and allows you to tap into sometimes, you know, divine interactions. And so sometimes these these these modalities, as we call them, and these these tools, will give people some of the most profound experiences of their life, some of the most profound instant healing like there’s this kind of running joke that when you swallow a mushroom, it’s like swallowing a therapist, and it’s like doing five years of therapy in one sitting, which can be hard as shit. I had one of my hardest times ever with mushrooms and it was this was a Over a year ago, I sat with them meaning so when you sit with mushrooms, you have to be in the right set and setting. This is like the number one rule. Set being mindset. So you have to be open, you have to be surrender to the experience, don’t try to fight it. Because there may be some bumps and bruises along the way that like you’re working through some healing shit, which isn’t normal, it may be the most beautiful experience, like I’ve written the cosmos before. And I’ll tell you that story some other time, potentially. But I’ve seen my soul. And I’ve seen it was beautiful. Like I’ve seen myself traveling through time. And like all these experiences. So like there’s these beautiful experiences too. But basically what happens is you have the right set and setting so you have the right mindset setting is the next thing, which is equally important. That’s your safe and secure and a location that you trust with people that you trust. So now that you have the right set and setting you have the modality that you’re going to use, which is whatever plant medicine we talked about, it could be San Pedro, it could be Alaska, it could be mushrooms, whatever it is. And then you have people around you that have done it before, hopefully, so they can guide you through this situation and help you you know, if you have a tough time, or if you have anything that you need to work on. And then what you do is you set intentions, and this is probably the most important part, outside of setting setting. So setting intentions is really specific. And I’ll tell you what one of my intentions was to give you some context. So I went to Peru back in March. And I went with Elaine would have talked about was one of my buddies that helped me run this first retreat, he’s just my soul brother, like I’m gonna go with him to Toulouse in the next few weeks, like we’re traveling the world doing this fun stuff together. And one of my intentions and Peru, which is a very sacred place, we went to the Sacred Valley and Cusco, you know, all these beautiful, really important places through the ages that really have a lot of great energy. And when I went to this place in Cusco, I sat with shamans, I sat with Kairos, and people that are very tapped into this type of work. And my main intention, when I went there was to sit with my daughter who had passed away when she was seven days old. And to meet her to connect with her some sort of way. And I set this intention months in advance. And as I got closer to that departure date, my intention became laser focused. It just whittled down into this beautiful this is what’s this is what I’m expecting, this is what I’m calling in. And what you do, and a lot of these plant money, do a big plant messenger and you have to do this for mushrooms so much but if you do it for like Ayahuasca or San Pedro, you have to do a diet, you have to give the medicine respect, you have to do two weeks of no eating red meat, two weeks of no alcohol, two weeks of no sex, two weeks of like, no bad, you know, taking like inflammation and like you really have to purify yourself and give the medicine the respect that it deserves. Because it’ll kick your ass if you don’t. And there’s this thing with Ayahuasca where like people like, oh, I purge and I throw up. You don’t have to purge if you do the diet, like I didn’t purge. So there’s ways to do it the right way you do it in ceremony, which means you set the intention, you set the set and setting you have the right environment. There’s a beautiful way to do this. And so when I actually sat with San Pedro, which comes from a cactus, it’s distilled from a cactus that you could buy at Home Depot. So like, literally, these things are found, like in nature, and they’re there. They’ve been demonized for certain reasons, which is like a whole nother conversation. Because it frees people’s minds, and it gets them access to things that like makes us powerful. And so really is what the answer is, but But basically, when I sat with this medicine, the intention was, I want to be with my daughter. And I sat with my daughter for two hours in the mountains in the hills of Cusco, Peru. And it was the most beautiful experience of my life, I cried. I was I was in tears the whole time and happy tears, sad tears. And I just sat with her energy. And I sat with her I didn’t have like a physical embodiment of her. But I was with her spirit, no question. And the lesson that it taught me, because I was seeking to be with my daughter to be with my mom and dad who had passed away. They were there too later in the day, which was beautiful. But I learned because of this medicine, it taught me that they’re, they’re always with us, they don’t leave. So these spirits, my daughter, who I thought was some other reality somewhere else, whether you call it heaven, wherever you want to call it. Wherever she resides in spirit form, she’s also still entwined with me as well. So I learned in that day that I was like, This is good, she’s with me. So it’s this is something that has profoundly changed my life. And then also to kind of give you just some more context, about intentions. Once you work with this medicine long enough, you can really start calling in your life wherever you want. So if you want better relationships, if you want better things in business, if you want better things with self, if you want healing, you can really focus on two or three intentions. Every single time you go into a ceremony you come out with knowledge and learning and understanding that changes you profoundly forever.

Nicole Laino
And do you think that that’s because you’re each time by being intentional? You know, it’s always important with anything you want to manifest. You want to change your life, be intentional, be focused, you know, focus your energy on what you want, but is it that you’re just each time lifting the veil and allowing then the wall that separating you from that energy from that knowing from that At what is you, but you can’t feel it because you have these walls up is that really what we’re doing in those ceremonies is that we’re allowing the energy to come through. Yeah, I think our opinion,

Jesse Todisco
what happens is you’re becoming like a more adept traveler. You’re becoming someone who is understanding the function of these things, understanding how to surrender, which is a huge piece of this, understanding how to let flow like whatever needs to come through. And, you know, there’s these, what’s called downloads. So if anybody here has ever seen the movie, The Matrix, and the very first matrix, one of the best scenes, the opening scene is when he and Morpheus are in this dojo. And he just realized he had just been brought from the matrix, which was like our world. And he ever brought into the real world, which is like this dystopian like, kind of grungy, like we’re like, trying to fight for our lives against robots, but like, we can tap back in the matrix anytime we can learn these skills. And so they plug them back into the matrix. And he’s in this dojo learning kung fu. Fast forward, spoiler alert for movie that’s probably 20 years old. He wakes up from that download, he’s like, I know, Kung Fu. Like he went in, tapped in, came out. And he’s like, I know kung fu. This is exactly what happens with plant medicines. You go in on this journey, and you come back with this new knowing. And this isn’t a difference, because I’ve done talk therapy for years, which I believe has a place and definitely has to happen for so many people. The difference is, there’s so much work to be done continually with talk therapy, and there’s like minor, and sometimes it’s breakthroughs. But there’s a lot of minor progressions. With plant medicines, it kind of like it’s like a blunt force, like you immediately have this knowledge. And then now you have to integrate this knowledge. It’s a whole different thing. So I’ve been told, on journeys, that I am a healer, I’m creator, I’m powerful. I’ve been told to use my microphone to speak truth and freedom teach to truth and freedom, which means conversations like this, not just like the Jesse tea show, but like anytime I have a conversation about this type of work, that’s part of it. I’ve experienced the god frequency and God consciousness, not not a God at all. It’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is I’ve experienced eternal love, abundance, wisdom, I felt the interconnectedness of everything in the world at one time, like all the people, all the all nature, all animals, everything. So it’s, it’s taught me number one, how to love myself, which was my first intention ever set was to be and be and receive more love in the world. And because I hadn’t loved myself through all those things, and all those traumas and heal those things, I got a crash course in how to love myself. And it was like the most painful thing for like, a couple hours of my life. And then it taught me how to show up better for myself and show up better for the world. So I kind of went a little bit off off track. But but these have been some of the experiences and some of the downloads that I’ve been able to receive and like I’ve been able to actually manifest and kind of getting back to your question was, you do become more adept at carving out intentions, you do become better at being able to, like you said, peek behind the veil and bring back what you’re looking for. And then honestly, the goal is, eventually, you don’t need these plant medicines to do that. Eventually, you do this, do this enough. And you’re tapped in enough to energies and to relationships in different parts of reality, that you can just tap in at any time without these these protocols, but I’m still kind of a journeyman. And so one day, that’s the goal to get to that point.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, and I think I love everything that you just shared, and that stuff is all. And what kept coming up for me was, it’s all available to us, always, we are just unable to access it all the time. And when you talked about talk therapy, that’s very much conscious mind to me, you know, ask me a question. And then I answer it. And then we talk it through. And there are breakthroughs. There are things that may be like, Oh, I never thought of it that way. And having the conversation is helpful. But you’re not getting to a lot. You’re not getting past the guard, which is your conscious mind. You’re not getting to where the good stuff is where were the real answers are. And that’s what I think is so interesting and, and powerful about different modalities where we can we can bypass that conscious mind where we can I use meditation, where I have been able to, I have had meditations where I have, again, setting an intention. And that is a very important part, to take the moment before and be like, This is what I’m focused on focusing on this as my intention, and then going into and allowing myself to drift off into another level of consciousness, taking myself down deeper and deeper, and then allowing the intention to take over not engineering it and allowing it and I have had moments of no you can’t have like doing it that way. Every meditation is not that way for me. But the ones that I have, and I know that the ones that aren’t. They’re serving me in some other way but sometimes it’s the download. Sometimes it’s the you know, where I feel like my head just opened up and allowed something else in and something out that I don’t know how I did it where I’m in T yours. And you know, and then to talk about energy and for anybody who’s listening, that maybe is feeling like this is kind of out there, or you’ve experienced it, you’ve experienced something. And it doesn’t have to be, I think we all often think that, like, you have to be able to see things. I think that that’s like the, the ultimate, yes, because you feel like if I saw it, it’s true. If I saw it, it’s there. And, and but what you feel is so important. And if we paid more attention to what we feel, if we opened up to that, and allowed more in in that way, and paid attention to that, like, you’ll feel energy shift around you all the time. You feel it, now, you walk into go into a mall at Christmas time, and tell me you don’t feel an energy shift. It is I can’t be in there. It’s too much for me, there’s people rushing, there’s a lot of frustrated kind of like, very, very tense energy people or it’s not very Christmassy, it’s the opposite. But but we’ve all had that you’ve gone to a party where somebody was just taking the room down, that’s energy that is experiencing somebody else’s energy. And then there’s stuff beyond that. And just to share, like a little story of my own about this, because I want people to understand how practical This is. And when you start paying attention that you can see these things. My dad passed away in August of last year. So it’s almost a year now. And he we hadn’t talked in a very long time. And we had a trying relationship for most of my life. And I had been doing a bunch of work, I had been doing a bunch of consciousness work on myself. And I had started my certification for my tapping program for my Rapid Relief technique. And I had been doing all of this work. And I had these breakthroughs. And one of the breakthroughs Was that something that came to me was the people who challenge you most, sometimes are your greatest teachers. Yes. And when I thought about it that way, I my story about my dad had switched, and I was standing in my bathroom one morning, and it just hit me and I was like, You know what, maybe dad was my greatest teacher, because I don’t think I would be a coach right now I don’t think I would be who I am. Or I would have been able to be on this journey without him. So I’m choosing right now. And I felt it in my bones, I felt so grateful. And then all of a sudden, like, and I just woke up feeling amazing that morning, like I was like, I don’t know what’s going on. Like, I feel like I have moved something I feel like I’m on like, fire in the best way. And in that moment, I felt this like rush of energy through me. And I was like, I’m grateful. And tears came to my eyes I had this moment. Fast forward a day. My mother calls me and tells me that my dad passed away the day before, at the time I was standing in my bathroom. Wow. So at the moment that I had that thought at the moment that I had that moment, I felt this rush of energy through me work to the point where I told my husband, I was like, I don’t know what’s with me today. But like, something is going on. And I felt it. And I really do believe that I felt his energy cross over. And those things happen. They’re undeniable. For some reason, our thinking mind tries to talk us out of believing in this stuff. Because we might sound crazy or out there or believe in something that we can’t wrap our hands around. So maybe it gives us false hope. But is it false hope? Or is it false defeat, right, and you choose whether you don’t want to which path you take. So I love that you dive into this work. And the retreats sound amazing. And like, there’s such transformation in these very often misunderstood modalities like plant medicine, and what uh, the other thing I kind of wanted to point out what you meant when you brought out the intention. Yeah, it’s not grabbing a six pack and deciding Yeah, we’re gonna drink tonight, like you’re, you’re going on a journey with that intention.

Jesse Todisco
Yep. And so I want to touch on two ends of the spectrum with, you know, so plant medicines are something that you have to feel called to, and meaning you have a curiosity about it, you have a pull towards it. It’s something that you feel somewhere in your bones that could be right for you with more information and the right guidance. But here’s something that everyone can do. Everyone that’s alive, no question. No matter what state you’re in. As long as you’re alive, you can do this and it’s breathed because that’s what keeps you alive. And breath work can get you to these altered states as well. You don’t have to do mushrooms. You don’t have to do Ayahuasca you don’t have to do San Pedro. You don’t have to journey to Peru and hang out with shamans and get weird. You can sit in your own home. And you can do a cadence of breathing that brings you to an altered state that gives you these spiritual experiences. And so I’ve done breath work a bunch of times I’ve done it through different protocol’s from Wim Hof to some friends that I know that do it. And I’ve had profound life changing experiences similar to not not as blunt, I would use that word again, but like, not as blunt as a plant medicine journey, but close to a plant medicine journey with just breath. And you get someone to walk you through a cadence of breathing. And there’s different protocols for different things. And within 1520 minutes, you remove that thinking mind, the analytical mind, you bypass that and you tap into consciousness and spirit and you tap into feeling. And I’ve, I’ve had takeaways, spiritually, relationship wise, business wise, just from breathing. And so you don’t even need to do all these other modalities unless you feel called to. And there’s a reason why you’re called to it because then you’re probably share the message. But breathing can get you there. And then back to the efficacy and the legal environment that we’re in now with with plant medicines. So many states are starting to legalize the use of these plant medicines, so much so that there’s organizations out there people have heard of Johns Hopkins, one of the leading researchers and medicine work. They’ve been working on psychedelics in medicine used in clinical use for decades. And there’s companies out in California one called maps that I subscribe to very heavily that works with a lot of veterans. A lot of veterans have PTSD. These psychedelics are coming online again, for a reason the world has been going through a dark time, these are one of the tools that we’re going to use to lift out of the dark time, no question, even in a very legal environment, very medical environment, to the point where psychedelics are shown to be four times more effective than any antidepressant on the market. So for many people that use these protocols, depression, anxiety, drug addiction, PTSD, they’re healing these things. And I’m a former addict, like I’ve done heroin for a year, like I shot heroin for a year when I was younger, before I went to the military. And I was my dad for a year. And it was like, that actually gave me like you talked about like this relationship with your dad, that gave me the most profound empathy for my father. And then when he cleaned up years later, he was the best man at my wedding, my ex wife, I was wife. And it was really interesting to have that cathartic relationship with him. And it was because of my journey through that dark time, that I was able to understand him much better as a human being. But I’ll tell you right now, there’s, you know, from people that look at this, like it’s been demonized, from people that had an agenda, whether it was big pharma, whether it was big government, there was reasons behind it, because there’s so many free thinkers, there’s so many people that are changing the world through love and light and consciousness, that are using these tools, breathwork ecstatic dance, psychedelics, and we’re gaining this power back. And there’s so many people out there on the forefront. If you just go out there and look on social media, you’ll see a lot of powerful, beautiful human beings. These are some of the biggest, like most successful people in the world that are doing this. Entrepreneurs, thought leaders, creators, these aren’t like just like, a bunch of people sitting in their basement getting high on mushrooms, like these are people that are changing the world. There’s even there’s even people that are in different boardrooms. And I won’t name company names, because it’s not my place to have some of the Fortune 500 companies. They do boardroom meetings with microdosing with like, yeah, mushrooms. It’s like things are changing the world. It’s it’s here to stay and it’s even so much so it’s bled back into what we call like Western medicine, which is like surgery and pills. It’s gonna outdo surgery and pills, maybe not surgery, but pills for sure. And the next few years, no question.

Nicole Laino
Well, there’s, there’s so much that we we think about adding things we want to learn stuff, we want to learn to do things we want skills we want to download. And what often gets overlooked is how much we need to offload and how much we’re carrying. And that I think, is what’s so because breathwork you brought it breathwork the possibly the most profound release I have ever had. From of like, I don’t even know what it was. I don’t know, I know it was gone. After I did not Wim Hof. I do Wim Hof in the mornings. Now I do that I do a Wim Hof, like four rounds before I meditate because it gets me into this relaxed state. I’m kind of, I’m already bypassing and then I do a little journaling. And I meditate and that’s kind of been my flow and I love it right now. But But I did a different type of breath work and the most profound release I’ve ever experienced to the point where I was just I couldn’t believe what happened in that moment. And so yeah, it’s it doesn’t have to be plant medicine if you don’t feel like you’re going there. But, but there are other ways that you can experience these type of shifts. No question. And is there anybody who shouldn’t do plant medicine? Yeah,

Jesse Todisco
people that don’t feel called to it. People that are scared of it. People that have any kind of psychiatric illness Since I’m not a doctor, I don’t claim to play one on TV, but I know enough about my own experience and those of other people. So if you feel scared, if you feel like, you know, anxious about it, maybe don’t try it. And then also, if you have any kind of like, you know, I want to call them illnesses, but any kind of like, you know, psychiatric issues, I would say consult a doctor, or someone in this field first. But there are people that have profound change or profound insight, and there are people that, after one time, have lifelong changing effects. So it’s incredible.

Nicole Laino
And this is what I try to kind of call out on the show is that, that, you know, so often it’s, it’s, it’s subtraction, it’s not addition that we need. And just, I hope what people take away from this episode is that there are ways for you to access other levels of yourself. And beyond just learning that letting go is as big if not a bigger part of the journey than the finding. And when we let go, sometimes that’s it’s what catches us. That is, that is that is the answer we’ve been looking for. So how can how can the people who are listening right now how can they how can they get more information about your retreats? How can they get more information about you and stay in touch with you?

Jesse Todisco
Yeah, so for the retreats, it’s info inf o at vortexes, V o r t xes of light.com. So info at vortexes of light.com sent the message of your questions about plant medicines, if you have a question about our next retreat. Be glad to give you some information there and just kind of bring you into the community we have a collective of amazing human beings, like I said, high functioning hippies, people that have bad assets and what they do, but they’re all tapped in and want a better life and they want to show up better for the world. And so these are people that are the what we call light warriors. I know it’s kind of hippie, dippie sounding, but it’s people that are changing the world. So if you feel called to find out more about that, from whatever level that is, hit us up on the email, you can check out the Jessie T show. This is where we highlight people like you, you’ve been on the show badass entrepreneurs, thought leaders, creators, athletes, some names you’ve heard of some local heroes you might not have heard of, but people that are changing the world in their own way, people that have a great story to share, they can help other people. And then also 46 and two wealth partners, we are a fee only fiduciary firm, which means we don’t screw over our clients is the easiest way to say it. And so people that want to live a better quality of life, and they want to do it now. They work with me to be able to do that in a financial planning platforms, any of those three ways. Reach out, be great to connect with you.

Nicole Laino
And we will link all of that up in the show notes. So you can find that easily. And just be transported right over to whichever part of Jesse’s world that you want to go and go and visit. Jessie I, I adore you. I appreciate you being on the show for sharing just who you are, you always share so openly, which is what is I think so captivating about you. And I love your show. I love what you do. And like I’m looking forward to just you know, being in your world and you being in mind for a long time. So thank you so much for being here.

Jesse Todisco
We’ll have you back and I’m very thankful for you on our journey. I’m super excited about where the journeys gonna take us.

Nicole Laino
Excellent. And for you listener if you made it all the way to the end, thank you so much for being here. I’m gonna end this like I end it all. You are only limited by the limitations that you accept. And when you stop accepting those limitations that is when you become limitless. I will see you on the next episode.

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