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5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator, Peak-performance Coach, Human Design expert, and Gene Keys Guide

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How Human Design Will Help Your Business (and with Manifestation)

Episode 309

Have you ever wondered why some business strategies work for others but fall flat for you? In this episode, we delve into how Human Design can transform your approach to business and manifestation, helping you align with your true self and unlock your full potential. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to create more ease and flow or someone wanting to manifest their dreams more effectively, understanding your unique design can be a game-changer.

We explore practical ways to use Human Design in your business, revealing why certain methods might not have served you in the past and how to make powerful shifts that honor your energy. You’ll learn how to leverage your strengths, attract aligned opportunities, and grow your business in a way that feels truly authentic.

But it doesn’t stop there—we also discuss how Human Design can supercharge your manifestation practice. Discover how to align your desires with your energy type and connect with your goals on a deeper, more intuitive level. Whether you’re aiming for business success or personal growth, this episode is packed with insights to help you manifest your dreams with greater clarity and confidence.

Tune in to discover how to navigate your path with purpose and intention, using the wisdom of Human Design to create success on your terms. This is a conversation you won’t want to miss!


Learn more about the Business By Design Mentorship at nicolelaino.com/enroll

Are you curious about the clarity of your human design? Take your time. Make your Call. I’ll  guide you through your human design through this Clarity Call-one on one.

Listen to Episode 288 to know Kaitlin’s journey of overcoming personal challenges

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Hello and welcome to Unshakeable with Human Design, everybody. I’m your host, Nicole Laino, and it’s just the two of us today. I’ve been talking to a lot of people the last two weeks because we just wrapped up our Authority Accelerator Masterclass. which was very successful.

It was really just a joy. As I’m recording this, we just finished the initial sessions and then we’ll go into bonus sessions next week. But by the time you’re hearing this, we’ll be closing the doors. So. I talked with so many people during this and I heard such great feedback from the people who took part in the masterclass, hearing more about what they want to get out of human design and a lot of the questions that they have.

And one of the cool things that we did was a few of my clients got up and shared their story of what it’s like to work with this because it can be a difficult thing to explain. And my client, Clea, as I’m recording this, I’d interviewed her earlier today. She talked about her experience in the program and what’s interesting about her is she’s not a coach. She wasn’t planning on using she really joined just for the human design stuff kind of podcast curious and she has decided that she wants to build her authority platform with a podcast. But when she joined that was not like okay And I want to do the podcast and I want to do this.

She didn’t have all the business stuff that honestly when she signed up I was okay I was not surprised, but she’s somebody that I would have put in the category when people have clarity calls with me and I say like, it’s a slam dunk for you to join. I can help you with all of these things. This is exactly what I do.

I would have said, she was like 75 percent there I’d be like, obviously you’re gonna have great success in here with the human design portion alone. But there’s also these other pieces, but I don’t know if you’ll utilize them. So you have to make the decision whether that feels the worth investment for you. And she ended up joining the program because it felt right, and because she joined the Q & A. In the Q & A, she had asked for some advice, and I told her, I was like, well you’re a manifester, I can’t tell you anything. You really have to make this decision, and it has to come from a place of you just being like, I want it.

I’m going for it. I know. It has to come from a knowing. And she ultimately ended up joining. She’s been in the program about four months now. She shared her story in the masterclass with us. And I wanted to share a portion of it. I wanted to just sort of highlight some of the things that she said, only because they highlight how human design functions in your business.

And I think that it’s nice to have other perspectives. ​

I joined BBD, I’ve been in since May, I was making no money to begin with, I had no clients, I was really struggling financially, I was in a lot of debt, and digging deeper into debt. And I think about half a month in after I had my first meeting with Nicole and was really starting to look through the program and get my bearings, I decided, you know what?

I’m just going to make this my job. I don’t have anything else to do right now. I’m just going to make this my job. I’m going to go through the deconditioning library. I’m gonna try to understand what all these pieces of myself are and how they go together. I’m going to do my contemplation.

I watched all the videos. I went through all of the business building pieces and thought through how I would begin to assemble my business. And within, I would say three or four weeks after that decision, I was so booked up and so busy that I was having a hard time prioritizing still getting to the hot seat calls every week because I had so much work.

And I said this in a call one day, I know it was because I was giving off weird, funky vibes in every sales conversation I was in. I kept getting these referrals and these leads because I’m a 4/6 profile, so I had a big network, I had a good close network of people who were always referring me, and I really kept in touch with people, and I just kept bombing these sales conversations. And just something changed in my energy, I started to show up to sales calls not in that chasing mode anymore. Like, this is what I’m doing. This is what I care about and what I can help you. Does this work for you? If so, great. Let’s work together. If not, okay. Oh, this price doesn’t work for you? Okay, sorry. That’s what it is.

That’s what I know I’m worth. So, it’s the best money I’ve ever spent on myself, hands down.

We also interviewed Kaitlin Anthony, my client, on this show. Not too long ago. We’ll link that episode up in the show notes for you.

Listen to Episode 288 to know Kaitlin’s journey of overcoming personal challenges

If you want to listen to that and want to hear her explanation and her experience with working with human design, because you know, I always say it’s more art than science.

It’s very different for every person. What Clea shared was that when she joined the program, she drops thousands of dollars on this program, and she’s like, I had no work at the time. Clea is a brand strategist and copywriter, so she helps brands, but not personal brands, really. She helps more I think the way that we put it is, she helps conscious brands, so people making big change in the world, but usually companies.

And helps them find their brand voice and their message. So she does a lot of what I do and she came into the program and she said, I had no clients when I started. I had no money on the horizon and I was making no money. She had no projects on her board. And she didn’t have any prospects at the time. And she mentioned how she was having all of these sales calls and I do remember her coming to our hot seat call to get coached on this because she was like, how do I sell by my design like as a manifester?

Like, how do I sell? And we went through that but, as we were talking about this. She was saying that she had no prospects for sales, she had nothing on the books, and instead of freaking out, she used the opportunity to dive into her human design. And once she started doing that, and she was asking questions like, how can I use my design to sell?

And that’s where these questions start. We start with the formula. Okay, I’m a manifester, how do I do this? I’m a manifesting generator, how do I do this? And there’s no, like, you have to do this thing. For her, the advice was, I asked her how she was doing it in the first place. I asked her, well, tell me how your sales calls are going right now.

And what we nailed on that call was that she was coming in with desperate energy, that I could feel it from her. And when she was explaining what she was doing and how she kind of starts going through her whole resume and telling them what she can do for them, and she gets all excited about it.

She was saying, I feel like I’m really excited. But when we went through and she was explaining it to me, I was like, I feel like you’re in desperate energy, you need the work. And I feel like that’s coming through. Now that’s not great for anybody, but for a manifester, that will be a very big turn off, because she’s literally not meant to need anybody.

Her greatest attraction is her certainty. Her greatest attraction point is going to be her vision. Standing very proudly, very strongly in it, and being able to cast it out in form them, not ask for their approval, not ask for their validation. And just be like, this is how it is. This is where I’m going.

This is exactly what I see for you. And then you leave the rest to them. So she took that advice and then she also dove into her design and she started to play the energetic game. It wasn’t so much that the things she said changed. It’s the way that she said them and the energy that she was in when she said them that changed.

And this is that thing that, that energy can be difficult to trust until you get to work with it for a while. Because now I can’t imagine Clea ever going back to the way that it was. And if you want to hear her interview, we do have it, we’ll link it up in the show notes for you if you want to go listen to that, if you’re curious about it.

Just to hear what it’s like for somebody to talk about the process. To talk about what it’s like, because I know that so many people are drawn to human design. They’re like, I think there’s something in this for me. And here’s the reason for that, and here’s why it works. Right? Because when you hear somebody else’s experience, you’re like, oh okay, I’m starting to get it now.

And I talk about mine on here all the time. But these are people who just started working with it and they start to see shifts for themselves. And it’s not even so much the authority matrix and all of that. All of that work is absolutely important, but it’s not like she was putting that into her message so much.

She was just embodying the gifts. And she took it that level deeper of strategy and authority, following her design, but then also she did the work to contemplate her gifts. She got very curious about herself. I always say that human design shows you all your parts, right? It shows you all the pieces that make up you.

And when we start out, we go through life and those pieces are moving us. Those pieces are working us. And we don’t know what’s happening. We don’t know that it’s actually conditioning causing pieces of us to go into shadow. We don’t know that we’re not supposed to move that way. We do it the way that we’re told.

We don’t know any better. We are on autopilot. We are asleep to how the pieces work or that they’re even there. We wonder about them. We might get frustrated why we’re doing things that aren’t getting us results. Why do we feel like we’re spinning our wheels? Why do we feel bad all of a sudden? We wonder about those things.

A lot of us will blame ourselves for it, try to fix ourselves. But human design gives us this beautiful map to show us and say, here’s all your pieces. Here’s how they work. Here’s what this one means. Here’s what this one means. Ooh, this one’s really important for you, so you should pay attention to that one.

What does it mean to you? When you start to become a student of yourself, what you’re doing is you’re becoming a master of your energy. Human design shows you the codes, shows you the energies that you have present. It shows you the energies that you are sensitive to. By understanding these things, you’re no longer led on autopilot.

Now you are becoming a master of the energetic game, your energetic game. This is how entrepreneurs stay in sustained momentum, where they’re actually able to show up powerfully every day. They don’t need to take big rests. Doesn’t mean that we don’t rest ever. But it means that we aren’t crashing. We aren’t having these fits and starts and then crash.

We’re not having these boom and bust cycles. We’re not having these big moments of activity where we are pushing through and then collapsing at the end because we weren’t really meant to move that way, we were just trying to make something happen. It’s not flow. But now let’s talk about manifestation a little bit. I called out in the title how human design helps you with your business, but also how it helps you with manifestation.

What’s the role if human design plays in manifestation? We could go real deep on this. I could do a whole episode. I could do probably several episodes on this, but let’s just touch on it here. if you’ve ever done any manifestation work or you’ve listened to people talk about it. You’ve probably heard people say, get into the energy of what you want.

And I did a whole episode just on that a long time ago, but that can be very confusing for people. It was confusing for me when I first heard it, get in the energy of what you want. And really what that means is you’re able to connect with something good, something that you can see in the future that’s unknown, make it feel real to you, make it feel good, get into the energy of it, start feeling grateful for the thing that you want before you have it.

That’s very difficult to do if you’re worried all the time. If you’re focusing on the things that you don’t want, if you’re letting your mind race. The way that energy works is that the universe responds to certainty. Certainty in your energy, not in your mind. Although certainty in your mind might lead to you feeling like you have certainty in your energy.

But it’s certainty in your energy. This is the I’ve got this no matter what energy. And we think that it’s masculine energy when we see somebody just go after something and we’ve heard that. I decide and then I go I don’t know, I just decided and then I took action. We think that that’s masculine energy.

It might be if they’re pushing through to make something happen But actually what it is, is if you get in the energy of what you want if you can energetically connect to what you want. And you can be calm in your energy where you’re not freaking out about it. Then it’s actually a balance of trust and action, which is masculine and feminine energy.

Masculine energy is the taking action. We need that. Feminine is the ability to not be white knuckling all of that action. Not be wondering the whole time, will this work? Will this work? Will this work? Oh my god, will they sign? Clea’s not in that energy anymore. In fact, in her interview, she called out how she’s like, I don’t take projects that aren’t aligned anymore.

If they really don’t speak to me, if I really don’t want them, I have no space for that, and I’m not worried about not having work anymore. I just know that that’s not possible. I’m not accepting of that. That’s certainty in her energy. That comes from trust in herself. And that only gets better, that only gets stronger.

And now she has more work than she can handle. She’s out of debt, she has more work than she can handle, and she’s no longer taking projects that don’t align. So when people ask me, will human design help me? The answer is, probably. But I can’t make that decision for you. I don’t do that. And even in my coaching containers, I ask more questions to people and I pose questions to people because I am not in the business of validating myself.

I’m in the business of empowering you to make decisions that are correct for you. That’s how you end up in, I’ve got this energy, not you end up in, I’ve got this energy if Nicole is there to answer my question and if she’s not, I’m falling apart. My goal is for people to leave the nest, unless they choose to stay because they like it here, not because they have to.

That’s the power of trusting yourself. So when you’re investing in things, because so many people had calls with me and spoke out during the masterclass about how they’ve invested in things before, and it didn’t work out. So the question that I have for those people, and if you fall into that category is, what is it that you’re trusting now?

Because I have total trust in myself. Clea is developing total trust in herself. She even said, I really like I’ve become unshakable. And people say that within my program all the time, I’ve become unshakable. And really what that means is just this deep sense of trust that I’ve got this no matter what.

And when you’re in that, then you can connect to really good things that you want. And you stop saying yes to the things that your scared will go away if you don’t say yes to them, but you really don’t want to do them. And then you end up with a life that doesn’t quite fit right. So what are you trusting in right now?

So many people are not trusting themselves because they have invested in things and they’ve gotten burned before. And if it’s your mind that’s confusing you, if it’s your mind that you’ve been trusting. Then you have to stop listening to it. If it’s your mind that got you into those situations where you bought something because somebody had a testimonial or they had a result that you thought that you wanted and you thought that that would get you there.

And it was purely from that place. Ask yourself, was that because you were scared that you weren’t going to be able to get that thing on your own? And you were scared that you’re running out of time. Then you start to uncover that there’s lack in your energy. Your energetic game is off. So the only way that you can shift this, if you’re making decisions, because another way to look at that is that you’re making decisions from your conditioning, you’re making decisions from your fear, the fear of making the mistake again.

The fear of needing to prove yourself, or shame for not proving yourself in the past. The fear that you’re running out of time. The fear that you’re not worthy of the investment anymore. If you’re making decisions from that place, you will get more of the same. So, the only thing I can say is that human design, if you’re, finding yourself.

In these situations, having these thoughts, wrestling with these concepts that I’m talking about. Then I encourage you, whether it’s with me or with somebody else, to really double down on human design. Because this is what changes how you trust, who you trust. And gets you playing the energetic game.

Here’s the funny thing about the energetic game. Just like Cleo was saying in her interview is that once she shifted her energy, it was just she had more work than she knew what to do with. She only focused on her energy. She was not employing strategies and getting her message out there and doing all these different things.

She just started doing the things that she was doing better. She brought different energy. to the things that she was doing and she started to get different results. And there’s stories of this all over. I certainly had that experience. That the more I deep in my energetic game, the more I trust myself, the more other people trust me.

Then we do the other work too, where we start to hone our gifts. And that’s the next step. But the human design work is going to get you to start making decisions that are truly aligned for you. Because, honestly, when you look at the making decisions from the, they gonna have this testimonial, this person said that they made X amount of dollars in 6 days or whatever in this person’s program, I want that, maybe that’ll help me get that.

There’s a logical process going on in your mind, and it’s trying to make a calculation. If I do that, will I get that result too? If so, then yes, because I want to feel safe. The mind always wants to feel safe. It’s its job. And now, it’s saying, I don’t know if any investments are safe. But you have to take the power away from the mind, which is what human design does.

So if you want to get a different result, you have to take a different action. This is the different action. It’s not so much the action itself. It’s where the action comes from. You have to start listening to something else. So I encourage you to explore human design. Get a reading. Dive into it. Really become a student of you.

Because you are the most valuable thing in your business, in your life. I don’t care whether you have a corporate career, but certainly if you are an entrepreneur, you are the business. And if the business isn’t functioning well, you have to look at you first. It’s all a reflection of you and what you are sending out in your frequency.

It impacts every action you take. It also causes inaction. So when you start to understand yourself and you start trusting yourself, you move through life with greater ease. You move through life in, I’ve got this energy. And that’s what helps your business in all aspects. And the beauty of it is, is that all of the strategy that you’ve bought in the past, if it’s halfway decent, of course, but you’ll find that suddenly that stuff starts working.

Everything starts to become easier because you’re looking at it with clarity. Not through your fear, not through your conditioning, which will mess with you every time. So doors to the Business by Design Mentorship are currently open. If you are interested and you would like to find out more about it, all you have to do is DM me “Mentorship” on Instagram and we’ll send you the link to check out the page. You can also go to the show notes. We have it there- nicolelaino.com/enroll, is the webpage for that. 

Learn more about the Business By Design Mentorship at nicolelaino.com/enroll

Or if you want to have a call with me, if you’re curious, it’s like $32,000 in value and it’s only $8,000 to join the program at this time.

So if you’re interested and you’d like to have a call with me and you’re curious if this is great for you, then just DM me “Clarity Call” and we will send you the link for that. We’ll also drop that in the show notes for you if you just want to book it. 

Are you curious about the clarity of your human design? Take your time. Make your Call. I’ll  guide you through your human design through this Clarity Call-one on one.

I hope that you found this interesting. I hope that you found this helpful.

I always hope that you find value in these episodes. I’m grateful for the time that you spend with us here every single week, twice a week. I appreciate you. And remember, in order to have an unshakable business, you must first become an unshakable human. So thanks for letting us help you become unshakable with human design, everyone.

We will see you next time. 

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