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5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator, Peak-performance Coach, Human Design expert, and Gene Keys Guide

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Human Design

The New Business Paradigm

Episode 307

Have you ever wondered why the old hustle-and-grind approach to business no longer feels right, especially for spiritual entrepreneurs and healers? In this episode, Nicole unpacks the “new business paradigm” and explains how cosmic shifts are ushering in a new era that prioritizes alignment, flow, and intuition over rigid strategy and endless effort. She connects these energetic changes to real-world shifts, giving you practical insights on how to navigate this transformation in your business.

If you’ve been struggling to sell your valuable, life-changing work or find that your message isn’t resonating with potential clients, Nicole offers actionable advice on how to communicate your unique gifts and impact in a way that people understand. She shows you how to blend strategic messaging with the deeper, soul-driven work that truly sets you apart in this evolving business landscape.

Whether you’re a healer, coach, or creative, this episode will help you embrace the energetic changes ahead and step confidently into your role in the new paradigm. Tune in to discover how to position yourself for success as consciousness shifts and the world opens up to the power of your work.


Register for the upcoming free 5-day masterclass, The Authority Accelerator in HD: Create Your Million Dollar Message in 5 Days Using Human Design at https://www.nicolelaino.com/masterclass

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Listen to Episode 216 to know the cross of the sleeping phoenix

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Hello, and welcome to Unshakeable with Human Design, everybody. I’m your host, Nicole Laino, and we’re going to talk about what I’m calling the new business paradigm. And really what this is and what I want to cover in this episode is these sort of cosmic shifts that we’re feeling and then they’re also the cosmic shifts are things that we see in our day to day life.

So this will be a bit woo for sure. So sit down, get comfy. We’re gonna go into like the cosmic woo land. Like I always try to do, I try to ground it in aspects that are very much real life to you where you can understand. What I’m talking about, about why it matters and how you’re seeing it out in the world without just being esoteric and talking about the stars and these metaphoric things.

How do we bring them down into real life so we can see them as they’re happening? So we can be more aware of them and we can understand them better because once we understand things better, we usually are able to make better choices and trust in the right things. So before I get started, I do want to call out that we are in the middle of my Authority Accelerator Masterclass.

This is my free 5 day masterclass where I take you through my entire soul strategy method on how to build a business according to your human design. I take you through the cosmic elements of getting into alignment, using your energy to be more magnetic, Crafting a genius brand where I take you through my authority matrix, which is my little cocktail of human design elements that I find help people really step into being an authority according to their design, according to their uniqueness, and then also building a strategic message and the strategic parts of their business so you actually make money.

Because I haven’t found a way yet to make money purely on energy. There does have to be some strategy. And that’s usually where a lot of people are falling down. So we take you through the entire thing. It’s a free masterclass. The feedback for this masterclass is tremendous. People have told me time and time again that this is more valuable than programs they paid for.

So I highly recommend if you are in a spiritual entrepreneur looking to figure out how to monetize your purpose Then please come to this. All you have to do to register is go to my Instagram and DM me masterclass. I’m @NicoleLainoOfficial, or you can go to nicolelaino.com/masterclass, and you can register right there on the website.

Register for the upcoming free 5-day masterclass, The Authority Accelerator in HD: Create Your Million Dollar Message in 5 Days Using Human Design at nicolelaino.com/masterclass

Okay. Without further ado, let’s talk about this new paradigm of business. So this episode is particularly dedicated to the lightworkers. The healers, the spiritual entrepreneurs, as I call them, transformational coaches. All the people who, are in this, what, you know, I refer to affectionately as the squishier realms where we are somewhat dealing in intangibles, but it’s really, really important work.

You’re changing people’s lives, but maybe you’re not making sales and you are not financially as successful as some of the people who are selling the 10 minute reels strategy or whatever, the million dollar formula for making money on Instagram. Those people, they have an easier sell, don’t they?

But what I want to start this episode off with is just letting you know that if you fall into the other category, the squishy category, much like I do, the light worker category. While I don’t consider myself a healer, the most common thing that I hear from the people who work with me is that I’ve changed their lives, and that they see themselves differently, and they feel more empowered to do everything that they are doing and everything that they’ve dreamed, and they feel connected to their purpose.

So I guess I am. It’s just not necessarily something that I identify with, because I see myself as so practical. And I just feel like, Oh, that’s for the angel people, like those people that just have that ethereal presence. But if you fall into that category, myself included into the spiritual entrepreneur world, the seekers, the seeker entrepreneurs. 

This is for you and this world needs what you do more than people need a new real strategy. And I understand how frustrating it can be when you know, you sell something so valuable and you offer something that is so life changing, but you can’t really sell it. You can’t convey that value to people to the point where they say, okay, I know that I need it.

And I want to talk about the cosmic shift that we are in because what you probably are seeing. Is you are seeing that more people are interested in what you’re doing, that they are more accepting of it. And I want to point out some of the things that I notice, this is mainly the people that I work with.

Lots of people find me, and if I’m for you, I’m for you. But many people find me that are in that spiritual entrepreneur category. I work with entrepreneurs, I work with coaches, I work with service providers. Usually people who are building their own businesses, but sometimes it’s not.

Copywriters, photographers, lots of people, just creatives who are just looking to, like I said, monetize their purpose or just feel more connected to it. So, I see this all the time. These are the people that I’m surrounded with all the time and they’ve invited me into their lives to help them work and create a business that is sustainable for them.

And I’m honored to do that work. And some of the things that I see that I’m going to point out in here are some of the things that I see them struggle with the most. Some of it is stuff that I have struggled with or continue to have work to do with. Okay. So one of the things that I notice is that in this new business paradigm that we’re kind of shifting into, first of all, what does that mean?

Like I said, you might be noticing that people are paying attention to your light work. To your creative work. They might be approaching you differently and more open to it. But while that’s happening, part of the reason is that consciousness is changing. Consciousness is shifting. Like I said, this is going to be a woo episode.

Consciousness is shifting and the evidence of that is already being played out on the world stage. We are already seeing the shifts. Now, I don’t know if you’ve listened to it already, but episode 216, I actually did get the number before I started recording this. Episode 216 of this show, I did an entire episode on the cross of the sleeping phoenix.

Listen to Episode 216 to know the cross of the sleeping phoenix

Which is the shift that we are going through in 2027 from a human design perspective, but there are astrological aspects to it too. If you ask an astrologer about what’s happening over the next two years or so, they’ll tell you, oh yeah, there are big, big shifts happening. It’s a huge cosmic shift that we are going through where consciousness is being elevated in some ways that people think of it.

From a human design perspective, the cross of the sleeping phoenix takes us from the cross of planning, which is very much strategic, which is very much about family, which is very much about the needs of many over the needs of me, that we put ourselves aside for the good of everybody. It’s about building infrastructure and building, systems, governments, all of that stuff.

And if you think about it, that there’s like this background frequency that the stars are helping us is one way, like a really crude, simple way to say it, that if you think about the celestial weather, the stars, the activations where the planets are sitting at that moment, causing certain things to happen.

They’re causing shifts within us, and then the shifts within us cause us to do, think, feel different things. So if you think about it that way, like there’s this background frequency that’s happening all the time, and it is assisting with something. And the cross of the planning was assisting with these feelings of family matters and values matter and we have to build these things for the good of everybody and we’ve got to take care of everybody from like a structural standpoint, right?

Very capitalist cross of planning, it’s like let’s plan it so that it doesn’t fall apart, right? Cross of the sleeping phoenix is very different. And what we’re shifting into is this elevated consciousness. There’s another shift in the 55th gate, which is arguably the most spiritual gate in the human design chart, that is calling us to this new level.

One way to look at it is gate 55, it’s known as the gate of abundance. And one way to think about it is, is that this shift in spiritual abundance, in emotional abundance. That we are being called to a new level of it. So as we’re going through this shift, if you are somebody who deals in helping people with this, they may not know that that’s actually what they need.

Those people that you’re trying to reach that still think they need the Reels formula. They know deep down that they need something else. But they’re still living in the cross of planning world. They’re still living in the old structure. Another way to look at this is masculine and feminine. Bear with me.

This isn’t just another analogy to kind of give you this different way of seeing what’s happening. Knowing where you fit in and how you can make this work for you and what is needed in my estimation. What’s needed for these spiritual entrepreneurs, the transformational coaches, the healers, the light workers, all of those people to actually be successful.

And to start making sales regularly on repeat to get people to understand the value that you deliver. Okay. The masculine-feminine example that I’m giving here is that we have been living in a very masculine paradigm. We’ve been living in a very run hard, go fast, stop at nothing, run through every wall that you hit, forget all of your feelings and just make it happen.

Plan it. Execute the plan. Go, go, go, go. Okay? That’s where we’ve been. And we’re still kinda there. Again, we don’t make these shifts where it’s like we’re all one thing a hundred percent and then one day when the shift happens cosmically, we all get amnesia and never remember that that existed. But what we are feeling is this gradual shift from one thing over to the other.

Where maybe in the back of everybody’s mind, in their energy, in their consciousness, the group consciousness, that we don’t even know is really happening, is saying, it isn’t this anymore. That’s not gonna get you what you want anymore. Cause you’re probably experiencing that, you’ve probably run hard, you’ve probably tried hard, you’ve probably worked hard, and you’ve muscled your way, to whatever success you’ve had and then you wanted to get further and you couldn’t muscle your way there anymore.

You couldn’t get past it with pure hustle. You had to find something else. And this is where the flow comes in. This is where that feminine energy comes in. So how do we start to get people to know, so somebody who is a potential client who we know we could help. Who we know needs something other than the masculine stuff that they think they need.

And I want you also, you’re the healer, you’re the spiritual entrepreneur. I want you to think right now about where you do this. Where do you not trust that your human design can get you there? Where do you not trust that deeper work that you’re doing.

Where thy are you not trusting that it is needed? Where are you not putting it out there? Like it’s just as valuable as the big stuff, as the strategic stuff. Hmm. Something to notice. So the other aspect. As we’re shifting this, you’re looking at how do I convey the value of my stuff. You’ve got it.

You still got to play a little bit of that masculine game You still need some strategy. We are never going to be all feminine energy or if we are I don’t see that coming anytime. Just in this lifetime for me anyway. Maybe we are and then we can all sit back and we can float around and we can just get in tune with what we want and it’ll come to us maybe. We aren’t there yet, and we gotta eat today.

So how do we do that? How do we start to be successful in this new paradigm, right now? While we’re still one foot in the old and one foot in the new. The first thing that you need to do is, one, you need to recognize that that is where we are going. That what you do is part of the future, and start acting like it.

Really ground yourself in how valuable this is for you and for everybody. And that you are doing God’s work. That you are doing something that is going to help the transition, which could be very difficult for a lot of people. The people who are very, very tied to the masculine world, to the way things always were. They are going to hold on for dear life.

And it will probably be a very rocky transition for them. They’re either going to dig their heels in and refuse to go and have a lot of pain through that transition because the rest of the world is going to change around them and they’re going to feel left behind. But you have the ability to take the other people who are like what’s happening and maybe they’re just a little disoriented from it or they know they need help.

That there’s something deeper that they can’t do this. You know, people get low grade cracking going on. Where they’re just like, I don’t know what I need. I see this with friends, I see this with mom group and my real life friends who find out what I do. And they look at me like I’m pretty crazy at the start, which I’m fine with.

They look at me like I’m pretty crazy when I start out. And then over time they just start asking me about it because they are curious. And they’re curious for their kids and they’re curious because they realize that when it comes out usually they start telling me about how uncomfortable they are how they’re dealing with low grade trauma. How they have things that they’ve been carrying for so long and they see somebody like me, who openly talks about working with your trauma and working with your shadows and seeing your shadows as gifts and suddenly I’m a light and that’s what you are too. But the one thing that I don’t see enough spiritual entrepreneurs doing is speaking about what they do in a way that people can understand.

It doesn’t mean you’re trying to get those people who are like, no way, you know, from my cold dead hands, you’re not going to pull this masculine world from me. We’re not looking to shift those people. They have to come to us. But the big thing for the spiritual workers to do. For these spiritual entrepreneurs to do, these heart centered entrepreneurs, these people who, where you want to be seen for your gifts. What you have to do is you’ve got to learn to speak in language that people can understand.

It does not mean that you are changing what you do. You just have to speak about it in a way that people understand what value you offer them. What value do you offer them? And that comes from being really honest about what you do, being honest about the experiences that you’ve had yourself. But then also you have to look at the results that you get for people.

You have to have a strategic message as I speak about it. The strategic message does not necessarily have to be overly structured all the time. But the process that I take people through in my business by design and mentorship. When you come into the mentorship, I take you through just looking at what you do differently.

Looking at it through a strategic lens so that you’re able to speak about it when somebody asks you about what you do. You can tell them what you do and then you can also- without giving them a sales pitch- very naturally let them know how it could help them. And that’s when you have what I refer to as pitchless selling.

Where you’re just telling people what you do, but you’re doing it in a way that is letting them know that if they have the problem that you solve, they can come to you for it. That’s the magic. And I don’t see a lot of people doing this. I don’t see a lot of people leading with their gifts, but also shifting into something where they understand- I solved this problem.

This is how I help. Because people still buy solutions to problems. People still buy something that will make their life better or ease their pain in some way. That doesn’t change, you aren’t asking people to just try it out. You’re asking people to pay you. We want you to be paid.

You deserve to be paid. Spiritual work is necessary. You deserve to be paid because without you, I don’t think this world can handle the transition that it’s going through. It needs people like us. Teaching systems like this, having services like Reiki healing and psychic readings and trauma relief and somatic coaching and yoga. All of these tools that so many of you are masters at.

You just have to get great at telling people why this helps. You have to be here to provide that service, or I think people will not be able to handle this transition. We are the place that they go. So I want you to be seen, I want you to be heard, and I want you to be paid, because you deserve to be paid, because what you are doing is the New World’s greatest service.

And if you want to know how I break that down, I do take you through that in the Authority Accelerator Masterclass. If you want to see a little test drive of how I break down an argument and how I get you to look at your business and look at what you do, no matter how woo it is, and look at it from a way that entices people to buy and you start understanding what you do.

Through the context of how it’s a service to others. So people pay you. I encourage you to come to the Authority Accelerator Masterclass. Five days free with me. There are replays available. So we are already started, but you can catch up. The replays are up until next week. So you have plenty of time.

All you have to do to register and then you’ll get the links for all of the replays. All you have to do to register is go to nicolelaino.com/masterclass, or go to Instagram and DM me the word masterclass and we will register you right there in the DMs. Alright?

Register for the upcoming free 5-day masterclass, The Authority Accelerator in HD: Create Your Million Dollar Message in 5 Days Using Human Design at nicolelaino.com/masterclass

Thank you so much. I appreciate you. I appreciate your work. If you are part of this shift into the new paradigm, you’re going to be one of those people helping us, you are needed and I appreciate you and I appreciate you for listening to the show, regardless of who you are or what you do. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Remember in order to have an unshakable business, you must first become an unshakable human. So thanks for letting us help you become unshakable with human design, everybody.

We’ll see you next time. 

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