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Episode #47 Tapping Into Your Intuition to Magnetize Success with Laura Michelle Powers

Have you ever felt like you were picking up on something that others couldn’t?

That’s exactly how this week’s guest, Laura Michelle Powers, has felt since she was a young child. She always felt psychic and very creative, but assumed she was “crazy” or “weird” and spent many years trying to block out her gift and live life very analytically. Once she learned to tap into her psychic abilities, Laura unlocked the secret.

Laura is an entertainer, celebrity psychic, actress, model, host, singer, writer, and speaker and has been featured on several television channels and networks including BuzzFeed, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, The CW, The Jet Set and many others. She truly believes that everyone has some level of psychic ability, and one of the things she helps clients with is how to tap into those abilities that are innately within them.

Whether it’s your intuition, empathy, or even more, Laura is talking to us about how we can learn to navigate our psychic abilities, how to ask for exactly what you want and manifest it, and the different techniques she uses to release emotional blocks standing in her and her clients’ way. The beauty of it is that it’s already all inside of you, she is just teaching us how we can tap into our innate power.


Stay Connected with Laura:

  • Visit her website where she shares how to tap into your psychic powers and offers her psychic services
  • Visit her website where she offers business training on things like writing, publishing, and podcasting
  • Follow her on Twitter @ThatLauraPowers
  • Follow her on Instagram @laurapowers44
  • Follow her on Facebook

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Nicole Laino
Hello, and welcome to the limitless entrepreneur podcast. I’m your host, Nicole Laino. And I am here with a very special guest. I’m super excited to talk to you today. This I’m here with Laura Michelle powers. She is a an entertainer, a celebrity psychic, an actress, a model, a host singer, a writer and a speaker. She does it all. And I am I’m super jazzed to talk to you today. Laura, welcome to the show.

Laura Michelle Powers
Oh, thanks so much for having me. I love talking about all this stuff. So it’s my pleasure to be here.

Nicole Laino
And tell, tell the listeners just a little bit about you so that they can get a feel, you know, outside of the one line bio that I just read for you.

Laura Michelle Powers
Sure. So ever since I was little, I’ve always been very psychic, and very creative. And I think those are really connected. So I was like the kid in the sixth sense, actually, where I saw ghosts and spirits, that looks like live people, in some cases to me. So it’s very confusing. I thought it was crazy. Because other people didn’t see what I did. And I really just tried to pretend that it wasn’t there. And I learned to observe what was going on. Were other people noticing these things and try not to talk about things that I didn’t think other people saw. So that was, that’s a huge part of just my experience. Growing up, I also was always very creative, you know, writing music, acting, singing, modelling, I grew up in a family of musicians. And so you know, they traveled around, and I remember like going around and dancing and singing. And you know, that was just a part of it. And then as I got older, my psychic abilities really increased and got to the point where I really couldn’t ignore it anymore. And I had a pretty intense experience where a family friend described a ghost that I’d seen but never told anyone about. And so that was the point where I realized, okay, I’m not crazy, because he can’t see a hallucination of mine. So at that point, I knew it wasn’t crazy, but I didn’t really know what to do about it. So I did the only thing that I knew how to do at that time, which is to try to block it all out. And I fairly successfully locked it out and proceeded to live my life very analytically. And then fast forward many years. And I was just in a really bad place in my life. So it’s kind of came to head for me during the recession. And I was physically ill unemployed in a bad marriage. And I went to a psychic just to try to figure out what the heck to do with my life because I felt so off track. And she explained about my psychic abilities, even though of course, I hadn’t told her and suggested that I take classes and start to really develop and open these backups. So I did that. And very quickly, things changed for me quite dramatically. And I also would, that went back to doing things more creatively. So I had when I had shut down my psychic abilities, I also stopped a lot of my creativity, I didn’t realize at the time that that’s what was happening. So part of my opening up has been opening up not just my intuition, and my psychic abilities, but also reopening to the creative aspects of myself. And so I think they go very much hand in hand. And even when I create when I write a song or write a book, or you know, I’m channeling, and it’s basically I’m using my psychic abilities to bring that in. And I’m very prolific. And I think that’s part of the reason like I have eight books, I have two more than I’m in editing right now. Because I you know, it’s like having a writer’s room in my head to create and same thing with writing music, I will just full channel a full song, and it just kind of comes to me. So yeah, that’s a little bit about the background. And as I stepped into that I had pretty rapid success. And I think that’s because I was really using my intuition for how to navigate for success. And including business a lot of people tend to think of like psychic is just as kind of spirit or spirituality is this whole separate thing? And I’m like, No, there’s nothing more spiritual than business and money, and a lot of weight. So I’m very passionate about that, and helping people change and shift their perspective. And a lot of my regular clients are very successful business people, millionaires, billionaires, and you know, they recognize the importance of this aspect in terms of navigating and making business decisions.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, and I always say that one of the greatest lessons that I’ve learned that I wish that I learned sooner was that business is spiritual. Yeah, if I had, if I had connected to that at the beginning, you know, it’s all part of my journey. But I that is one of the things that I’m like, Well, I wish that I had really grasped that to the depths that I do now. And I know, a few years from now, I’m going to say, I wish I had grasped this. At this point, I’m going to feel like there was because there’s so much more to understand and embody. But one of the questions I have for you so you have you have these innate spiritual psychic abilities that you’ve had since you were a child, but in your experience, and what with what you know, does does everybody have these on some level? Does everybody have access to their intuition? Or is this something that some of us get lucky where we are very connected and we can channel this stuff? Or or can everybody tap into it to just some people are super sensitive and it’s open more

Laura Michelle Powers
Yeah, I think everyone has some. So it’s like many different types of abilities, artistic ability, or athletic ability, you know, we all can participate somehow and athletics, generally speaking, or create some kind of artwork, but not everyone is going to be a Picasso or an Olympic athlete, you know, so we have these abilities, but most people have never even tried like, in our society that you don’t, there isn’t like psychic class, like gym class. It’s like not a thing. And that’s actually one of the things I would like to see change in our society. Because I do feel like if we helped people to understand and tap into this more quickly and more easily, a lot of people don’t don’t do this until they’re an adult, that we would have a completely different world an easier world, a more gentle world. Because people are constantly would be using their abilities to navigate in a way that makes things that aren’t easier for themselves and for others. So if you even if you don’t think you have these abilities, that doesn’t mean that you don’t you probably have just never experienced and only if you have very strong abilities, might you have had some indications of that without training. And even still there those who take my classes, I think, just out of curiosity, because I teach psychic development training, and then they realize they’re super psychic, but again, they’ve just never had an opportunity. They’ve never learned their psychic ABCs, so to speak. So how could they know what they could write or read when they haven’t had that?

Nicole Laino
And do does everybody? Do people experience their own intuition, their own spiritual guidance? Do they experience it differently? Absolutely. Hearing messages, seeing things?

Laura Michelle Powers
Absolutely. I think this is a source of a lot of confusion. People think, Oh, I don’t, for example, see things. So I’m not psychic, I’m like, well, that’s just one ability. So there’s many different ways that you could receive information, you can receive information clairvoyantly, that means seeing clear seeing and French. So seeing images. So I see sometimes what I described as like a psychic video or images, you could be an empath, where you feel information in your body, you could be clairaudient, where you hear telepathic, where you receive information through your thoughts, you could have dreams, you could have psychometry, which is when you get information through touch, like you actually have to hold something and you get some information. So there’s lots of different ways that the information can come in. And the important thing is to figure out what are your ways like how does it work for you individually, and then work on tapping into that and strengthening that? So, you know, for example, one of the very strong psychic abilities as being an empath is that feeling sense? Lots of women especially are empaths. But if you don’t understand that that’s what’s happening. It’s it actually could be feel like a hindrance, you know, could actually make your life feel more challenging, until you’ve learned how to use it, how to navigate how it works.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, and I’ll say like, Do you Do you believe in or work with spiritual guides and angels and things like that? Is that part of your work?

Laura Michelle Powers
Absolutely. Yeah. So I work with many different beings. But I work a lot with angels, and spirit guides as a whole and angels are beings of light, whose purpose is to help humanity and other incarnated beings but they honor our freewill. And this is where I think a lot of people get confused because we have to ask for help. And we have to do it repeatedly. Because we can always change our mind and we have the right to choose our mind. So it’s important to ask for help and make sure that you’re choosing Beings of Light, there’s gray beings or you know, beings that are more in the dark side. And so it’s important to work with beings that are helpful and a lot of psychics maybe without training might just like open up the channel and they’re not clarifying who they want to talk to. It’s like, you know, don’t just open the door and be like, hey, everyone come in. Like you want to be like, hey, only come in if I know you’re nice if your

Nicole Laino
service to my highest good.

Laura Michelle Powers
Yeah, so I work a lot with angels and people’s various different spirit guides that are the light I communicate with animals as well. So do a lot of different things. But ultimately, it’s all about the bigger picture and serving whatever is for the highest and best good for that person as well as humanity.

Nicole Laino
And how can somebody so you say that I know you use your intuition you’ve kind of used it to to establish amazing success and achieve amazing success in your life. And the people that you work with. You’re you’re helping them as the channel to use this ability to help with their success. How can somebody who’s listening right now start to notice things? What should they where do they start to figure out how they can use their intuition to help engineer it Their success or at least tap into what’s innately part of the I think we’re all kind of looking for our purpose and looking for the ways to how can I move through this world as a meant to? That feels good? And how does intuition play in that?

Laura Michelle Powers
I think it’s huge. You know, we’ve been in this very kind of analytical kind of stereotypically male paradigm, which is that you have to fight you have to work hard, you know, competition, kind of might is right kind of thing. And I think we’re shifting into a more intuitive, feminine kind of conscious awareness of the whole and how we each impact each other and that we don’t have to compete like it doesn’t have to doesn’t have to be a losing side. Right, this sort of old paradigm is there’s a winner and there’s a loser. Right, you don’t want to be the loser, you know, so the new paradigm I feel, which is part of this whole thing of intuition is like we can all work together, we can have something that is a win win, that’s beneficial. And that includes in our own life, like we don’t have to have burnout, we don’t have to have a lot of struggle to get to be in a good place. And that’s what we’re taught, we’re taught, like, you know, that especially a lot of these very successful male CEOs that like, yeah, if they have children, it’s like, their partners are the ones who are doing everything and like, they just like, work 60 to 80 hours, and you know, and that’s how they get to be successful. I’m not saying you can’t do that. But like, that’s not the only way. So I think we’re shifting to this idea of like, it doesn’t need to be this hard, it doesn’t have to be a struggle. And you can use your intuition on how to help navigate in the easy way. So I have done many different things that, you know, if you were to use the process for what, as our viewers told to you, it would take a long time and a lot of money and a lot of hard work. And then I use my intuition on how to create certain things. And it just kind of comes in very quickly and easily, relatively speaking. So but we all have that I’m not, you know, special or unique in my ability to do that. I just learned how to listen, you know how to listen how to tap in. And then you have to practice faith, which is like a muscle, the more you use your faith, the easier it gets. And I think that’s the hardest part because you might get a an intuitive message, that sounds a little scary, or it’s actually very counter logical. And so the most common response is to ignore it or deny it. And then you slow down the goodness that is meant to come your way.

Nicole Laino
So, so how did somebody tell the difference between something that is intuitively coming to them? And like a crazy thought in their head, like how do you, you see things? So if somebody I have found that when I when I because I’ve started to rely more on my intuition, trust it more, ask for help. I asked for help from the guides I asked for I will step out into that space, like yes, I talk to the beams of light around me. And it has been an amazing transformation in one. That feeling that I’ve always known that I wasn’t alone. But now I really trust that feeling and how comforting and beautiful that is. And things do come through for me I’m a feeler at this point, I can feel like I get a rush of energy. When they come in, I get a rush of energy. I’m getting one now I get a rush of energy and it comes in a certain way. And so I I’ve learned to ask like the yes and no questions because I can’t always get an eye then I asked for them to kind of send me some sort of sign to tell me how. So I kind of have to work my way around it a little bit. But I’m curious what you help people do and how comes through for you.

Laura Michelle Powers
Yeah, so it comes through for me in images and just a general kind of feeling. And then also really that energy thing that you’re talking about repeated thoughts, references, feelings, thoughts, ideas, those are all things to really pay attention to. And then when I channel and get full on in my psychic mode, you know that I can get some very clear and specific messages. But generally speaking, I’m not navigating my life that were more just feeling it out. And I think that’s one of the biggest things you can do is really pay attention to your body. And it’s the strongest for empaths. But even everyone has at least a little bit of empathic ability. Even if you’re not a full blown super Empath, where you can just kind of feel in your body, how are things feeling? So this idea of your gut intuition, how does it feel in your gut, you know, so when you’re thinking about doing something or not doing something, does it feel heavy? Does it feel exciting? Does it feel you know, terrifying, you know, these are all things to pay attention to. And the trick is that sometimes we have blocks mental blocks that might make for example us to feel fear. And I really recommend learning to connect with your angels and spirit guides. Pay attention to signs and messages that you’re getting about certain things. Because there in the beginning, there were certain things that came up for me that were suggested to me that did bring up some fear. But it was, it was false fear in the sense of it wasn’t an actual danger was more like an ego fear. So that’ll happen if you’re being guided to write a book or do public speaking or, you know, you might get that you know, but it’s not like a real danger for you. And it’s actually going to be really helpful for you and the longer picture. So just ask your angels and spirit guides for signs and messages. And I really do believe that almost everything we want is through discomfort, because growing doesn’t feel comfortable all the time. So when I’m talking about struggle, I’m not talking about that kind of discomfort I’m talking about like, life is hard as a general rule. That’s what I think we don’t need to but we sometimes need to move through that discomfort, which is, you know, our ego minds, our sort of animal part of our brains is often trying to keep us safe. And that means not growing, you know, is the kind of the safest thing from an ego perspective. So when I was starting my business, for example, I got the message to do readings at a local coffee shop, and I was brand new out of sight, the second closet, so that was a little scary sounding to me, but I just kept getting this feeling like you should do that you should do that. It just felt really important. And I resisted it for a while, then finally, I was like, Okay, I’ll do this, I put a sign in the window, the coffee shop, it was my friend’s coffee shop. And that same day that the first day, I was supposed to do it, the managing editor of the local newspaper called and asked if you could write a story about me. And you days later, there was a story about me in the new regional newspaper. And literally, my phone started ringing with people that were interested in my services. So sometimes the things we’re going to do aren’t even what they’re about on the surface, like, I didn’t really want to do readings in the coffee shop, I actually didn’t doing the readings in the coffee shop for very long, because the whole purpose was apparently the article. Right? And the publicity, and once you get media, you can get more media easily. So it just really kind of got me out with a bang in terms of my business and started me out there and growing my business and, and even though it had felt scary, that idea of being public, it was wonderful once I got past that. So that’s just an example. I think one of the things that trips people up is sometimes the intuitive hit that you get may not be on the surface, what it’s actually about. So, you know, that wasn’t about the readings at the coffee shop, it was about the article is about jumpstarting my business.

Nicole Laino
And are they sending you signs? Are you getting signs? Based on what is part of your souls path? Or are you getting signs based on what you asked for? Well,

Laura Michelle Powers
I think, yes, and yes. And actually, those things are connected, even though most people may not realize that because your souls path is a part of what you want on a soul level. But when we get incarnated, we oftentimes just kind of lose sight of that. And the programming that we get through, you know, what we learn in our families and through society may, for example, teach us that certain things aren’t what we want, but on a soul deep level they are. So when we think, Oh, I don’t want that it’s like, but if you clear the programming that you have, you probably do or your soul wouldn’t be on that path. So in my example, yeah, I wasn’t taught like that this was a viable option to be a Christian. That wasn’t in my frame of reference as a child. So did I think that that’s what I wanted to do? No, it just wasn’t even the realm of my possibility that this is something that I could do. But I also believe that we get signs and messages and especially when we’re children. So as an example, when I was in middle school, I was in something called for age, I don’t know if you’re familiar with force. And for those who aren’t, it’s like, most people tend to think about in more rural areas where you can do animal husbandry and different things. You know, think of things at the county fair, that kind of stuff. Yep. But I was in a suburban area. And so the the for each trip that I was in, we did things like painting and drawing and cake decorating and like jewelry making and things like that. So we were doing a fundraiser for her for each troop, and we decided to be fortune tellers. So we dressed up very un-pc, you know, stereotyped, whatever we thought a fortune teller looked like. And I was again in the newspaper as like a 12 year olds for fortune telling. So I found I came upon that recently, and I was like, Oh my gosh, that is so funny. Like it was just kind of a joke to me at the time. But that was a sign that was like, hey, but in my mind reference growing up in this society that I did, that was never something to take seriously. Except now I know that it is so it is a part of my soul’s path and journey, but it wasn’t something that I thought I want added. And then once I understood more about it, I realized yes it is. So I think that happens with a lot of people where they think they want certain things consciously, and they don’t even realize on a deep soul level will really make them happy. And so your souls path is never about something you don’t want. But you sometimes have to release some ideas or beliefs in order to allow it to come into being and for it to feel good for you.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, and I think that, like my experiences with people in a slightly different way, but as a coach that, you know, people are looking for, they’re looking for someone to give them permission almost to follow to follow their intuition. They have this gut feeling, at least the women that come into my world, that’s who I seem to attract, are the people that are like, can you help me dig out this, this authentic, being that I know I am, and do this thing and be out there in the world, fully and completely me? And to be this way? And that I feel like that’s sort of the first flash of intuition there that we’re often saying, No, that’s not practical or know that. And that’s where the beliefs come in. No, no, no, that would seem like I seem like I, you know, I think I’m all that, if I do that, or that would seem like this, or that’s not safe for this reason. And it never stops calling you.

Laura Michelle Powers
Absolutely. And if you’re in a place where things are falling apart, it probably means you haven’t been listening to that aspect. Because that’s what happened for me, I didn’t know to listen to all of this stuff. I mean, again, we’re not taught this. And so during the recession, my life fell apart. Like, I was physically ill, I realized my marriage wasn’t what I thought it was, I was unemployed, broke, you know, it’s on sleeping pills, was pretty much a mess. And so I’m just sharing this because, you know, things seem to just be getting worse and worse. And if I had continued to not listen to my inner self, then likely, they would have continued to get worse, I probably would have gotten even more ill. But I learned to pay attention. And then I kind of got back on track, onto the easier track for me. So if we’re struggling, then it probably means that we’re just not in alignment with our true self. And so I think it’s really important to learn to pay attention to that. And you know, there’s lots of teachers, I teach classes, you know, books, and so many resources out there to help you, one connect with your angels and your spirit team, and then also reconnect with yourself and what is for your highest path. And frequently, people cannot even believe on a level that they can have all the amazing things that they can have. You know, so we tend to have these kind of edited dreams, if that makes sense. It’s like the dream that I think I can have or that’s like, acceptable to have. And it’s like, is that really what you want? So when you’re going after something, that’s your goal, or your dream, and it’s not really true to you, you won’t have success? So I see that as well.

Nicole Laino
For sure. The the like the approachable dream. Yeah, the one the one that like, seems successful, acceptable to the world and doesn’t seem so far fetched. But it’s not really what I want. What my heart really wants is one that seems out of my reach.

Laura Michelle Powers
Yes, I think it should feel exhilarating and exciting, and also a little terrifying, or maybe even a lot terrifying.

Nicole Laino
Yeah. And so I’m curious, we were talking a little bit about like, you know, we have to ask for help. And I love that you call it a spirit team, because I think that that can help people, first of all, remind you that there’s a team working with you that you are not alone. And when you need help, you can kind of look around like a staff, you know, and be like I need help right now. But what can you ask for help with? And is there right? Not right, but is there a more effective way of asking for help?

Laura Michelle Powers
Sure. So I think they can help with just about anything, as long as it’s kind of loving. Then, you know, that sort of thing. But yeah, really, almost anything is on the table. And from the perspective I think of angels there also aren’t like big and small problems, like everything is just energy. And also certain things I think sometimes people think, oh, that’s petty or and it’s like, if it’s helpful to you then then ask for help with it. So that could be finances, it could be health issues, it could be help with personal relationships. And in terms of a recommended way to ask I would just say, be specific and ask frequently. So there’s no limit to the amount of help that you can have. It’s not like in the physical world where you can only ask a person to do so much before they’re like I just don’t have any more time. You know, you’re not limited in the physical reality and way that we are, and they can help everyone at the same time, so, so don’t feel like Oh, I’m asking too much. Just keep asking, just keep asking for whatever it is that you need help with. And again, be specific. So I’ll give an example. Let’s say you’re wanting to have more money, you find a penny on the ground, your, your prayer has technically been answered, literally, you know, so you need to be clear and specific. Think of it as like placing your order, but the universe. So clear and specific, if you have a timeline in mind, put that in. And then if you don’t get that don’t give up, don’t think, oh, this doesn’t work, sometimes we have things that we’re being guided to do that will help that process that maybe we’re not picking up on. So learn need to tap into your wish and helps. Also, maybe there’s things in our own life that are blocking that from coming in. So the analogy gives our minds our lives are very much like a Netflix queue. So if you watch Netflix, whatever you watch on Netflix, you get sent more of that, like in your queue and your suggestions, right? It’s like this, this Netflix algorithm, well, there’s a universal algorithm. So you could be asking for, you know, positive loving relationships. But if you’re accepting toxic treatment from either a boss or a personal relationship, or family member, then that’s going to be what you’re choosing in your queue, that’s gonna, you’re gonna get more of that sent your way. So the idea of manifesting, I think it’s a complex topic, because there’s a lot that goes into it and don’t feel like oh, I tried to bring this in and it didn’t work, it doesn’t work, you just have to kind of fine tune your process to figure out, you know, what is it that’s not working? What do you need to shift in order for that to allow to fully come in?

Nicole Laino
Do you believe in tests? Do you believe in universal tests that, like, so if you say, like, I want to, you know, I want a beautiful loving person to come into my life to have a loving relationship with me. And you have this pattern of like, narcissists, or people who are unavailable, or you know, like, insert one of the, one of the common things that people are like, Oh, we could have a nice man, but I keep getting these guys. Do you believe that that some are being sent? Or is it just that vibrationally? We’re still attracting that that thing, if we’re getting more of that pattern? Or are some of them just sent to be like, you said, you wanted that? Let’s make sure. Do you believe in tests? Curious,

Laura Michelle Powers
I’ve really been in that principle, but I don’t think of it as a test. I just think if it’s like, you know, when you say no, that’s when you’re like saying, okay, yeah, I don’t really want that. If you continue to say yes, then you’re like, I’m not really sure yet. Maybe on a soul level, there’s something you’re still learning. But I think ultimately, a lot of what that comes down to is when we have an unconscious belief that’s attracting certain patterns or situations to us. So I think it’s also really important to learn how to clear those unconscious things that may be blocking the things that we consciously want. So there’s many different things that you can do to help shift out and most of time, we have at least an idea of what that is. But it also helps to learn specifically, whatever the block is, and there’s related beliefs that can crop up. So a couple of modalities that I found really helpful for me are tapping, Emotional Freedom Technique, if you’re not familiar with that, it’s basically the principle is you tap on these kind of pressure points. And you say, phrases that are helping you release unhealthy beliefs, and then reinforce beliefs that you want to have for yourself. So there’s tapping videos, and scripts, on you know, money on relationships, on receiving on held on weight loss, like whatever you can think of, there’s tapping videos on that. And when I first heard about it, I think I was a little confused about it. And I want to say it doesn’t always feel good while you’re doing the tapping, because you’re releasing this crud this, like intense energy. And I’ve had times where literally, I cry when I do physical release, I teach tapping to so I hope Great, okay, so your audience is familiar, but it’s just fascinating to me how, how dramatically it can shift and how it’s such an intense release. And the other thing that I really like, is Emotion Code. And that’s where you work with a practitioner. And they help to clear, you know, certain specific beliefs and emotions that are held in the body. So I do both I tap I do it myself. And then I hire a practitioner to help me with releasing certain ones that I’ve identified that I feel like I could use a little extra help

Nicole Laino
on. Interesting. Yeah. And I mean, that that is, that is kind of the key because we’re the subconscious stuff. That’s what’s keeping you in a, in an unconscious pattern. And that sort of Yeah, and it’s sort of like that, that’s energetically what you’re you’re putting out it was like we our thoughts lie all the time. Our words lie, but our energy doesn’t. And that’s coming from, you know, and that’s like we can push through the fear. But that that doesn’t mean the fear isn’t there, and it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t come from a real place, and it isn’t sitting there waiting for the next time that maybe you can’t push through it. Or maybe it’s just not as sustainable. Or a recommended way of dealing with it, it’s better to clear it out, and not have it come up anymore and open yourself up to like opening that channel again.

Laura Michelle Powers
Absolutely. And I think if you’re struggling and on a conscious level, you want certain things but you’re having a hard time bringing them in on a material level and physical level, then this unconscious programming or beliefs is likely to be the big thing. And, and you can have done a lot of conscious work. And there can still be these underlying programs that are really tripping you up and really thinking about your childhood. And any messages that you may have gotten then are significant. Like in my case, I was born into an abusive traumatic situation like the program that I got about safety and security, which often is wrapped up with money, for example, we’re not good. This is not a good, good set of programs that I had. So I had a lot of work to do to heal and shift that and I think I’m still working out. I mean, I’ve had major strides, but it’s a process. So keep going. You know, that’s the other thing I see psychically, is a lot of people, whether you’re working in clearing blocks, or whether you’re trying to bring in, you know, a goal that you have business or personal. Most people give up right as they’re about to have a major shift that the desire to quit or stop or the frustration or whatever you call it will be the strongest right before you’re about to have a major breakthrough. So just know that and just if you can just keep going, you know, get the support that you need, whether it’s a course or you know, coach or a program, you know, great group of friends all of the above, preferably, but just do what you need to so that you feel supported. And you can keep going through those times when it feels really hard.

Nicole Laino
And just just a question for you curious what your your your point of view is on this. But do you believe that that the that the beliefs or the the blocks that we have are all our own? Or do you believe in them being passed down generationally, which for like for women? Do we carry with us the fact that, you know, maybe this generation, I wasn’t treated like property, but generations back? I didn’t really have I mean, we couldn’t vote, like a little more than 100 years ago, like, you know, like then, and then taking it not just for women, but for people of color. And just all of this like today, there’s you and your lived experience with Do you believe in the, you know, more epigenetic passed down kind of trauma? So to speak? Yeah,

Laura Michelle Powers
absolutely. I mean, women, for example, it was only decades ago that we couldn’t have a bank account without a man co signing, I mean, literally money, like the ability to own money and have it in a bank. So yes, first of all, a lot of these things are only a generation or two behind us. So you know, if it impacted our parents or grandparents, it’s definitely still impacting us on some level. And absolutely believe in epigenetics, the study of how our thoughts and environment impact ourselves. And that I do believe that can carry through to even genetically this kind of intergenerational trauma that’s carried in our in our DNA. So yeah, Emotion Code, that’s one of the things that they say that that helps with is lineage aspect of it. And then you have that on a soul level, you know, there’s your sort of soul DNA, your soul, past lives and histories. So I think there’s so many different levels to this. But the more that we work at it, it, it does make a significant shift. And I’ve had this for example, this past year, I did like 70, emotion, concessions. The whole COVID situation, and just like, I feel like everything was coming to the surface, you know, there’s all there, but it just really brought up a lot for people. And I also did a ton of tapping, and it was crazy, like, I’d be doing a tapping video on money and like, literally, I’d be getting registrations like, while I’m tapping, like, you know, these kinds of things happen. It really is impactful, just but just also know, it’s often like there’s a lot to move through. So just keep going keep working at it keep kind of chipping away. There’s that story of the I think it was the gold mine, the man who started this really big insurance company years afterwards, but he had bought this gold mine. This was during the Gold Rush days. And he dug and dug and dug and he just you just got so frustrated after doing it for so long and gave up and he sold the rights to the mind to someone who within like a very short amount of time struck a major Goldline. And but he said that later, I can’t remember his name, unfortunately, that it just really taught him like don’t give up and so then he started this insurance company to became like one of the biggest insurance companies in the United States and he had a lot of success in that business because he learned that principles he learned look like, you might just feel like you’re just doing nothing for a while. But just hold on that faith, I mean, go intuitively as well. But eventually you will hit major success. It’s inevitable if you keep doing these things,

Nicole Laino
life lessons for sure. And the reason I brought up the lineage thing was just because I think that it’s easy for some of us, or, or one of the strategies we go to, is to dismiss some things like, Well, that didn’t happen to me, or I didn’t have any of that, or Yeah, and you look to what you can remember, and what like, left some sort of visible impact on you. And sometimes it’s just, I I’ve, one of the things I’ve had opened myself up to is, is trusting more that if I feel like something is wrong, not necessarily trying to figure out figure it out, but diving into that feeling, feeling it all the way through, if it’s a rational doesn’t matter, it just matters. If I feel like I’m clearing something or I’m like, intuitively guided to, to move through something that doesn’t, it doesn’t matter if I can remember the experience, it doesn’t matter. If it’s in my body and in my in my makeup, then, unless it’s serving me, it’s gotta go and not intellectualizing it too much.

Laura Michelle Powers
Yeah, I completely agree. And there’s a lot of unconscious stuff that we aren’t aware of, for past life trauma, or past life patterns. So, you know, it’s so multifaceted. Yeah, there’s the genetic component, there’s our past life memories and experiences, there’s, you know, whatever we were taught in this life. And then there’s also just the society as a whole and this sort of collective there’s, I believe, there’s this kind of collective imprint that we all go through. And when each of us starts to change our beliefs, it kind of changes the whole collective. And so I think that’s what you see that where the change always comes from the minority. These big life, societal changes always come from the minority enough people are like, No, I don’t agree with that anymore. It shifts I heard this recently. And I really believe that our beliefs are just agreements with reality. Like, we just have agreed on some level, yep, that’s how things are. And then we change what we agreed we can just change it, we could just say, like, I don’t want that anymore. I don’t believe that I choose not to have that. And enough people decide that it does change. It literally changes the world. And you see that with, you know, the civil rights movement with me, too, with, you know, so many different things about enough people just saying, No, I don’t stand for this. I don’t agree.

Nicole Laino
Right. Yeah. And, you know, one shift is a shift toward the whole collective. So it’s, I completely agree with that. So thank you so much. This was I literally could could talk to you all day, because this is just I’m endlessly fascinated by all of this stuff. And I thank you for coming on. And just sharing so openly and digging in, in like my, my super open format here, where we just got to have a conversation. This was really fun. And I appreciate you, thank you. Oh, it’s

Laura Michelle Powers
really my pleasure, my favorite thing to talk about, and I again, I believe, then this sort of 100th Monkey idea that more of us get these ideas and principles, we change the whole world and, and it’s a win win. It’s all about making our lives better, making the world better for ourselves, for our families, for everybody. So thank you so much for helping people and I particularly appreciate that your show helps with people in business, tapping into this because I think it’s the new way of the world.

Nicole Laino
And I think and really because this the show is really about you know, stumbling stepping into your limitlessness really recognizing that it’s for the people who feel that calling and may be they haven’t listened to it for a while or they’ve been they’ve been hearing the call and they’ve been ignoring it or pushing it away. And the knock is just getting louder that that this you know if there’s any message that I want people to walk away with from this episode, it’s whatever you think it will mean about you if you dive into this world into this into this space of of more your intuition and working with your guides and stepping into the psychic space. If it serves you and it makes you feel good and and works for you, then go with it. But try it and don’t worry so much about it doesn’t mean anything. It’s just either going to be true for you and you connect to it or you don’t and but but don’t don’t have a preconceived notion about it because it’s different than you think.

Laura Michelle Powers
Absolutely. Yes, I completely agree with you.

Nicole Laino
Thank you so much. So tell everyone where they can where they can hear more of this and just get more of you and stay in contact with you.

Laura Michelle Powers
Amazing so my website for this psychic spiritual work psychic classes readings is healing powers.net so tied in with my last name power of healing powers dot then. And then I actually have a site where I do more kind of business trainings. It’s always going to be Whoo, just everything I do is we will. That’s me. But I teach writing and publishing classes, I teach on podcasting, because podcasting has been a huge platform for me in my business. And so that website is powers our dump is and then you can find me on the social Twitter at that lower powers Instagram at Laura powers 44, the number the digits, because that’s an angel number. And then I’m also at healing powers on Facebook, as well. And my email is bookings at lower powers.net If you want to reach out

Nicole Laino
beautiful, we will link all of that up in the show notes so that you don’t have to worry about if you didn’t get to write all that down. We got you covered. Laura, thank you for being here. Thank you so much. This was so fun. And thank you to the listener who’s still here with us who’ve made it all the way to the end of the episode. I always love to thank you and, and give you a little shout out for for making it through all the way to the end of the episode. We appreciate you. And remember, you are only limited by the limitations that you accept. And when you stop accepting those limitations. That is when you become limitless. So go out there, be limitless and we’ll see you in the next episode.

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