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5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator, Peak-performance Coach, Human Design expert, and Gene Keys Guide

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What is Human Design Motivation?

Episode 212

What if the way we understand motivation went beyond just intrinsic desires and external rewards? In the realm of Human Design, motivation takes on a much deeper and personalized significance. Motivations are not just fleeting feelings, but an inherent part of our very design, guiding our actions and choices in life.

When you first ran your chart, you might have noticed your motivation listed. In this episode, Nicole will explain exactly what that is and how it affects your life. By tapping into this knowledge, we can unveil the reasons behind our decisions, ensuring they align with our authentic self. Think of it as a compass, one that points towards our true goals and aspirations. When aligned with our motivation, the path we tread becomes clearer, more purposeful, and fulfilling.

This episode offers insights into recognizing misalignments with our motivation and realigning with our core motivational drive. By understanding the nuances of motivation in Human Design, we equip ourselves with a profound tool, one that promises clarity, satisfaction, and a deeper connection with our true self. Listen to the episode and discover the underpinnings of your unique motivational blueprint.


Watch the free masterclass, Unleash Your X-Factor: How To Leverage Your Human Design Profile so that you can own your superpowers, stand out in your niche and consistently attract perfect-fit clients, opportunities and partnerships when you finally begin to embody your Human Design.

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Hello! Welcome to Unshakeable with Human Design, everybody! I’m your host, Nicole Laino. How are ya? I’m excited to be here with you, as always. And I think a lot of people have asked for this episode in some way, shape, or form. People ask me about this whenever I do a reading, whenever I pull a chart up on my screen, and all of the extra stuff on the left comes up.

Things like your trajectory and your perspective, environment, and all of these things, and what we’re going to talk today about is one of those aspects, because it’s a lot. There’s a lot over there, and normally what I do is I try to steer people away from going too deep into this stuff in the beginning.

If you’ve been doing this for a long time, certainly when I coach people on the business side of human design, and I’m really working with them on career coaching, on building their business by design, any of those aspects, I do go into this, but I’m really going into it in a very direct way with them.

And it’s not the first thing that I talk about. The reason for that is because it can sometimes be a distraction. And distraction from the real core of it, which is living by your design and deconditioning. So if you’re not following strategy and authority, if you are not stepping into your profile and really owning your human design profile and really being that and letting that work through as far as the way that you present yourself in the world and show up as your profile line.

If you’re not doing that, then this won’t matter. It’s an interesting thing to know. If you are doing that, and you are going through your deconditioning process, and you are living by your design, this can be one of those rocket fuel aspects that you can have, where you can start to understand yourself even more deeply.

Because when you understand yourself and how you operate better, then you can operate better. Then you can understand why something is happening, and that can show you exactly where to make an adjustment, and how to make that adjustment. And motivation is one of those things.

So what we’re talking about with motivation, first of all, is this is a variable so when you look at the arrows on when you run your body graph and you run your human design chart, on either side of the head center and Ajna center are two arrows on either side. So there’s four arrows all total and those have numbers and shapes usually underneath them, depending on where you’re running your chart, and these all represent something.

Now, we’ve talked about left and right arrows. If you want to go back to that episode that I did, I do not have the number in front of me. I should have written that down. But we do have one on what do the arrows in my human design chart mean. You can go back and look at those. That’s a much more general look at what the arrows mean. And we call them variable.

So, the variables in the human design chart. What we’re really talking about here is what’s beneath the line. So everything stems from the human design line, so your profile line, and your nodal lines. So I’m a 5/1 so it’s not the 5, but underneath that line we’re getting to deeper and deeper aspects of your human design.

We’re going beneath the line and we’re getting to more minute detail. This is where you get more and more differentiated. How are you different than everybody else? How do you operate differently? How do you show up differently? How do people react to you differently and interact with you differently? And you with them.

Now, motivation is the top right arrow. That’s the one it’s associated with. And we’re going beneath that line, beneath the line of that one. So it’s your personality sun that we’re going underneath, the sun and earth. And what we are getting to is what we call color.

So, the reason I’m telling you this, is motivation we call color, and why it’s so powerful to understand and to start to work with once you are operating with your human design and you’re starting to use this and decondition, is it’s called color because it colors the whole chart. It colors you.

There is this overall color beyond the line and beyond the other aspects that this is working underneath the surface. This, now mind you, this isn’t something that you can necessarily try to use. This is part of the reason why I don’t bring this up right away. This is an awareness thing.

Be aware of how this is operating and that it is operating. And to understand when you step into what we call transferred motivation or transference. So we each have a code that we work under that’s aligned for us, and that’s our motivation. And then we have a transferred motivation, which is that signpost that’s saying, oops, not this way for you.

Go in the other direction. Sort of like with our strategy, with our type, we have a signature and a not self theme. Very similarly, we have motivation and transferred motivation, which tells us when we are in correct motivation, which I look at it, it’s like when you’re in alignment with your motivation, it’s like the winds at your back.

It just feels like things are flowing, things are moving. And when you feel stuck, we look at strategy and authority first. Am I in alignment with my strategy? Did this come to me through response? Did this come to me through an invitation, or whatever your strategy is? Did I make the decision to do it based on my authority?

We’re backtracking into it. And figuring out, did I enter into this correctly? And then am I in alignment with my transferred motivation here, or with my regular motivation, with my true motivation?

So this is a very interesting, useful aspect, particularly when we’re working with human design on a business level. On a achievement, career, success level. And there are six motivations, and then there are transferred motivations for each one of them. I’m going to run through each of the six motivations with you, and relate them to the different lines, because each motivation, is resonant with a particular line theme.

Now I’m a five line, it does not mean that my motivation is the same as the one that resonates with the five line. Mine is different. It might be the same, but it doesn’t have to be. But each one correlates to a theme of the line. And I’m just gonna run through these for you.

So again, this is something to bring into your awareness. And I would leave it at that unless you are pretty far along in your human design journey and you are living by your design, deconditioning by your design, living in alignment with your profile, and all of that feels like it’s really starting to move for you.

And if you are looking for help with something like this, then I would seek out a coach, I would seek to get into a program. If you’re looking to get to this level, then you’d really want someone guiding you with this stuff. So let’s dive in.

Each motivation resonates with one of the six lines, the line themes. When we talk about there are six lines in profiles, there are six motivations, six themes of motivation. The first one is fear, and this is similar to the themes of the one line. The fear motivation is about being motivated by security, and just like the one line likes to become an expert and feel safe by accumulating information, by knowing a lot, by having these foundations, by creating new things from what it learns.

There’s a safety mechanism in that. There’s a safety and security feeling that they get from having that basis of that foundation of knowledge. That fear motivation is about risk mitigation. It is about that security. You’re motivated by the need to mitigate risk.

I always use this example, this is actually my transferred motivation. So it’s not the way for me, which is very funny because when I worked at corporate, one of the roles that I had in my job was business continuity planning. Business continuity planning, which was all about disaster planning. If the banks fail, what’s your plan? And it was my job to come up with that plan, to test those plans, to go to the regulators and say, here, everything works if a bomb goes off in downtown Manhattan.

Don’t worry about us, business will continue, trading will go on. So this is very much fear motivation. We are going to have all the things in alignment for in case shit happens, is basically what this is about. So it’s being motivated by that, being driven by that.

The transfer of motivation of fear is need. And we’ll talk about that when I get to that, that’s resonant with the four line.

The second one is resonant more with the second line. So with two lines. This is the motivation of hope. It’s much more in alignment with possibility, with seeing things. There’s a way of seeing things that are very much in alignment with what could happen when it’s in a high frequency. They have to be aligned with hope. Their transferred motivation is guilt.

So if you have hope motivation, but you are being motivated by guilt, and we’ll talk a little bit more about what that is, then that’s a signpost saying this is not correct for you, or something needs to be adjusted.

The third motivation is desire. Desire is about, the desire motivation is about change, conquering, achievement, new things, progress. That’s third line motivation. That’s desire.

And this has the transferred motivation of innocence, which resonates with the sixth line. The third line motivation needs to be driven by change, achievement. Like climbing that mountain, climbing that hill, reaching that peak. Doing the thing that feels usually difficult and that they can feel proud of.

That third line is really about new. How can I make something new? How can I do something new? They’re in it for the experience. Third line is very experiential. But if you find yourself hanging back being like, I don’t really care what’s in it for me. That’s transference.

So it’s showing you where you are not in alignment. When you are in your transferred motivation.

So the desire, if you have desire motivation, then there’s always going to be this undercurrent of wanting to achieve something, wanting to reach the new height, wanting to get to the next level. That will always be there. Even if the rest of the things in your chart, you know, you might have an open ego.

And you don’t feel terribly willful about it. But there is this underlying desire, because it colors everything. Again, we call it color. Motivation is resonant with the color of the line. It colors the chart is the way that I think about that.

It’s like everything goes through this lens of desire, or this lens of hope, or this lens of fear. And everything is pushed or pulled based on that.

The fourth motivation is need. Need is resonant with the fourth line, which is about community, which is about the tribe, which is social.

So need motivation is about assessing the needs of others. And saying, this is what we need, or this is what is needed right now, here’s the next step to get it. Now the fourth line, the transferred motivation is fear. So, this is my motivation is need. If I’m thinking about fear, if I’m thinking about I gotta have this done or this might not happen, or I better have this planned so far out in advance so I can feel safe, that never feels right to me and that usually means that I’m working out of my not self.

I’m not working out of my true alignment, which is to wait for response and just do the thing that feels right. The need will take care of it. If I’m focused on the need, then everything else just goes away, and everything starts to make sense if I’m focused on the needs of the now. And there are challenges that come with each of these as well, and this is how we can start to work with them.

Me understanding the challenges of need motivation has been truly expansive for me because it’s allowed me to Not spin my wheels trying to figure out why something isn’t working. I’ve been able to dig into it and say, Oh, I see what’s happening here. All I need to do is focus on the need right now. Here’s what I’m doing. I see how that’s out of alignment. This is how I can focus on it.

The fifth motivation in human design is guilt. Resonant with the five line. It is about fixing things. Now guilt doesn’t make sense to a lot of people. They see it, they’re like, how’s my motivation guilt?

Well, the motivation of guilt really means that you take responsibility for the things that are not working. And by taking responsibility for them, then you’ve tried to fix it. And the five is the fixer. So this is about fixing things. It’s not about the guilt, although it does feel like guilt.

I am a five line. I have ten five lines in my design. It’s a lot. I feel guilty kind of all the time. There’s always some amount of guilt. So these themes do resonate. If you are a four line, then you will have this need to take care, need to understand, need to assess the needs of everybody else, need to nurture, might have that.

So these are resonant with the profile lines that we have, but the color, the motivation is going to be this overarching theme around everything. And it will feel probably more subtle to you than the others. It’s going to be sneakier at driving you or holding you back.

So, if you have guilt motivation, then recognize where you are always looking for something to fix. That guilt is driving you to make things better. And if you’re aligned with hope, if you are just going into the pure possibility of things and you’re trying to fix things that way, you might find that doesn’t work for you. And you don’t know why. Well, because that’s not your way. There’s a part of you that needs to be driven by something differently.

The sixth motivation in human design is innocence. It resonates with the sixth line, and the sixth line is all about sitting up above everything, looking at the big picture. It’s not personal, it’s about transformation. It’s about seeing what is needed for the whole from a very holistic point of view.

And there’s an innocence to it, it’s like, I just want to do this because it’s the right thing to do. That’s what the sixth line is kind of about. It’s one of the themes of it. And the transferred motivation is desire. So if you’re trying to go after what you want, you’re making that goals list and you’re making it about you, that may not work for you.

So this is how this starts to show up and I just want to highlight this, just wanted to do a quick episode diving into these motivations because they can be incredibly useful, very interesting, can really be eye opening, but remember, living by your design comes first. I hope that you found this helpful.

I hope that you found this episode eye opening, useful. If you want to dive deeper into this, definitely profiles are where I would start because again, these resonate with all of the profile lines. The more you understand profile lines, the more you will understand motivation. So please DM me the word profiles on Instagram and I will send you my profiles masterclass which is all about tuning into your X factor according to your human design profile line.

It’s a really cool masterclass, it’s totally free. Just DM me the word profiles on Instagram. I’m @nicolelainoofficial. We’ll send that over to you right away. Or just go to the show notes and we will have that all linked up for you. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for listening all the way to the end of this episode.

And remember, in order to have an unshakeable business, you must first become an unshakeable human. So thanks for letting us help you on your journey of becoming Unshakeable with Human Design today. We’ll see you in the next one.

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