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Episode #35 Harness the Power of Your Human Design with Analena Fuchs

This week on the podcast, Nicole is welcoming Spiritual Business & Human Design Coach Analena Fuchs to talk all things Human Design.

If you’ve never heard of Human Design, it’s not a personality test, it’s a map of your unique design—your soul curriculum. It gives you a guide to your life purpose, and practical tools for how to live your most successful life in business and relationships.

In other words, it helps you learn how to navigate YOU. It’s a personality assessment with a strategy. 

It combines ideas from the disciplines of astrology, Kabbalah, chakras, and more to give you an idea of how you can best achieve your life’s purpose.

Analena will walk us through the different personality types within human design, and the strategies that the different types can use for success. You will be ready to get your own Human Design reading after listening to this episode!


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Nicole Laino
Hello and welcome to the limitless entrepreneur podcast. I am your host, Nicole Laino. And I am here with a special guest that I’m very excited to have this conversation with her today. I am here with Anna Lena fuks. She is a spiritual business and human design coach. Now human design is on everybody’s mind right now I know everybody’s talking about it. So I’m in Atlanta actually did a reading for me. And I’m excited to just talk about human design and help everybody listening, everybody who’s listening to this show, understand how they can use it, not to put themselves in a box, but to really use it to maximize who they are and step into their greatness. So Angelina, welcome to the show.

Analena Fuchs
Yes, thank you for having me. I’m so excited. It’s an honor to be here. And I’m super excited to share more about human design because I love it. And it has been life changing for me, and so many other people that I’m super excited to share this with your audience, right. So they can also get the best from human design for themselves.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, and I know my reading that that we did together I was I really walked away from it with what I hoped from so many other readings to walk away from and those fell short, because I’ve done another like, I think to be clear, this is not a personality test. Human Design is not a it’s not like Myers Briggs, or disc, or the other personality tests where you’re talking about, like, let me answer questions about how I think about things and how I behave. And then it’s going to tell me based on that, what category I fit in. This is more about your cosmic design, right?

Analena Fuchs
Yeah. So I always say like, it’s kind of a personality test, but so much more. Because like you say, and I said this recently on another podcast, like, I have done personality tests in the past, right? And it was kind of nice to know. And it was also based on answering so many questions that tomorrow, I may have answered them completely different depending on how I feel. So I never really put too much value into it. And it was nice to know for me, and I’m sure for some people are maybe life changing. For me personally, it was just not something that really I can say transformed my life. Right. And with human design, this is really, like you say, this is literally this is your soul curriculum, like it guides you to your life purpose, it helps you understand yourself so much better. It gives you practical tools, how to live the most successful life and business and relationships. I mean, it blew my mind literally because it was so accurate. And I was like, shocked that why is this not out in the world? Why doesn’t everybody know about this, because what I have discovered is that we like you and I, we now may say it’s a hot topic, because we are in the coaching industry. And yes, in the coaching industry, which is probably a super small percentage of the big wide world know about this, but most people have never even heard about human design. And I mean, it can change, the only we know about this, the younger we are, the bigger the impact we can make. So it’s, it’s incredible it is and it helps you like understand your uniqueness and why you are so powerful, and you got to be different. It’s not supposed to be that we’re all the same. So.

Nicole Laino
And I think that it’s important to say that it it’s not meant to put you in a box. So don’t put yourself in a box with it, which I think can happen with any personality test anything where it seems to be a definition of who you are, that you know, really go into that with, you know, taking ownership over it and being like this is meant and I think I was saying this to you before we started that I saw it just sort of like I got the reading. And it confirmed a lot of things that I knew. But it also gave me strategies and ways to think about the way that I operate, which helped me understand like I thought about it like I was like oh, it’s like a kind of got the owner’s manual to this vehicle that I’m traveling in that I just figured out how to get the most out of this amazing vehicle I’ve been given that I can get top performance out of it. And that’s what I love about it. And that’s what I hope people will take away from this episode is not to be like, Oh, I’m this thing. And that means I’m not special or it means I’m super special or it means like really taking this away that if you get a human design reading if you dig into your human design that is meant to help you understand how to navigate you.

Analena Fuchs
Yes, exactly. And I want to give you an example that my my teacher Karen Corey Parker uses a lot. She used the analogy of like a big puzzle, right where the whole world is a big puzzle. And imagine the puzzle would not exist or come together if we would all have the same puzzle piece because we know the puzzle. We’re all different and unique. And that’s exactly what human design highlights how unique I think she calls it. Your a once in a lifetime cosmic event. That’s I think how Karen says it if I if I paraphrase, sir. And that just gives you so much power, right? It helps you love and accept yourself so much more. And this is what we I think we’re all after loving ourselves to the deepest right? And human design can really help you with that. Now, what you’re also saying is like, there’s a lot of human design knowledge out there where people feel like more like a victim, right? Where they feel like, Oh, I’m this I’m not as good as others, or I wish I will be something else. Right. And I think that’s what we want to address a little bit today to help you all understand that you are perfect the way you are. It has a reason why you are what you are.

Nicole Laino
So let’s talk about that. Let’s first of all, explain to everybody what is human design?

Analena Fuchs
Yes, so human design is I mean, you can call it like a cutting edge personality assessment that also gives you a strategy, how to make best decisions in life. So that for me was like, Oh my God, you’re making decisions all the time. If I have a tool, a strategy that can help me with that, that’s a total game changer. And what’s so beautiful about human design is that it has other methodologies in it. For example, astrology, it has the Kabbalah, it has the chakra system, the Chinese I Ching. And that was like, Wow, all in one. Because you know, we sometimes we like to learn astrology, we like to learn this and that and other things. And this is like, all in one. And I have even done readings for astrologers, I have done lots of readings for people that you know very much in the spiritual world, or with them Mayan Incan readings, or something like that. And everybody, like, literally without exception as like, wow, you’re confirming everything that I already knew plus so much more. Somehow, it’s like, I mean, I feel blessed, I feel so blessed that this tool found me and I always say like, Human Design found me it’s not like I was looking for a chasing it in any way. So that I can now be a vessel to share this tool with the world. So more and more people can know about it and use it for themselves to have more success, more love. And whatever their heart desires are and then I’ve

Nicole Laino
Yeah, and so let’s tell everybody, like we said, this is not a typical personality test, where you’re filling out a bunch of questions, this is really very, very much based. It’s just your birthday, your time and the birth date and time and where you were born. So the place in the world? And is that because I think I’ve and how is that working? Then? Is it like supposed to be kind of the gateway that you came through at the moment that you were born? Like, how the stars were aligning? Correct?

Analena Fuchs
Yes, exactly. It has a lot to do. So when you look at your human design chart, and by the way, if if you pull this for the first time and my favorite side to put your China’s genetic matrix.com You can get it for free there. And like Nicole said, you need your the time you were born, the place the date. And if you don’t have the exact time, there’s still some ways how you can still do that. You can totally reach out to me about that. Because some people I know that not necessarily know the time that we have one that sometimes happens. But yeah, it’s based on the exact time that whatever we’re the the planets were in the big wide universe at that time when you were born, like in what gates that were basically. And then also because they’re on the left and the right, there’s a bunch of numbers, which people in the beginning that like I don’t know what this is. But it’s basically on the right side, which we call the conscious side. It’s at the time you were born the exact time and then on the on the left side, which we call the unconscious side is 88 days before you were born, which we call the design date. So based on these two, that’s it and it’s like fixed, right, there’s no like wiggle room, or it could be a different type. It’s based on the time that you came. And it doesn’t matter if you were born before your estimated due date or anything like that. Because often people ask you, whatever the time was that you choose to say hi to the world. That’s that’s the time when using

Nicole Laino
Okay, so let’s run through the basics of human design. So what are the factors so when someone pulls their chart, they’re gonna see they’re gonna see a very confusing chart. Everybody’s just like, What is this? And then they’re gonna get some titles that type and what else can you run through kind of the one on one basics of what they’re seeing when they pull their chart?

Analena Fuchs
Yes, like you already said, you’re gonna see this colorful picture. It’s looks like a person like a body which is going to have lots of lines, some are white, some are colored in and then it’s going to have nine centers summer again colored in some white and these are your energy centers. And one of the things that’s important to know, just as the big overview, we’re not going to go into details. But whatever is. So first of all, everybody has the entire chart that’s really, really important because we get this misconception that we think like, oh, I’m missing something, when something is wide, we may have the feeling of people think, Oh, I don’t have this, right, and others have it. But everybody has entire chart, it’s just whatever is colored in in your chart, that’s the energy that you have consistent access to is like us sending this energy out into the world, it will feel very familiar to you those energies, and whatever is wide in your chart, that’s the energy that you take on from other people, you can actually amplify it and gain wisdom from it by trying it out at different places in different occasions. But you don’t have consistent access to this kind of energy. Right? That’s, that’s the only difference really, and, and then, so when you pull your chart, the very important thing that’s going to be on there is your type. Right. And there are five different types. We have the the manifester, we have the projectors, we have the manifesting generators, we have the generators, and we have the reflectors. And then we have what we call a strategy that’s also going to be on there, which is strategy is basically how you make decisions in life, right? And especially when it comes to bigger things in life like, like next step in your career, when it comes to your love relationships. Where do you want to live? Like, not necessarily about like, well, what am I going to eat next, but more of the bigger things in life. And then there’s also going to be something which we call the authority. And the authority is basically the flavor of our strategy it gives it gives it like how we make decisions, that authority will impact that basically. So we have that. And then what we also have on there, which you will most likely see is your profile. Your profile consists of two numbers. Nicole, I think you have five one, right? I mean, for example. So it’s some combination from the numbers from one to six. So you can be one three, you can be 5335, and so on. And that will also give you a lot of insight about how you live life, who you are as a person. What’s typical for you, as a person will tell you also give you some hints about your life purpose, as well. And then finally, on most reports that you pull, it’s also something that we call the Incarnation Cross, which has a lot to do, like, I think they say around like 80%, if we can put it in numbers about what your life purpose is. And that life purpose is more about who you be, it’s not necessarily it’s not going to tell you like you should have this kind of job or something like that. Right.

Nicole Laino
Right. And right, so those are kind of that that’s, that’s what you will get, and you’ll be confused by all of it at first. And then so let’s just start with the basics because everybody I think if they know their type, there’s there’s a good amount that’s that’s tied to type. Your strategy is very closely tied to your type, I think, if you’re correct. And so can you run through the different types and, and kind of how they operate and then the, you know, what the mind of the person listening if they’re like, Oh, my goodness, I’m a projector and I didn’t know what that meant, or I’m a manifester, and, and, you know, what, what, what can they do with with knowing their type?

Analena Fuchs
Yeah, that’s beautiful. And that really is the most important it’s like the foundation of the house, the most important is to understand the strategy that comes with your time. So let’s start with the first time we call them the manifest errs. And by the way, that has nothing to do with manifesting, it doesn’t mean that only the manifest manifest, I just want it we get, we all manifest 24/7. So just want to put this out there. But the manifests are around nine to 10% of the population. I think the numbers they they fluctuate constantly, and find the manifester the strategy to make decisions is to inform what that basically means the manifester is literally the person when they have an creative impulse. They can just go do it, but they want to inform the people that are gonna be impacted by the action they’re gonna take. It will be it has nothing to do with asking permission. That’s basically just like, FYI, I’m gonna go on a vacation. And I’m like, hoping maybe your husband right, you would maybe say, Hey, honey, I’m gonna go on a retreat next week with my group, right? And it will work out so much better when you do the informing part because otherwise, most likely, it will not work out as well. Because the energy that we have can really throw people off, right? So it’s really like what we know from the Nike slogan just Do it right, when you have a creative impulse, you can just go do it. The only thing that I want to add to this is if you also have emotional authority, there is some waiting in that. So you don’t make this decision as spontaneously, you would also wait out the emotional wave. Now, this is something we go a little bit more into detail in a reading, of course. But I just wanted to add on to that. So this is kind of what we all think applies to all of us, right? We learn like, yeah, have courage, just go do things right. Now, but again, the manifesto is just like nine 10% of the population. And then we have the second type that we have is called the projector, and the projector is around, I think it’s not 20 to 22% of the population. So it’s a lot. And I think what I’ve noticed, or been reading about is that the population of the projector keeps growing, and very, very important type in the word like all of us. And for the projector, the strategy is to be recognized and to be invited. And I’m going to explain a little bit what this means. So this is, again, for the big things in life. Very importantly, right? That does not mean you need to be recognized and invited to eat a supper or something like that, right? This is about the big things about a new relationship about a new job, about education, for example. So what this means is that you will be recognized by people in your life. And then you will, in some way, receive an invitation, for example, Nikola, say you are a projector, just let’s assume, and I’m just gonna be like, Oh my god, I have been seeing on this podcast, this is amazing. I’m inviting you to publish this book, like everything is set up, you’re gonna get a scholarship, like, there will be an invitation, right? And you’re being recognized because you have been showing up you have been doing what you love, right? And, and when things work this way. And then of course, you will follow your authority which for projector can be many different ways it can be splenic, which is in the now you will know or it can be it can be emotional authority, where you also would first have to wait out the emotional wave if it really feels good to you to actually accept the invitation, right. And then once you’re in, you’re fully in and you go, you can almost act like a manifester just go do take action. And this way, usually things work out beautifully, right. And what I want to add here is that I do know from my personal experience with projectors, that, when I first know about this, I can be like, Wow, I have to wait to be recognized. Whatever, nobody’s gonna recognize me, I’m not gonna ever can do anything, right, so that they can feel like a victim around it. However, this is how it’s supposed to be and the project to have a very unique role in the world, they can really, they can see and redirect other people’s energies in a very beautiful way, they have a really big gift of seeing the big picture. And the more you you do what feels good to you, the more you practice great self care, which is such a huge topic in the coaching industry, right? Like, and the more you do that, the easier and quicker you will get recognized you will get invited into the right kind of things, right? And then magic happens literally when you really can trust contrast that this is the way for you. Right? So yeah, that’s why the projector

Nicole Laino
so can a projector Sorry, I’m going to ask you so can a projector start taking action? But with what would the strategy then be for them to take action? That is going to help create an invitation?

Analena Fuchs
Yes, I mean, that’s such a good point. It does not mean that you’re supposed to sit on the sofa and wait, right? That means that you’re gonna take action by doing what you love it what a lifetime say you have a hobby and share with the world what you’re up to, right. It doesn’t mean you have to hide in any way. It’s like, do what feels good to you. It’s just for the big things like like I said, like a relocation moving into a different house, a different city, getting into a new job, a new career path, getting into a new relationship, right? Most likely, if you’re gonna send out tons of applications, this type of action, probably going to lead you to a bunch of frustration and bitterness because it doesn’t work out as well. Or if you’re the one like initiating a relationship, for example, it probably is going to work out so much better. When you are being you you do what feels good. You do take action in your daily life, following your bliss, right and making sure you’re in a really nourishing environment for yourself. The faster you will be approached you will be right recognized and you will receive an invitation if that’s your date. Or if that’s for like, hey, we have this new project here, I would love to have you because I have been seeing you showing up and showing your expertise. And we would like for you to be part of our team. And this is usually how projectors enter. It’s like, how do they enter into the new situation, basically?

Nicole Laino
Right? Okay. Excellent. And the next one, where are we now?

Analena Fuchs
Yes, but now we’re less like, yeah, how many do we have left, so we have three more left. So the next one, we call them in the big scheme, we call them the generator types, but there are two different ones. So we have the manifesting generator, and we have the generator. So let’s talk about the generator first. What’s unique with a generator types is that we have the sacral center defined and what this means and all the other types don’t have a defined and we are about 70% of the population. And we have this consistent live workforce energy right where we can, we can work a job nine to five, we can keep going as long as we do something that really lights us up as a generator, right. So that’s, that’s really important. And for the other types, the manifester is the reflectors, which we talked in the end, and then also the projectors, there by nature need more rest. For them, like professions that are mostly like more flexibility that will work better for them. So and for the for the generator type, the strategy is way to respond. And what this basically means is, it’s also a little bit like for the projector, oh, I have to wait, I can just take action, right. And we usually have tons of ideas and inspirations and we want to do a lot of things. And what this means is like, when you have an idea, don’t especially for the bigger things again, right if you want to, like start a new podcast or enter into new Korea, or put on a master class, whatever this may be, before actually taking action. Um, wait for a sign from the universe. And this involves a lot of trust and surrender and continue with your life and kind of like, I like to say it this way. I’m like, okay, universe, if this is meant for me, show me right, and I’m just gonna continue on with my life and I do my stuff. And then it could be that the next day somebody calls you and they’re gonna be like, hey, Nicola and Alina, like, would you love to be on my podcast? And then it would be from your sake of it’s like this gut feeling where it would be like an aha, or like, Oh, yes. That depends on the Wi Fi for our generator type. It’s always usually this aha, sound. And sometimes we’re not really in tune with it. It takes a little bit of practice, but it’s basically this feeling when something feels expansive. And this comes from your gut, it never comes from the head. It’s really important, right? Because we humans are always like, Oh, should I do this? Does this make sense? Is this gonna make me some money? Is this worthwhile, right? And we override how it actually feels. So anytime when your gut response in this like, Aha, it’s like, it lights you up. It turns you on. It’s like a taxi. Right? So that’s a yes. And sometimes what your sacral response 102 may not make any sense. And maybe like, wow, I really respond to this. It feels so good. It feels expansive. But then we humans, we start to think our fears kick in. And we may talk ourselves out of it. But those are the things to go for. Right? Well, we respond where you’re being asked, or it could also be you see something on social media about that thing that you were thinking about? And you’re saying, oh, yeah, I want to do this, right.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, and that was because I’m a manifesting generator. And so which is the same strategy to respond? And one of the things that that stood out to me like what was a big confirmation for me, was, I’ve always felt like, when I trust my gut, and I go with my gut, it’s like always right. And for some reason, I don’t trust it. Like, I think that I have to think things through. And then when I think things through, I end up losing that Aha. Like then I’m like, confused my whole self. And I’ve overthought it and then I’m in this place of like, total indecision. And if I go with the heads thought, the if I go with what I came up with in my head, a lot of times I won’t work out and I ended up beating myself up over the fact like you knew what was going to be like, you should have just trusted your gut. Yep. And this was sort of confirmation of that like that, but it has intelligence. It’s not just the my imagination that I was feeling these things. It’s actually how I built. And there’s a reason that I’ve, like, had this pattern my whole life. Yeah. And, and creating the opportunities to respond, I think was a big thing that I took away from it too was to, to, to really inspire myself with things so that I could respond with content that I provide or getting ideas and things like that, like, how can I create responses? How can I create an opportunity to respond? And things like you said, like asking the universe for like, Okay, I would like to respond to something you give me? Can you give me something so that I can then respond so I can get out of this waiting game a little bit?

Analena Fuchs
Yeah, that’s exactly right. Because we feel like I have to wait. But the more we can surrender into this waiting by just doing something we love, continue on with life, follow your bliss, follow your joy. It becomes this like beautiful dance. It’s almost like you’re flirting with life, you’re flirting with the universe where? Because the reality is, if we keep constantly going and pushing, like when we’re very much in the masculine energy, the universe is like, hello, I’m having all these things gets a response on, you’re not seeing it. Yeah, right. So the more we can be in this waiting, and it doesn’t like, again, it doesn’t have to be the waiting of not doing anything, and just sitting on the couch. But getting out of the heads and continue on with life, do what feels good. And the faster things will come to you. And sometimes it’s like response response response, and not everything, as you may actually then notice the next day, that while Yesterday, you were super excited about it, you were about to do it. But because he responded, you actually notice the next day life gave you something to respond to that your Sega was like. And you’re like, well, thank you, because I would have invested a lot of time and money maybe into something right? And by waiting, we we signal to the universe and you’re trusting, right? We are we are having this level of yes, I’m supported. And then just things just work much more magical. When we follow that way. It’s wages.

Nicole Laino
And then there’s the authority on top of it, which sort of tells you how to operate in that. So I’m guessing like, I’m an emotional authority, which means more waiting. Yeah. And like, I have to kind of emotionally feel all this stuff. Yes. So I get my A ha ha,

Analena Fuchs
yeah, exactly. So for that, for the generators, for the manifesting generators, the, the way to respond is just the first. So the first part that we’re gonna talk about, it now applies for both the generator and the manifesting generator, you’re gonna either have sacral authority, which will just be the way to respond or like you, you have emotional authority, you have this way to respond, well, your sacral response, but you also have an emotional wave. And there are different types, some are very extreme, like high, high, low, low, some are more subtle. So that depends on the unique look of your chart that we will look at right? And for you, it’s really important that you’d never ever make a decision when you’re in this emotional wave. You want to make sure that throughout the wave, however long this takes you that will be very unique for everyone, right? That throughout the wave, it keeps being an AHA on. But if throughout the wave, you’re going to be like, Aha, and then I’m not sure it kind of goes back and forth, then it’s not a yes. Right. And, and very often, like people are really glad, because they’re like, oh, wow, this would have been a big commitment on my end, if I would have just jumped into it. And your strategy, you know, guided you from maybe in this case, not taking action, right. So it’s less even, like more patients more waiting involved in that to to call it like right out the wave like so far. So have fun right? away like, right, yeah, exactly. Yeah. And this is also for the generator that can have emotional authority as well. So they will have the way to respond and then incoherence with that emotional authority. And now for the manifesting generator, which we both are right. And this is part two, like because we’re very fast, we’re very multi passionate beings. So that’s a little bit different for the manifesting generator from the generator, we are literally like meant to be involved in many different things. And not necessarily just focus on one thing only. So that’s that’s very typical for the manifesting generator and we also very fast beings. And because of that also our strategy is first the way to respond. Again, when you have emotional authority that will be a little bit longer process. And then the next step is to envision to re envision this A project or idea that you responded to, and still see if you really, if it still feels like an aha for you, right? You can also like to do this sometimes ask for something else to respond to, especially if it’s something bigger, right. So the first way to respond is kind of like you’re dipping your feet into the water, and you’re kind of playing with the idea. And then you have this envisioning phase, we really feel into this big ideas if it still feels good. And then before taking action, we also have the informing, right, where you would inform the people that would be impacted by your decision, or the action you’re about to take, again, like, could be your business partner, your significant other your kids, because maybe you’re gonna say, Hey, by the way, I’m going to start writing a book. So every morning from six to seven, I’m going to be in my room, and I’m going to be writing, so it would impact them because you would not be available for them during that time. Right. And it’s, again, just the FYI piece, it has nothing to do with asking permission, because that’s often what we like. And I want to tell people because they’re gonna talk me out of it or whatever. And but once you have your yes, it’s like, just from confidence, like, fit people, I’m gonna go do this, and then we take action. And that also, I don’t know if you’ve experienced this, but usually things just work out much better when we don’t miss the informing part.

Nicole Laino
I have and because there were times where I absolutely fell into like, I’m going to do this, but I don’t want anyone getting in my way. So I’m not going to tell anybody. And I’m going to do it quietly. And I’m going to like squirrel away, and I’m going to do it. No one’s gonna know. And she’s gonna be great. When it’s all done. I’m going to tell them, and then they can celebrate with me. But but when I and didn’t usually work out that way, it never worked out the way I had envisioned it. And instead, like what you just described, I did with a program I signed up for was a really big investment. And I sat back it was like 20 grand. And I said about it, I had a full Yes. I emotionally felt it for a few days. I thought about it again, I envisioned it without knowing this process. This is what I went through. I definitely was like, what would this look like? What is this? Do I see it Can I feel it? could envision it was like okay, got the Yes. Again, headed the emotional wave had passed. I was I was sitting in the Yes. And I was like, I can’t do this alone. I can’t do this without informing my husband, and not getting his permission. But getting him on board. There was like a just and when I did that the amount of power that came back to me after the informing part. Because it wasn’t that I went in there. And I was like, This is what I am doing. It wasn’t I want to know how you feel about me doing this. It was I’m going to do this, this is what I need. And with that, it was like, it was just this rush of power. He said, Okay, I guess this is what we’re doing. Alright, alright, don’t eff it up. And, but I walked away from that with that it was exactly this. And it worked out great. Like that 20 grand got turned into 100 plus, like, it was the best investment but it was it was absolutely that process. And I without having it until it Did you Did my reading. I didn’t break it down into that. But that was exactly what happened.

Analena Fuchs
That’s, that’s I love always these real life examples, right? Because it always confirms that, wow, there’s really something to it. And that’s what I see with human design over and over again. Honestly, every single reading I’ve had, um, literally every time I’m just blown away, how accurate it isn’t this thing. That’s why I was like the whole world needs to know about this, right? And so with the informing, of course, like, I don’t want to say now Oh, if you have generated time never ever inform Right? Like informing is also part of a communication skill. I feel like that can always benefit right because especially in a partnership, spending a lot of investing a lot of money right. I think the other person will always appreciate it when we let them know about it or they can feel kind of like oh why is somebody hiding something from me or things like that. But for us manifesting generators and the manifester types, it just can throw off things so much more when we miss that piece, right? And I even like for with kids, right, if you have a manifesting generator, child or manifester, you always want to because it goes both ways. They like we like to be informed ourselves, right? So we also like we like we also really don’t like when we don’t get informed right, by others. So it’s that’s what I love so much about human design when it comes to entrepreneurship and parenting and relationships with all of those things that we also know and how can we have better outcomes when we come together? As humans, right and, and no, I was trying to Geez and know that for a manifesting generator informing is just so important they need to do it and they also like to receive it themselves. I even do it with my daughter when I go out take the trash, I just let her know, Hey, I am going to take out the trash if I don’t use it. Right? Yeah, we have both management. So second warming is part of the daily agenda all the time.

Nicole Laino
Okay, and then that brings us to was that everything for the management was that everything that we needed to know for that they have access to the throat chakra, right, the throat center

Analena Fuchs
is that yeah, they have always a motor, therefore, of the centers or motors. They have one directly connected to the throat plus the sacral as defined. That’s how in the chart you can see. And of course, if human design is new for you, you will be what’s a motor. And so that’s something we will go more into more detail, of course in a reading. All right. Yeah. So the, of course, there’s more to it. I think one thing that I would like to add, which I find is a game changer when people know this when they’re a generator or manifesting generator, is that we have a step by step learning curve. But that basically means is that we have phases where we’re like, you know, things are going great. And we feel like we’re making progress. And we’re like, we’re like moving, right? Things are going well and progressing. And then all of a sudden, we end this leg, but it’s like, the mud water or with your stack. It’s like, we feel stuck in a way, right? And we often feel like, what’s wrong, right? Well, it’s not supposed to be like this, you know, something is off. But it’s supposed to be like this, because it’s basically life giving us time to rest and be, even though it may feel uncomfortable, but the more we can surrender into it, it’s literally like we’re getting ready for the next AP level. Right? Okay. And that’s just important, because just like with anything in life, if we keep going and pushing and pushing, we all need rest. We all need like the balance between the masculine and feminine energy in a way, right. And for the manifesting generators, the only difference is that we actually skipped some time steps on this step and learning curves because we’re here to find shortcuts. We’re here to bend time. That’s really and that’s also why in the new quantum human design that I have been mostly studying with Corey Parker, the manifesting generators called the time Bender, which I love and the generators I called the alchemist, which is awesome. So much more beautiful and resonating with people. Yes, yeah,

Nicole Laino
they’re definitely more empowering names for the types on the quantum side. Yeah, and I that resonates with me as far as like the many gents like the waiting. While you’re up leveling, were to trust that feeling. Because sometimes when I’m doing not nothing, but like when I feel like I’m getting a man to slow down. But like, there’s so much tonight, but I have deadline moments to read these milestones to reach on my gut that I am up leveling, like, I feel the changes internally and everything happening that I like to trust that and to not push through it because that usually leads to not good things. Yeah. So that brings us to reflectors.

Analena Fuchs
Yes. Oh my gosh, that I mean, I don’t even I know a few like through some other people, I may know some imminent, but I haven’t won that shot. So the reflect is about 1% of the population. So the most rare type so to say, and what’s unique with a reflector, you’re going to have all the nine centers are going to be white in your chart, right? And with a reflector the strategy to make decisions is to wait a lunar cycle. And again, this is for the big things right? And if you are a reflector for yourself, you may be that person that needs a month to make a big decision right? And this is normal for you. This is how it’s supposed to be you need that time to really feel into that and it’s such a game changer as especially let’s imagine one of your children as a reflector, right when you are your partner the reflector, because you get could get so upset, like, why is that person taking so much time to make a decision? Especially let’s say you’re a manifester. Right. And, like you’re just creative impulse you take take action right. After informing and for reflectors, and reflectors already, they’re reflecting the health back to the community they have such an important role into the in the world. Right. And that is, that is how it is for them. And I mean, again, if you reflect I would actually love to have a call was Asian with with you at some point because it’s just, you know, super interesting to learn how that is how that feels. And, and you will know in your being that this is right for you right even though the whole world is probably telling you like, the most spontaneous take quicker decisions, right. And that’s why I love Human Design again, once more so much because it confirms what you have known all your life, and it helps you just to, oh, gosh, it’s okay to trust me, I have known this. And finally, I don’t have to listen to what people are saying anymore. I just know. That’s how it’s supposed to

Nicole Laino
be. And I think that’s the big takeaway. That’s what we really want people to know with this episode. And with kind of just dipping our toe into the waters of human design, which is that this should be this should help you. Most people that I know that have had a human design reading or that read their chart, and they’re just like, oh my god, that makes so much sense now. And giving you permission not to put yourself in a box, but giving you permission to do what has felt right all along. Permission to turn tune out the noise and all the shoulds that are out there, the gurus, the things you’ve seen on Instagram, the other strategies that you’ve seen a testimonial for has been like, super duper enticing because you’re like this person, I don’t know, people are making like $500,000 In five days with this person is this right for me. But on some level that didn’t feel right to you, or it didn’t feel aligned with how you wanted to do it, to really seeking out what feels aligned for you what you feel connected to, and trusting that more than what’s worked for other people, because we’re all built differently.

Analena Fuchs
That’s exactly. I can sign on it. That’s exactly. And especially like we are coaches, right working with other entrepreneurs and things like that. And that has, and I went through this myself, and I’m sure you did, too, right? Then so many courses, they’re always like, Oh, it’s a three step, the three step strategy or five steps and work and they will work for you. And there may be a few people that also have success from that. You know, like statistically that all it’s always somehow the case. For most people, it doesn’t work, because it’s not what feels aligned with their energetic blueprint that they have in the human design, right? And this is why you know, with human design, when you go really deep into it, you really learn what’s your way. And that’s the only way, right. So that’s why I also feel like there’s a big shift in the coaching industry where we’re going to be more about like, No, it’s not one specific strategy, because what works for me may not work for you, even if we are both manifesting generators, we still have lots of differences. Because, like we said, right, there are also other components in your human design chart. And when you tap into that you have like, You got access to your superpowers you you’re gonna also understand why the way you are, no matter what your type is, it’s just perfect. That’s how it’s supposed to be. And I always say like, imagine we would all be the same. That will be so boring, boring. And we’re unique, we’re supposed to be different supposed to be weird. And because I actually I think we’re just means with different in a way, right? Because we have created something is supposed to be normal and average. And that’s just, we need to have the variety. We like one person loves to do one thing and one person the complete opposite and that the happiest people on Earth.

Nicole Laino
Yeah, it’s finding your vibe, and writing with what. And that’s, I think that’s sort of the secret to life. And I think coaches are kind of looking for the secret to life. And we want to just teach other people what we learn and help other people heal while we’re on our own journey. I think that that’s like, largely why we’re a lot of us are drawn to this community into this work. But But finding your vibe and like having that. What I what I love about human design is it gives you kind of the confirmation a little bit to say, No, this is just how I am, which is how I meant to be. And when I embrace who I am and how I meant to be good things happen, rather than me trying to be like somebody else or do it their way.

Analena Fuchs
Yeah, it’s literally like, yeah, totally. And it’s like I always say like, when you do that when you follow what just feels right and aligned for you. That’s when your life purpose finds you because life purpose for me has nothing to do about figuring it out and finding it. It’s like you trusting yourself you’re doing what feels right. And this will once you know your human design. Like you said, you have known this oil this time and it’s just not as confirmation that it’s okay as it’s like Get the ticket to be you. Yeah, go ahead. You can be you. You have known this all this time. It’s finally okay. It’s okay to trust yourself. And it’s for me, it was such a big relief. I mean, incredible. Life. Yeah, it’s

Nicole Laino
getting getting you back to what you’ve always known.

Analena Fuchs
Yeah. Remember who you are? Mm hmm.

Nicole Laino
For sure. Well, I think that is a beautiful place to wrap this up. And Elena, thank you so much for being here and for sharing Human Design and just your take on it. And you know, you explained everything beautifully, all the different types. And we dove into so much and in such a short period of time, thank you for for sharing with us and for being here. Can you tell everybody where they can stay in touch with you and how they can get more information from you?

Analena Fuchs
Yes, absolutely. Thank you for having me. It was a delight. It was a pleasure that you may have noticed, I can talk about it all day. So you can get in contact with me. On my website, it’s my first and my last name. And Alena fox.com. It’s a n a, l, e and AFUCH s.com. And that name is also my on my on Facebook and Instagram. I also recently started being more on clubhouse. So I’m doing more regular clubhouse rooms now also about human design, actually, one where we do English and Spanish, I’m still actually learning Spanish myself. So. So it’s a huge win win if you want to learn about human design and learn either English or Spanish. Yeah, and I mean, reach out to me, I also have a YouTube channel. It’s called Angelina’s Wonderland, you can check that out as well, where I interview people and usually ask somewhere along the line talk about human design, there may be more to come down the line. And yeah, happy to connect them with you.

Nicole Laino
Thank you. And we will link all of that up in the show notes. So it’s nice and easy for you to find. Well, thank you to the listener who is still with us here at the end of the episode. We appreciate you hanging out with us all the way to the end and learning about human design and hearing this conversation between aniline and myself was wonderful having you as part of this with us. And remember, you are limited only by the limitations that you accept. And when you stop accepting those limitations. That is when you become limitless. We’ll see you on the next episode.

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