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Living the Digital Nomad Life with Julia Jerg
Building Relationships Through Email Marketing with Aweber's Jena Bagley
The 100 Problems A Day Theory with Jessica Jones
The 100 Problems A Day Theory with Jessica Jones
Your Vagus Nerve as A Bridge Between Your Story and Your Body with Melanie Weller
The Secret to Making Big Money on Social (Even with a Small Audience)
How Your Relationships Impact Your Business with Dr. Joli Hamilton
How "Know, Like & Trust" Is Killing Your Business
How "Know, Like & Trust" Is Killing Your Business
The Secret to Getting PR Without an Agency or a Huge Following with Gloria Chou
Create Instagram Content that Connects & Converts with Melissa Berrios
Create Instagram Content that Connects & Converts with Melissa Berrios

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What if life came with a user manual?

Something that could tell you what your purpose on this earth was, how to lean into your gifts, stop leaking energy into the "shoulds" and expectations of others, and live a fuller, happier life?

This is what human design can teach you. 

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